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Results of past elections and ballot votes can be viewed in our archive.

Result of the Election of the Student Parliament 2024

We hereby announce officially:

Result of the Election of the Student Parliament 2024

Translation of the Final Election Report of the Student Parliament Election 2024

The documents used to determine the results can be found here:

View raw ballot vote data for StuPa election (Google sheets)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported the election. A big thank you also goes to the staff of the central election office, who conducted the ballot vote for the StWA and took care of the operation of the polling stations. We would also like to thank the print service, the post office, the transport service, the room booking service and the Department 2 of the University of Potsdam for their excellent support. Furthermore, we thank everyone who helped us counting the ballots. 

According to § 21 (1) of the general election regulations of the student body of the University of Potsdam(German only), an appeal against the validity of the election can be filed until July 9, 2024, at 3 PM.

Best regards,
The Student Election Committee 2024