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Violent men between Great War, revolution and Second World War (1905–1945): Cossack military violence under different regimes

Kosaken in der Wehrmacht, 1942.
Source: Bundesarchiv/Bild 146-1975-099-15A
Kosaken in der Wehrmacht, 1942.

Sub-project 5:

Violent men between Great War, revolution and Second World War (1905–1945): Cossack military violence under different regimes

The project ends with two studies on the age of the world wars. First of all, the cultures of violence in the regular Russian and Soviet armies will be traced on the basis of the Cossack units. The Cossacks fought in the civil war and in the Second World War in the armed forces of both sides, and from 1942 to 1945 even in the ranks of the Wehrmacht, so that interesting possibilities for comparison emerge.
