2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 and before Selected Bookchapter etc.
Group members in bold - underlined citations can be read directly as fulltext in pdf
Ersoy Z., Ch. Evangelista, et int. U. Gaedke, et int., I. Arranz (accepted) GLOSSAQUA: a Global Dataset of Size Spectra across Aquatic Ecosystems. Ecology
Gaedke U, Li X, Guill C, Hemerik L, de Ruiter P (2025) Seasonal shifts in trophic interaction strength drive stability of natural food webs, Ecology Letters 28(1): e70075. Link
Atkinson, A., Rossberg, A.G., Gaedke, U. et al. Steeper size spectra with decreasing phytoplankton biomass indicate strong trophic amplification and future fish declines. Nat Commun 15, 381 (2024). Link
Govaert, Lynn & Klauschies, T. (2024). Eco-Phenotypic Feedback Loops Differ in Multistressor Environments. Ecology e4480. Link
Guill, C., Nößler, F., & Klauschies, T. (2024). Self-organised pattern formation promotes consumer coexistence by fluctuation-dependent mechanisms. Functional Ecology, 38, 2623–2635. Link
Rau, JR., Fuentes N., Gallardo J., Ríos-Henríquez C., Garrido D. & Lobos-Ovalle, D. (2024.) Estudio ornitolimnológico En El Seno De Reloncaví, Patagonia Norte, Chile . El Hornero 39 (1). Link
Ríos-Henriquez, C. & Fuentes, N. (2024) Temporal Environmental Status of a Shallow Lake Using Alpha and Beta Diversity on Phytoplankton Communities. Water, 16, 274. Link
Weithoff, G. & M. Stefan (2024) Weak effect of temperature fluctuations on the invasion of Raphidiopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) in experimental plankton microcosms. Journal of Phycology. Link
Wojcik, L.A., T. Klauschies, E. van Velzen, C. Guill & U. Gaedke (2024) Integrating different facets of diversity into food web models: how adaptation among and within functional groups shape ecosystem functioning. Oikos e10544 Link
Wojcik, L.A., U. Gaedke, E. van Velzen & T. Klauschies (2024) Measuring overall functional diversity by aggregating its multiple facets: functional richness, biomass evenness, trait evenness, and dispersion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 16:215-227. Link
Adje, G., Wojcik, L.A. & Gaedke, U. Functional diversity increases the resistance of a tritrophic food web to environmental changes. Theor Ecol (2023). Link
de la Cruz Barron, M., E. van Velzen, U. Klümper, M. Weitere, T. U. Berendonk and D. Kneis (2023) "Shifts from cooperative to individual-based predation defense determine microbial predator-prey dynamics." The ISME Journal: 1-11.
Li, X., T. Klauschies, W. Yang, Z. Yang & U. Gaedke (2023) Trait adaptation enhances species coexistence and reduces bistability in an intraguild predation module. Ecol. Evol. 13:e9749.
Parry, V., Kiemel, K., Pawlak, J. Eccard, J. Tiedemann, R. & Weithoff G. Drivers of zooplankton dispersal in a pond metacommunity, Hydrobiologia, accepted
van Velzen, E. and U. Gaedke (2023) "Back to the drawing board: re-thinking growth-defense trade-offs". Oikos 2023: e09918. doi: 10.1111/oik.09918
van Velzen, E. (2023) High importance of indirect evolutionary rescue in a small food web. Ecology Letters, 00:1-12.
Acevedo E et al (2022) Modelling approaches for captuaring plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Ehrlich E, Thygesen UH, Kiørboe T. (2022) Evolution of toxins as a public good in phytoplankton. Proc. R. Soc. B 289:20220393. Link
Kath NJ, Ursula Gaedke & Ellen van Velzen (2022) The double‑edged sword of inducible defences: costs and benefits of maladaptive switching from the individual to the community level, Scientific Reports. Open Access
Kath NJ, MK Thomas, U Gaedke (2022) Mysterious ciliates: seasonally recurrent and yet hard to predict, Journal of Plankton Research, fbac043 Link
Kiemel K, B. DeCasahn, S. Paraskevopoulou, G. Weithoff & R. Tiedemann (2022) Mitochondrial genomes of the freshwater monogonont rotifer Brachionus fernandoi and of two additional B. calyciflorus sensu stricto lineages from Germany and the USA (Rotifera, Brachionidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 7:4 Open Access
Kiemel, K., Gurke, M., Paraskevopoulou, S., Havenstein, K., Weithoff, G. & Tiedemann, R. (2022) Variation in heat shock protein 40 kDa relates to divergence in thermotolerance among cryptic rotifer species. Scientific Reports, 12:22626. open access here
Kiemel, K., G. Weithoff, R. Tiedemann (2022) DNA metabarcoding reveals impact of local recruitment, dispersal, and hydroperiod on assembly of a zooplankton metacommunity. Molecular Ecology, Link
Klauschies T, Isanta-Navarro J. (2022). The joint effects of salt and 6PPD contamination on a freshwater herbivore. Science of the Total Environment 829: 154675
[Isanta Navarro, J., T. Klauschies]*, A. Wacker and D. Martin-Creuzburg (2022) A sterol-mediated gleaner-opportunist trade-off underlies the evolution of grazer resistance to cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289: 20220178. *equally contributing authors
Pawlak, J., Noetzel, D.C., Drago, C. & Weithoff, G. (2022) Assessing the toxicity of polystyrene beads and silica particles on the microconsumer Brachionus calyciflorus at different time scales. Frontiers in Environmental Science. Open Access.
