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Sona Team & Contact


The Sona administrator team has the following members:

  • Dr. Felix Dobrowohl (Linguistics, Golm, building 14, room 1.31-32)
  • Katharina Kühne (Psychology, Golm, building 14, room 6.24)
  • Johanna Thieke (Linguistics, Golm, building 14, room 1.15-18)
  • Tom Fritzsche (Linguistics, Golm, building 14, room 1.40)


Please refer to all study-related questions to the researchers of the study. This includes inquiries regarding credit granting or payment issues. You find the contact person in the study descriptions in Sona.

Link to the Sona system:

For all questions that relate to your Sona account or Sona in general the Sona team is available via email under sona-kogwisuni-potsdamde.