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[] J. Müller, R. Scharner, O. Henneberg; LabVIEW im Informatik- und Physikunterricht - Fächerverbindender Unterricht mit dem Tablet; PdN Physik in der Schule, 5/63 (2014) 36-39.
[16] O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, T. Panzner, T. Geue, K. Finkelstein; Simultaneous X-ray and Visible Light Diffraction for the Investigation of Surface Relief and Density Grating Formation in Azobenzene Containing Polymer Films, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 446 (2006) 111-121; doi: 10.1080/15421400500383345

[15] O. Henneberg, K. Morawetz, B. Schulz, M. Saphiannikova, M. Roth, U. Pietsch; 2D and 3D buried gratings made from azobenzene-polymer multilayer films, Proceedings of SPIE, 6343 (2006) 34337; doi: 10.1117/12.707958
[14] M. Saphiannikova, T. Geue, O. Henneberg, K.Morawetz, U.Pietsch; Linear viscoelastic analysis of formation and relaxation of azobenzene polymer gratings, Journal of Chemical Physics, 120/8 (2004) 4039-4045; doi: 10.1063/1.1642606
[13] O. Henneberg, M. Saphiannikova, T. M. Geue, U. Pietsch, B. Winter; Investigation of Azobenzene Side Group Orientation in Polymer Surface Relief Gratings by Means of Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 84/9 (2004) 1561-1563; doi: 10.1063/1.1651654
[12] O. Henneberg, T. Panzner, U. Pietsch, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; X-ray and Vis light scattering from light-induced polymer gratings, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 219/4 (2004) 218-223; ISSN 0044-2968; doi: 10.1524/zkri.
[11] P. Karageorgiev, B. Stiller, L. Brehmer, A. Nathanson; Nanomanipulations in the optical near field, Micronano Integration, (2004) 241-243; ISBN: 3-540-20252-8
[10b] O. Henneberg, P. Rochon, T. Panzner, K. Finkelstein, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch; In-situ Investigation of Surface Relief Grating Formation in Photosensitive Polymers, Chess News Magazine, (2004) 39-41
[10] M. Saphiannikova, O. Henneberg, T. Geue, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon; Nonlinear effects during inscription of azobenzene surface relief gratings, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108/39 (2004) 15084-15089
[9b] O. Henneberg; In-situ Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von Oberflächengittern in Polymeren, Potsdam, 2004; urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001331;
[9] B. Stiller, P. Karageorgiev, A. Buchsteiner, T. Geue, O. Henneberg, L. Brehmer, A. Natansohn, O. Hollricher; Using Light as a Tool: Optically Induced Mass Transport Generated in Near-Fields, Proceedings of SPIE, 5122 (2003) 173-178
[8] T. Geue, M. G. Saphiannikova, O. Henneberg, U.Pietsch; X-ray investigations of formation efficiency of buried azobenzene polymer density gratings; Journal of Applied Physics, 93/6 (2003) 3161-3166; doi: 10.1063/1.1554753
[7] O. Henneberg, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch; Xray and VIS light scattering from light-induced polymer gratings, Journal of Physics D, 36/10A (2003) A241-A244; doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/36/10A/350
[6] T. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. D. Finkelstein; Formation of a buried density grating on thermal erasure of azobenzene polymer surface gratings; Colloids and Surfaces A, 198-200 (2002) 31-36; ISSN 0927-7757;
[5] O. Henneberg, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. D. Finkelstein; Investigation of material flow on inscribing a polymer surface grating probing X-ray and VIS light scattering, Colloids and Surfaces A, 198-200 (2002) 107-111; ISSN 0927-7757
[4] T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, A. Natansohn; Formation mechanism and dynamics in polymer surface gratings, Physical Review E, 65 (2002) 052801
[3] T. Geue, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch; X-ray reflectivity from sinusoidal surface relief gratings, Crystal Research and Technology 37/7 (2002) 770-776; ISSN 0023-4753; doi:10.1002/1521-4079(200207)
[2] O. Henneberg, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, A. Natansohn; Formation and dynamics of polymer surface relief gratings, Applied Surface Science 182 (2001) 272-279; ISSN 0378-5963
[1] O. Henneberg, L. F. Chi, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, A. Natansohn; Atomic force microscopy inspection of the early state of formation of polymer surface relief grating; Applied Physics Letters, 79 (2001) 2357-2359; doi:10.1063/1.1409584
[0] O. Xander (geb. Henneberg), Experimentelle Untersuchung der 9Be(p,alpha0)6Li-Reaktion im Energiebereich von 40-180 keV und ihre astrophysikalische Bedeutung, Diplomarbeit, TU-Berlin, 1994