Mehner, Th., K. Attermeyer, M. Brauns, S. Brothers, S. Hilt, K. Scharnweber, Y. Vadeboncoeur, R. van Dorst, M. J. Vanni & U. Gaedke (2022) Trophic transfer efficiency in lakes. Ecosystems, Link
Parry, V, Schlägel, UE, Tiedemann, R & Weithoff G (2022) Behavioural responses of defended and undefended prey to their predator – a story from rotifers. Biology,11:1217 Open Access here.
van Velzen, Ellen, Ursula Gaedke and Toni Klauschies (2022) Quantifying the Capacity for Contemporary Trait Changes to Drive Intermittent Predator–Prey Cycles. Ecological Monographs e1505.
Weithoff, G., E.M. Bell (2022) Complex trophic interactions in an acidophilic food web. Microorganisms, Link
Barbier M., Wojcik L. and Loreau M. (2021) A macro-ecological approach to predation density-dependence. Oikos. doi:
Ceulemans R, Guill C, Gaedke U . (2021).Top predators govern multitrophic diversity effects in tritrophic food webs. Ecology 00(00):e03379. 10.1002/ecy.3379
Clegg M. R., A. Wacker and E. Spijkerman (2021) Phenotypic Diversity and Plasticity of Photoresponse Across an Environmentally Contrasting Family of Phytoflagellates. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.707541
Drago, C. & Weithoff, G. (2021) Variable fitness response of two rotifer species exposed to microplastics particles: the role of food quantity and quality. Toxics, 9. Open Access here
Flöder S., J. Yong, T. Klauschies, U. Gaedke, T. Brinkhoff, T. Poprick & S. Moorthi (2021) Intraspecific Trait Variation Alters the Outcome of Competition in Freshwater Ciliates. Ecology and Evolution. 2021;11:10225–10243 Ecol. Evol.11: 10225–10243.
Guill C., Hülsemann J., Klauschies T. (2021).Self-organised pattern formation increases local diversity in metacommunities. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13880
Li, X., Yang, Sun, T. & U. Gaedke (2021) Quantitative food web structure and ecosystem functions in a warm-temperate seagrass bed. Mar. Biol. 168: 74
Li,X., Wei Yang, Ursula Gaedke, Peter C. de Ruiter (2021) Energetic constraints imposed on trophic interaction strengths enhance resilience in empirical and model food webs. J Anim Ecol. 2021;00:1–12. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13499
Stark M., Bach M. and Guill C. (2021) Patch isolation and periodic environmental disturbances have idiosyncratic effects on local and regional population variabilities in meta‑food chains. Theoretical Ecology.
Wojcik L, Ceulemans R, Gaedke U (2021) Functional diversity buffers the effects of a pulse perturbation on the dynamics of tritrophic food webs. Ecology and Evolution.
Blasius, B., L. Rudolph, G. Weithoff, U. Gaedke & G.F. Fussmann (2020) Long-term cyclic persistence in an experimental predator-prey system. Nature, 577:226-230. doi 10.1038/s41586-019-1857-0 Pdf
Article News and Views_Alan Hastings
Bolius, S., K. Morling, C. Wiedner & G. Weithoff (2020) Genetic identity and herbivory drive the invasion of a common aquatic microbial invader. Frontiers in Microbiology, Open access here.
Chorus, I & E. Spijkerman (2020) What Colin Reynolds could tell us about nutrient limitation, N:P ratios and eutrophication control. Hydrobiologia,
Cole, M., C. Liddle, G. Consolandi, C. Drago, C. Hird, P.K. Lindeque & T.S. Galloway (2020) Microplastics, microfibres and nanoplastics cause variable sub-lethal responses in mussels (Mytilus spp.). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160:111552. Link
Drago, C., J. Pawlak & G. Weithoff (2020) Biogenic aggregation of small microplastics alters their ingestion by a common freshwater micro-invertebrate. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 8: 574274. Open Access here
Ehrlich, E. & U. Gaedke (2020) Coupled changes in traits and biomasses cascading through a tritrophic plankton food web. Limnology and Oceanography 65: 2502-2514.
