
Professor Dr. Tim Dietrich
University of Potsdam
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.082
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Albert Einstein Institute
Room 1.33
phone: +49 331 567 7263

Cornelia Heinrich
Assistant to the Professorship
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 1.002

Dr. Henrique Leonhard Gieg
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.080

Dr. Guilherme Grams
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.033

Dr. Anna Puecher
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.083

Dr. Natalie Williams
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.032

Adrian Abac
PhD student
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Albert Einstein Institute
Am Mühlenberg 1
Room 0.17

Anna Neuweiler
PhD student
Winner of the 2022 Golden Spike Award and PGzB study award winner for the best Master degree in physics of the class of 2022/2023.
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.081

Henrik Rose
PhD student
Award winner: Graduate Award 2023 of the University of Potsdam AND Jacob Jacobi Prize for the best Master's degree of the academic year 2022/2023 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.081

Rohan Srikanth
PhD student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.033

Edoardo Giangrandi
visiting PhD student
here 11.05.23-10.05.24; back 02.02.25- .05.25
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.031

Samriddho Ghosh
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.033
Matthew Beaudoin
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.080
Ramon Jaeger
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.080

Ranjith Mudimadugula
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.080

Karol Pawel Peters
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.083

Ritwik Sharma
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.033

Oliver Steppohn
Master student
Campus Golm
Building 28
Room 0.033

Professor Dr. Maximiliano Ujevic
long term visitor
07.06.-31.08.2023 + 09.05.-09.07.2024 + back 10.2025

Lilly Zeberer
Bachelor student