[14a] O. Henneberg; Waveguides created with gratings in photoactive polymers, Hasylab Annual Report, 2007-1 (2007) 1225-1226
[13a] O. Henneberg, T. Geue; Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction of Ordered Azobenzene Photopolymers, Hasylab Annual Report, 2006-1 (2006) 991-992
[12a] T. M. Geue, B. Reinhold, J. Grenzer, K. Morawetz, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, W. Drube, H. Schulte-Schrepping, GISAXS measurements from surface relief submicro dot gratings, Hasylab Annual Report, 2005-1 (2005) 895-896
[11a] S. Grigorian, O. Henneberg, A. Zen, D. Neher, U. Pietsch; X-ray Investigations of the Thin Regioregular Polymer Films, Hasylab Annual Report, 2005-1 (2005) 1001-1002
[10a] T. M. Geue, J. Grenzer, K. Morawetz, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, W. Drube, H. Schulte-Schrepping; X-ray reflectivity from polymer sinusoidal surface relief gratings, Hasylab Annual Report, 2004-1 (2004)
[9a] T. M. Geue, J. Grenzer, K. Morawetz, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, H. Schulte-Schrepping; X-ray investigations of buried high-temperature polymer nano dot gratings, Hasylab Annual Report, 2003-1 (2003) 817
[8a] T. M. Geue, J. Grenzer, K. Morawetz, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, W. Drube; X-ray investigations of azobenzene polymer nano-dot gratings, Hasylab Annual Report, 2003-1 (2003) 557
[7a] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, M. Saphiannikova, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, W. Drube, H. Schulte-Schrepping; High resolution x-ray and visual light diffraction of surface relief gratings in an azobenzene polymer, Hasylab Annual Report, 2002-1 (2002)
[6a] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, D. V. Novikov, H. Franz; X-ray investigations of formation efficiency of buried azobenzene polymer density gratings, Hasylab Annual Report, 2002-1 (2002) 871
[5a] J. Grenzer, U. Zeimer, T. Panzner, O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch; The influence of Ion Beam Implantation on the structure of a Self-organized Lateral Grating Structure, Hasylab Annual Report, 2002-1 (2002) 697
[4a] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, M. Saphiannikova, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, W. Drube, H. Schulte-Schrepping; Measurements of x-ray diffraction and vis diffraction during formation of a surface relief grating in an azobenzene polymer, Hasylab Annual Report, 2002-1 (2002) 633
[3a] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, D. Novikov, H. Franz; Investigations of buried periodic structure formation in amorphous polymer surface relief gratings, Hasylab Annual Report 2001-1 (2001) 657
[2a] Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, D. Novikov; Formation of a buried density grating on thermal erasure of azobenzene polymer surface gratings, Hasylab Annual Report (2000) 357
[1a] Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon; X-ray investigations of the molecular mobility within polymer surface gratings, Hasylab Annual Report (1999) 465