Ehrlich, E., N. Kath & U. Gaedke (2020) The shape of a defense-growth trade-off governs seasonal trait dynamics in natural phytoplankton. The ISME Journal 1-12
Gross, T., Allhoff, K.T., Blasius, B., Brose, U., Drossel, B., Fahimipour, A.K., Guill, C., Yeakel, J.D. & Zeng, F. (2020). Modern models of trophic meta-communities. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375: 20190455.
Klauschies, T. & U. Gaedke (2020) Nutrient retention by predators undermines predator coexistence on one prey. Theoret Ecol. 13, 183-208.
Marzetz, V., E. Spijkerman, M. Striebel & A. Wacker (2020) Phytoplankton community responses to interactions between light Intensity, light variations, and phosphorus supply. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 8:539733 doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.539733
Paraskevopoulou, S., A. Dennis, G. Weithoff & R. Tiedemann (2020) Temperature-dependent life history and transcriptomic responses in heat-tolerant vs heat-sensitive Brachionus rotifers. Scientific Reports 10:13281. Open access here
Schlägel, U., V. Grimm, N. Blaum, P. Colangeli, 25 other authors, G. Weithoff & F. Jeltsch. (2020) Movement-mediated community assembly and coexistence. Biological Reviews 95: 1073-1095. doi:10.1111/brv.12600 Open Access here
van Velzen, E. (2020). Predator coexistence through emergent fitness equalization. ECOLOGY, 101(5): e02995.
Boit, A. & M. Spencer (2019) Equivalence and dissimilarity of ecosystem states. Ecol. Model. 396: 12-22.
Bolius, S., C. Wiedner & G. Weithoff (2019) Low invasion success of an invasive cyanobacterium in a chlorophyte dominated lake. Sci. Rep. 9: 8297, LINK
Ceulemans, R., Gaedke, U., Klauschies, T. & Guill, C. (2019). The effects of functional diversity on biomass production, variability, and resilience of ecosystem functions in a tritrophic system. Sci. Rep. 9: 7541 LINK
Coloma, S., U. Gaedke, K. Sivonen & T. Hiltunen (2019) Frequency of virus-resistant hosts determines experimental community dynamics. Ecology 100 (1) e02554.
Einum, S., E. I. F. Fossum, V. Parry & C. Pélabon (2019) Genetic variation in metabolic rate and correlations with other energy budget components and life history in Daphnia magna. Evolutionary Biology, ONLINE
Heinze, J., N.K. Simons, S. Seibold, A. Wacker, G. Weithoff, M.M. Gossner, D. Prati, M. Bezemer & J. Joshi (2019) The relative importance of plant-soil feedbacks for plant-species performance increases with decreasing degree of herbivory. Oecologia 190: 651-664.
Koussoroplis AM., T. Klauschies , S. Pincebourde, D. Giron and A. Wacker (2019) A comment on "Variability in plant nutrients reduces insect herbivore Performance". Rethinking Ecology 4: 79-87, ONLINE
Kruse, S., Gerdes, A., Kath, N. J., Epp, L. S., Stoof-Leichsenring, K. R., Pestryakova, L. A., and Herzschuh, U (2019). Dispersal distances and migration rates at the arctic treeline in Siberia – a genetic and simulation-based study. Biogeosciences, 16, 1211-1224. ONLINE
Lachmann, S., T. Mettler-Altmann, A. Wacker & E. Spijkerman (2019) Nitrate or Ammonium: influences of nitrogen source on the physiology of a green alga. Ecology and Evolution, ONLINE
Miele, V., Guill, C., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Kéfi, S. (2019) Non-trophic interactions strengthen the diversity-functioning relationship in an ecological bioenergetic network model. PLoS Comput. Biol. 15(8): e1007269. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007269
Mittler, U., B. Blasius, U. Gaedke & A. B. Ryabov (2019) Length-volume relationship of lake phytoplankton. Limnol. & Oceanogr.: Methods 17:58-68, LINK
Paraskevopoulou, S., A. Dennis, G. Weithoff, S. Hartmann & R. Tiedemann (2019) Within species expressed genetic variability and gene expression response to different temperatures in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus sensu strictu. PLoSOne. 14(9): e0223134 ONLINE
Pennekamp, F., AC Ile, J Garland, G Brennan, U Brose, U Gaedke, U Jacob, P Kratina, B Matthews, S Munch, M Novak, GM Palamara, B Rall, B Rosenbaum, A Tabi, C Ward, R Williams, h Ye, O Petchey (2019), The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting. Ecol. Monographs 00(00): e01359. 10.1002/ecm.1359
Perkins, D. M., A. Perna, R. Adrian, P. Cermeño, U. Gaedke, M. Huete-Ortega, E. White & G. Yvon-Durocher (2019) Energetic equivalence underpins the size structure of tree and phytoplankton communities. Nature Comm. 10: 255, LINK
Raatz, M., E. v. Velzen & U. Gaedke (2019) Co-adaptation impacts robustness of predator-prey dynamics against perturbations. Ecol. Evol. 9: 3823-3836, LINK
