About the Person
Uwe Hellmann was born in Lübbecke/Westfalen in 1955. He studied law at the University of Bielefeld in the single-phase cohort and took his final exam in 1981 before the law student's examination board in Düsseldorf. Until 1986, Hellmann worked as an academic assistant under the chair holder Prof. Dr. Hans Achenbach at the University of Osnabrück. He obtained his doctorate from the same university in 1986. Subsequently, he worked there as an assistant professor. In 1992, he obtained his postdoctoral qualification. He was granted permission to teach "criminal law, criminal procedural law and tax law". After having held substitute chairs at the Universities of Heidelberg, Trier and Bochum, he was offered C 3 professorship at the University of Heidelberg and C 4 professorship at the University of Potsdam. He took up the offer at the University of Potsdam and was called to chair the department "criminal law and commercial criminal law".
Uwe Hellmann gives lectures and seminars on the general and specialised parts of the German Criminal Code, criminal procedural law, corporate and tax law and European and international criminal law.
His main fields of research are property offences, corporate and tax law and criminal procedural law. He has published textbooks on the general and specialised parts of the German Criminal Code, on corporate law and on criminal procedural law. He has worked jointly on commentaries on the German Criminal Code and the Tax Code. He is a co-editor of several publication series.
Uwe Hellmann was the dean of the law faculty and is a long-serving member of the senate of the University of Potsdam. He has been the chair of the senate since October 2014.
He is involved with numerous cooperations with foreign universities and is a member of the academic advisory councils of several journals published in Russia.
Uwe Hellmann is chair of the German branch of the “Association of Criminalists and Criminologists”, founded in Russia. On 1st March 2014, he was awarded the international law prize “Femida” in Moscow.
On November 9, 2019, Uwe Hellmann was appointed Doctor honoris causa by the University of Szeged.
Uwe Hellmann retired from active service on April 31, 2021 as holder of the Chair of Criminal Law and Commercial Criminal Law and works at the Law Faculty of the University of Potsdam as head of the Research Center for Russian Law.