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Research Focus Cognitive Science

Cognitive Sciences are one of the four main research areas at the University of Potsdam. The University Research Focus Cognitive Sciences (German abbreviation: UFSKW) brings together scientists from different faculties.

Goals of the UFSKW:

  • Promotion and establishment of comprehensive research networks
  • Promotion of excellent cognitive science research and new interdisciplinary research projects
  • National and international networking
  • Promotion of young scientists in cognitive sciences
  • Establishment and optimization of joint infrastructures such as shared laboratory resources, service units, and method databases

Further information on the UFSKW can be found here:

University professors, senior research assistants, or junior researchers leading a research group at the University of Potsdam in the fields of cognitive sciences can apply for membership in the UFSKW.

Scientific Coordinator of the Research Focus Cognitive Science


Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24/25
House 14, Room 3.32
14476 Potsdam


consulting hours
by appointment