Michael Raatz received the 2nd prize of the MCED modeling award (PhD/Postdoc category) for this publication
Rosenbaum, B., M. Raatz, G. F. Fussmann, G. Weithoff & U. Gaedke (2019) Estimating parameters from multiple time series of population dynamics using Bayesian inference. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.3389/fevo.201800234
Ryser, R., J. Häussler, M. Stark, U. Brose, B. C. Rall & C. Guill (2019) The biggest losers: Habitat Isolation deconstructs complex food webs from top to bottom. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 286: 20191177. ONLINE
Schiro, G., P. Colangeli & M. Müller (2019) A Metabarcoding analysis of the mycobiome of wheat ears across a topographically heterogeneous field. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02095. ONLINE
Weithoff, G. & B. E. Beisner (2019) Measures and approaches in trait-based phytoplankton community ecology - from freshwater to marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science. LINK
Weithoff, G., C. Neumann, J. Seiferth & T. Weisse (2019) Living on the edge - reproduction, dispersal potential, maternal effects and local adaptation in aquatic, acidophilic invertebrates. Aquatic Sciences, 81:40, ONLINE
Epp, L. S., Kruse, S., Kath, N. J., Stoof-Leichsenring, K. R., Tiedemann, R., Pestryakova, L. A., and Herzschuh, U (2018). Temporal and spatial patterns of mitochondrial haplotype and species distributions in Siberian larches inferred from ancient environmental DNA and modeling. Scientific Reports 8: 17436 ONLINE
Colangeli, P., U. Schlägel, U. Obertegger, J. Petermann, R. Tiedemann & G. Weithoff (in press) Negative phototactic response to uvr in three cosmopolitan rotifers: a video analysis Approach. Hydrobiologia
Ehrlich, E. & U. Gaedke (2018) Not attackable or not crackable - How pre- and post-attack defences with different competition costs affect prey coexistence and population dynamics, Ecol. Evol. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4145
Grzesiuk, M., E. Spijkerman, S. C. Lachmann & A. Wacker (2018) Environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals directly affect phytoplankton and effects propagate through trophic interactions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 156:271-278 doi:
Kath, N., A. Boit, C. Guill & U. Gaedke (2018) Accounting for activity respiration results in realistic trophic transfer efficiencies in allometric trophic network (ATN) models. Theoretical Ecology
Klauschies, T., R. M. Coutinho & U. Gaedke (2018) A beta distribution-based moment closure enhances the reliability of trait-based aggregate models for natural communities Ecol. Modelling
Martin-Creuzburg, D., T. Massier, & A. Wacker. (2018) Sex-specific differences in essential lipid requirements of Daphnia magna. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. (doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00089).
Mehner, Th, B. Lischke, K. Scharnweber, K. Attermeyer, S. Brothers, U. Gaedke, S. Hilt & S. Brucet (2018) Empirical correspondence between trophic transfer efficiency in freshwater food webs and the slope of their size spectra. Ecology 99: 1463-1472
Mittler, U., B. Blasius, U. Gaedke & A. B. Ryabov (2018) Length-volume relationship of lake phytoplankton. Limnol. & Oceanogr.: Methods 2018 doi: 10.1002/lom3.10296
Muhl, R. M. W., D. L. Roelke, T. Zohary, M. Moustaka-Gouni, U. Sommer, G. Borics, U. Gaedke, F. G. Withrow, J. Bhattacharyya (2018) Resisting annihilation: Relationships between functional trait dissimilarity, assemblage competitive power and allelopathy. Ecol. Lett. 21: 1390-1400.
Obertegger, U., A. Cieplinski, M. Raatz & P. Colangeli (2018) Switching between swimming states in rotifers - a case study Keratella cochlearis. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology. doi:10.1080/10236244.2018.1503541.
Paraskevopoulou, S., R. Tiedemann & G. Weithoff (in press) Differetial Response to heat-stress among evolutionary lieneages of an aquatic invertebrate species complex. Biology Letters.
Raatz, M., S. Schälicke, M. Sieber, A. Wacker & U. Gaedke (2018) One man's trash is another man's treasure - The effect of bacteria on phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions in chemostat systems. Limnol. & Oceanogr.: Methods 16: 629-639. doi: 10.1002/lom3.10269
Rosenbaum, B., M. Raatz, G. F. Fussmann, G. Weithoff & U. Gaedke (accepted) Estimating parameters from multiple time series of population dynamics using Bayesian inference. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution ???
