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Teaching and theses


Statistical modelling: fitting models to data

Ornithological half-day excursion

Scientific basis of nature conservation


We offer Bachelor and Master theses. Possible overall topics include (but are not necessarily limited to):

  • Analyses of animal movement data
  • Songbird behaviour in agricultural landscapes
  • Methodological aspects of ecological data analysis
  • Data analysis is cooperation with external partners (e.g. citizen science data)

For an idea of possible topics you may also have a look at our research pages and publications.

Current theses

  • Christian Drews: Space use and movement patterns of corn buntings (Emberiza calandra) in an agricultural landscape in Northeast Germany
  • Markus Reichert: Effects of climate variability on the phylogeny of butterflies and moths in the Eberswalde region (Brandenburg)
    — Co-supervistion with Prof. Schmitt, Senckenberg German Entomological Institute