Vorträge [t] und Poster [p] auf Konferenzen

[21p] O. Henneberg, Ch. Spitz, A. Betke; Investigation of light induced material transport in azobenzene photopolymers with x-ray diffraction and laser light spectroscopy, CLEO, 2007
[20t] O. Henneberg, Ch. Spitz, A. Betke; Untersuchungen von lichtinduziertem Materialtransport mittels Röntgenbeugung und optischer Spektroskopie, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Düsseldorf, 2007
[19p] O. Henneberg, Ch. Spitz, A. Betke, U. Pietsch; Investigation of light induced material transport in azobenzene photopolymers with x-ray diffraction, Symposium From Diffraction to Imaging, Bessy, Berlin, 2006
[18t] O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, N. Lauinger; v. Laue Diffracton of Visible Light on Periodical Structures with Finite Size, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Frankfurt a. M., 2006
[17p] O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, Th. Geue, B. Winter; Determination of Azobenzene Sidechain Orientation in Surface Relief Gratings by ARXPS, Bessy, Germany, 2005
[16p] O. Henneberg, T. Panzner, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; Simultaneous X-ray and Laser Light Diffraction for in-situ Investigation of Azobenzene Photopolymers, Cancun, Mexico, 2005
[15t] O. Henneberg, U. Pietsch, M. Saphiannikova, B. Winter, Th. Geue; Molecular Orientation Effects During the Formation of Surface Relief Gratings, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Berlin, 2005
[14t] O. Henneberg, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch; In-Situ Investigation of Surface Relief Grating Formation by X-Ray Scattering, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Regensburg, 2004
[13t] O. Henneberg, T. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon; High resolution x-ray scattering of polymer surface relief gratings, Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, Berlin, 2003
[12t] O. Henneberg, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, T. Panzner, K. Finkelstein; X-ray scattering from organic surface relief gratings, Workshop "Characterising thin Films by x-ray scattering", Uckley, 2003
[11t] B. Stiller, P. Karagiorgiev, A. Buchsteiner, Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, L. Brehmer, A. Natansohn, O. Hollrichter; Optically induced mass transport in near-fields, Advanced Optical Materials and Devices 3, Riga, Lettland, 2002
[10p] O. Henneberg, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, P. Rochon; X-ray and Vis light scattering from light-induced polymer gratings, 6th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Imaging, Grenoble and Aussois, Frankreich, 2002
[9t] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; Investigation of material  flow on inscribing a polymer surface grating probing x-ray and Vis light scattering, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2001
[8t] O. Henneberg, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch; X-ray and Vis scattering of polymer surface gratings, 5th Autumn School, X-ray scattering from surfaces and thin layers, Smolenice, Slovakei, 2001
[7p] B. Stiller, P. Karagiorgiev, A. Buchsteiner, Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, L. Brehmer, O. Hollrichter; Optically induced mass transport in near-fields, European Conference on Organic Electronics and Related Phenomena 2001 ECOER1, Potsdam, 2001
[6p] Th. Geue, U. Pietsch, O. Henneberg, M. Saphiannikova, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; In-situ X-ray and Vis investigations of surface relief pattern formation in polymer films containing azobenzene moieties, X-ray Gordon-Research Conference, New London (CT), U.S.A., 2001
[5t] T. M. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon; Formation of a buried density grating on thermal erasure of azobenzene polymer surface gratings, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2001
[4t] Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; Formation of a Buried Density Grating on Thermal Erasure of Azobenzene Polymer Surface Gratings, Ninth International Conference on Organised Molecular Films, Potsdam, 2000
[3t] O. Henneberg, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon, K. Finkelstein; Investigation of Material Flow on Inscribing a Polymer Surface Grating Probing X-ray and Vis light Scattering, Ninth International Conference on Organised Molecular Films, Potsdam, 2000
[2p] Th. Geue, O. Henneberg, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, A. Natansohn, P. Rochon; Dynamics in polymer surface gratings monitored by x-ray reflectivity, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Potsdam, 2000
[1p] H. Bucka, P. Heide, M. Horowitz, F. Knape, O. Henneberg (Xander), Die Raktion 9Be(p, alpha0)6Li im thermonuklearen Energiebereich, Frühjahrstagung DPG, Mainz, 1993

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