Spijkerman, E., H. Behrend, B. Fach & U. Gaedke (2018) Decreased phosphorus incorporation explains the negative effect of high iron concentrations in the green microalga Chlamydomonas acidophila. Science of the Total Environment 626: 1342-1349 doi:
Van Velzen, E. & U. Gaedke (2018) Reversed predator-prey cycles are driven by the amplitude of prey oscillations. Ecol. & Evol. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6317–6329.
Van Velzen, E., Thieser, T., Berendonk, T., Weitere, M., Gaedke, U. (2018) Inducible defense destabilizes predator-prey dynamics: the importance of multiple predators. OIKOS 127: 1551-1562
Yamamichi M., T. Klauschies, B. E. Miner and E. van Velzen (2018) Modelling inducible defences in predator–prey interactions: assumptions and dynamical consequences of three distinct approaches. Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/ele.13183.
Bengfort, M., E. van Velzen & U. Gaedke (2017) Slight phenotypic variation in predators and prey causes complex predator-prey oscillations. Ecol. Complexity 31: 115–124
Bolius, S., C. Wiedner & G. Weithoff (2017) High local trait variability of a globally invasive cyanobacterium. Freshwater Biology 62: 1879-1890. DOI 10.1111/fwb.13028
Colombo, S.M., A. Wacker, C.C. Parrish, M.J. Kainz, & M.T. Arts. 2017. A Fundamental Dichotomy in Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Abundance between Environmental Reviews 25(2): 163-174 . (doi: 10.1139/er-2016-0062).
Ehrlich, E., L. Becks, and U. Gaedke (2017) Trait-fitness relationships determine how trade-off shapes affect species coexistence. Ecology 98, 3188–3198
Gaedke, U., T. Klauschies (2017) Analyzing the shape of observed trait distributions enables a data-based moment closure of aggregate models. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 00, 2017, 00–00, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10218
Gaedke, U., B. E. Beisner, A. Binzer, A. Downing, C. Guill, T. Klauschies, J. J. Kuiper, F. Soudijn, and W. M. Mooij (2017) Importance of Trait-Related Flexibility for Food Web Dynamics and the Maintenance of Biodiversity. In: Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Editors: John C. Moore, Peter C. de Ruiter, Kevin S. McCann, Volkmar Wolters.
Gaedke, U. and T. Klauschies (2017) Integrating Food-web and Trait-based Ecology to Investigate Biomass-Trait-Feedbacks. In: Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Editors: John C. Moore, Peter C. de Ruiter, Kevin S. McCann, Volkmar Wolters.
Koussoroplis A.M., A Schwarzenberger, A. Wacker. Diet-induced adjustments of lipid-related enzymatic machinery in Daphnia pulex. Biology open 6: 210-216. (doi: 10.1242/bio.022046).
Koussoroplis A.M., S Pincebourde, A. Wacker. Understanding and predicting physiological performance of organisms in fluctuating and multifactorial environments. Ecological Monographs 87(2): 178-197. (DOI:10.1002/ecm.1247)
Lachmann, S.C., S.C. Maberly & E. Spijkerman (2017) Species-specific influence of Pi-status on inorganic carbon acquisition in microalgae (Chlorophyceae). Botany 95: 943-952 doi: 10.1139/cjb-2017-0082
Lischke, B., Th. Mehner, S. Hilt, K. Attermeyer, M. Brauns, S. Brothers, H.-P. Grossart, J. Köhler, K. Scharnweber & U. Gaedke (2017) Benthic carbon is inefficiently transferred in the food webs of two eutrophic shallow lakes. Freshw. Biology
Marzetz, V., A-M. Koussoroplis, D. Martin-Creuzburg, M. Striebel, & A. Wacker. 2017. Linking primary producer diversity and food quality effects on herbivores: A biochemical perspective. Scientific Reports 7: 11035
K.A.Nilsson, A.L. Caskenette, C. Guill, M. Hartvig, F.H. Soudijn (2017) Including the life cycle in food webs. In: Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Editors: John C. Moore, Peter C. de Ruiter, Kevin S. McCann, Volkmar Wolters.
Raatz, M., U. Gaedke & A. Wacker (2017) High food quality of prey lowers its risk of extinction. Oikos DOI 10.1111/oik.03863
Ruiter, P. C. de & U. Gaedke (2017) Emergent facilitation promotes biological diversity in pelagic food webs. Food Webs.
Santana, L.M., Weithoff, G. & Ferragut, C. (2017) Seasonal and spatial functional shifts in phytoplankton communities of five tropical reservoirs. Aquatic Ecology 51: 531-543.
Seiler, C., E. v. Velzen, T. Neu, U. Gaedke, T. Berendonk & M. Weitere (2017). Grazing resistance of bacterial biofilms: A matter of predators’ feeding trait. FEMS
Spijkerman, E.; M. Lukas, & A. Wacker. 2017. Ecophysiological strategies for growth at varying light and organic carbon supply in two species of green microalgae differing in their motility. Phytochemistry 144: 43-51. (doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2017.08.018)
Velzen, E. van & U. Gaedke (2017) Disentangling eco-evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey coevolution: the case of antiphase cycles. Scientific Reports 7:17125 (2017) online
Weithoff, G. & U. Gaedke. (2017) Mean functional traits reflect seasonal and inter-annual changes in nutrients, climate and herbivory. Journal of Plankton Research. 39:509-517 doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbw072
Weithoff, G., A.Taube & S. Bolius (2017) The Invasion success of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in experimental mesocosms: genetic identity, grazing loss, competition and biotic resistance. Aquatic Invasions 12: 333-341.
Binzer, A., Guill, C., Rall, B.C. & Brose, U. (2016) Interactive effects of warming, eutrophication and size-structure: impacts on biodiversity and food-web structure. Global Change Biol. 22, 220-227. DOI:10.1111/gcb.13086
Colangeli, P., A. Cieplinski & U. Obertegger (2016) Filming of zooplankton: a case study of rotifer males and Daphnia magna. Journal of Limnology, 75:204-209.
Colombo, S.M., A. Wacker, C.C. Parrish, M.J. Kainz, & M.T. Arts. (2016, online) A Fundamental Dichotomy in Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Abundance between and within Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Environmental Reviews online(): ...-... . (doi: 10.1139/er-2016-0062).
Coutinho, R., Klauschies T. and U. Gaedke (2016) Bimodal trait distributions with large variances question the reliability of trait-based aggregate models. Theoretical Ecology, 6: 4141-4159 DOI 10.1007/s12080-016-0297-9.
Grzesiuk, M., A. Wacker & E. Spijkerman (2016) Photosynthetic sensitivity of phytoplankton against commonly used pharmaceuticals and its dependence on cellular phosphorus status. Ecotoxicology 25: 697-707 DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1628-8
Guill, C. & Paulau, P.. (2016) Prohibition rules for 3-node substructures in ordered food webs with cannibalistic species. Israel J. Ecol. Evol. 61, 69-76. DOI 10.1080/15659801.2016.1157304
Klauschies, T., Vasseur D. A. and U. Gaedke (2016) Trait adaptation promotes species coexistence in diverse predator and prey communities. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 389-408 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2172.
Koussoroplis, A-M., & A. Wacker. (2016) Covariance modulates the effect of joint temperature and food variance on ectotherm life-history traits. Ecology Letters 19(2): 143-152. (doi: 10.1111/ele.12546).
Lachmann S.C., Maberly S.C., Spijkerman E. (2016) Ecophysiology matters: Linking inorganic carbon acquisition to ecological preference in four species of microalgae (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 52, 1051–1063. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12462
Lischke, B., G. Weithoff, S. A. Wickham, K. Attermeyer, H. P. Grossart, K. Scharnweber, S. Hilt and U. Gaedke. (2016) Large biomass of small feeders: Ciliates may dominate herbivory in eutrophic lakes. J. Plankton Research, 38:2-15. DOI 10.1093/plankt/fbv/102
Mehner, T., K. Attermeyer, M. Brauns, S. Brothers, J. Diekmann, U. Gaedke, H. P. Grossart, J. Köhler, B. Lischke, N. Meyer, K. Scharnweber, J. Syväranta, M. J. Vanni, and S. Hilt. (2016) Weak response of animal allochthony and production to enhanced supply of terrestrial leaf litter in nutrient-rich lakes. Ecosystems 19: 311-325 DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9933-2
Raatz, M. and Weikl, T. R. (2016), Membrane Tubulation by Elongated and Patchy Nanoparticles. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 1600325. doi:10.1002/admi.201600325
Schneider, F.D., Brose, U., Rall, B.C. & Guill, C. (2016) Animal diversity and ecosystem functioning in dynamic food webs. Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12718 (2016). DOI:10.1038/ncomms12718
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Lischke B, S Hilt, J H Janse, J J Kuiper, T Mehner, W M Mooij and U Gaedke (2014) Enhanced Input of Terrestrial Particulate Organic Matter Reduces the Resilience of the Clear-Water State of Shallow Lakes: A Model Study. Ecosystems 17: 616-626. (Abstract)
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Weisse T, M Moser, U Scheffel, P Stadler, T Berendonk, G Weithoff, H Berger (2013) Systematics and species-specific response to pH of Oxytricha acidotolerans sp. nov. and Urosomoida sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) from acidic mining lakes. Eur J Protistol. (Abstract)
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Hartwich, M., D. Straile, U. Gaedke, A. Wacker (2012) Use of ciliate and phytoplankton taxonomic composition for the estimation of excosapenaenoic acid concentration in lakes. Freshwater Biology 57: 1385-1398. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02799.x (Abstract)
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Klauschies, T., B. Bauer, N. Aberle-Malzahn, U. Sommer, U. Gaedke (2012) Climate change effects on phytoplankton depend on cell size and food web structure. Mar. Biol. DOI 10.1007/s00227-012-1904-y (Abstract)
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Piepho, M., M.T. Arts, A. Wacker (2012) Species-specific variation in fatty acid concentrations of four phytoplankton species: Does phosphorus supply influence the effect of light intensity or temperature? Journal of Phycology (Abstract)
Piepho, M., D. Martin-Creuzburg, A. Wacker (2012) Phytoplankton sterol contents vary with temperature, phosphorus- and silicate supply: A study on three freshwater species. European Journal of Phycolopgy 47(2): 138-145. (Abstract)
Rocha, M. R., D. Vasseur, U. Gaedke (2012) Seasonal variations alter the impact of functional traits on plankton dynamics. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51257. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051257 (Abstract)
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Sperfeld, E., D. Martin-Creuzburg, A. Wacker (2012) Multiple resource limitation theory applied to herbivorous consumers: Liebig’s minimum rule vs. interactive co-limitation. Ecology Letters 15: 142-150. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E., A. Wacker, G. Weithoff & T. Leya (2012). Elemental and fatty acid composition of snow algae in arctic habitats. Frontiers in Microbiology – Extreme Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00380 (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E., G. Weithoff (2012) Acidophiles. Book chapter 18 in 'Life at Extremes: Environments, Organisms and Strategies for Survival'. Ed.: E.M. Bell. CAB International, UK. (Abstract)
Wacker, A., D. Martin-Creuzburg. (2012). Biochemical nutrient requirements of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus: co-limitation by sterols and amino acids. Functional Ecology 26(5): 1135 - 1143. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.02047.x). (Abstract)
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Weithoff, G., E. Spijkerman, N. Kamjunke, J. Tittel (2012) Trophic interactions and energy flow. In: Acidic pit lakes – the legacy of coal and metal surface mines. Eds. W. Geller, M. Schulze, R. Kleinmann, C. Wolkersdorfer. Springer Series Mining and Environment. Springer. pp 115-129.
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Sperfeld E., A. Wacker (2011) Temperature and cholesterol induced changes in eicosapentaenoic acid limitation of Daphnia magna determined by a promising method to estimate growth saturation thresholds. Limnology and Oceanography 56: 1273-1284. (Abstract)
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Tirok, K., B. Bauer, K. Wirtz, U. Gaedke (2011) Predator-prey dynamics driven by feedback between functionally diverse trophic levels. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27357 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027357. (Abstract)
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Hartwich, M., A. Wacker, G. Weithoff (2010) Competition betwen rotifers feeding mixotrophic flagellates. Journal of Plankton Research 32: 1727-1731. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N. (2010) Temperature affects the response of heterotrophic bacteria and mixotrophic algae to enhanced concentrations of soil extracts. Hydrobiologia 649: 379-383. (Abstract)
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Massie, T.M., B. Blasius, G. Weithoff, U. Gaedke and G. Fussmann (2010) Cycles, phase synchronization and entrainment in single-species phytoplankton populations. PNAS 107: 4236-4241. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (PNAS) (Abstract)
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Piepho, M., D. Martin-Creuzburg, A. Wacker (2010) Simultaneous effects of light intensity and phosphorus supply on the sterol content of phytoplankton. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15828 (Abstract)
Rocha, M.R., D.A. Vasseur, M. Hayn, M. Holschneider, U. Gaedke (2010) Variability of ecosystem functions should not be inferred from measurements of standing stocks. Oikos
Schmidtke, A., U. Gaedke and G. Weithoff (2010) A mechanistic basis for underyielding in phytoplankton communities. Ecology 91: 212-221. (Abstract)
Schmidtke, A., T. Rottstock, U. Gaedke, M. Fischer (2010) Plant community diversity and composition affect individual plant performance. Oecologia 164: 665-677. (Abstract)
Sperfeld, E., A. Schmidtke, U. Gaedke, G. Weithoff (2010) Productivity, herbivory and species’ traits and identity rather than diversity influence the invasibility of phytoplankton communities. Oecologia 163: 997-1010.
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Tirok, K., U. Gaedke (2010) Internally driven alternation of functional traits in a multi-species predator-prey system. Ecology 91: 1748-1762. (Abstract)
Van Donk, E., A. Ianora, M. Vos (2010) Induced defences in marine and freshwater phytoplankton: a review. Hydrobiologia (Published online, with open access: 18 Sept 2010). (Abstract)
Wacker, A. (2010) Careless youth? Food in the early stages of life. Chapter 14. In: G. van der Velde, S. Rajagopal, A. bij de Vaate (eds), The Zebra Mussel in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden/Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim. p. 159-165. (555 pp.).
Wacker, A., E. Kraffe (2010) Fatty acid nutrition: role in reproduction and growth. Chapter 15. In: G. van der Velde, S. Rajagopal, A. bij de Vaate (eds), The Zebra Mussel in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden/Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim. p. 167-174. (555 pp.)
Weithoff, G., M. Moser, N. Kamjunke, U. Gaedke, T. Weisse (2010) Lake morphometry may strongly shape the plankton community structure in acidic mining lakes. Limnologica 40: 161-166.
de Castro, F., U. Gaedke, J. Boenigk (2009) Reverse evolution: Driving forces behind the loss of acquired photosynthetic traits. PloS ONE 4 (12):e8465
Berlow, E.L., J.A. Dunne, N.D. Martinez, P.B. Stark, R.J. Williams, U. Brose (2009) Simple prediction of interaction strengths in complex food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106:187-191. (Abstract)
Cox, T., T. Maris, K. Soetaert, D. Conley, S. van Damme, P. Meire, J.J. Middelburg, M. Vos, E. Struyf (2009) From heterotrophy to autotrophy: a freshwater estuarine ecosystem recovering from hypereutrophication. Biogeosciences Discuss. 6, 5431-5459.
Gerla, D.J., M. Vos, B.W. Kooi, W.M. Mooij (2009) Effects of resources and predation on the predictability of community composition. Oikos 118, 1044-1052. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., J. Tittel (2009) Osmotrophic algae constrain the loss of organic carbon by exudation. J. Phycol. 45: 807-811 (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., B. Vogt, S. Woelfl (2009) Trophic interactions of the pelagic ciliate Stentor spp. in North Patagonian lakes. Limnologica 39: 107-114 (Abstract)
Kratina, P., M. Vos, A. Bateman, B.R. Anholt (2009) Functional responses modified by predator density. Oecologia 159, 425-433. (Abstract)
Martin-Creuzburg, D., E. Sperfeld, A. Wacker (2009) Colimitation of a freshwater herbivore by sterols and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B: Biological Sciences 276(1663): 1805–1814. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.1540). (Abstract)
Meyer, K.M., W.M. Mooij, M. Vos, G. Hol, W.H. van der Putten (2009) The power of simulating empirical experiments. Ecological Modelling 220, 2594-2597.
Meyer, K.M., M. Vos, W.M. Mooij, G. Hol, A.J. Termorshuizen, L.E.M. Vet, W.H. van der Putten (2009) Quantifying the impact of above- and belowground higher trophic levels on plant and herbivore performance. Oikos 118, 981-990. (Abstract)
Romanuk, T.N., Y. Zhou, U. Brose, E.L. Berlow, R.J. Williams, N.D. Martinez (2009) Predicting invasion success in complex ecological networks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364:1743-1754. (Abstract)
Rossi, F., M. Vos, J.J. Middelburg (2009) Species identity, diversity and microbial carbon flow in reassembling macrobenthic communities. Oikos 118: 503-512. (Abstract)
Sperfeld, E., A. Wacker (2009) Effects of temperature and dietary sterol availability on growth and cholesterol allocation of the aquatic keystone species Daphnia. Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (19): 3051-3059. (Abstract)
Tittel, J., I. Wiehle, N. Wannicke, H. Kampe, J. Poerschmann, J. Meier, N. Kamjunke (2009) Utilisation of terrestrial carbon by osmotrophic algae. Aquatic Sciences 71: 46-54. (Abstract)
van Nugteren, P., P.M.J. Herman, L. Moodley, J.J. Middelburg, M. Vos, C.H.R. Heip (2009) Spatial distribution of organic matter governs resource partitioning between animals and microbes in marine sediments. L&O 54: 1413-1419.
Van der Putten, W.H. et al. (incl. M. Vos) (2009) Empirical and theoretical challenges and possible solutions in aboveground-belowground ecology. Oecologia 161: 1-14.
van der Stap, I., M. Vos, B.W. Kooi, B.T.M. Mulling, E. van Donk, W.M. Mooij (2009) Algal defenses, population stability and the risk of herbivore extinctions: A chemostat model and experiment. Ecological Research 24: 1145-1153. (Abstract)
van Velzen E., Schärer L., Pen I. 2009 The effect of cryptic female choice on sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites. Proc. Royal Soc. B 276 (1670): 3123–3131
Wacker, A., G. Weithoff (2009) Carbon assimilation mode in mixotrophs and the fatty acid composition of their rotifer consumers. Freshwater Biology 54 (11): 2189-2199. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M. & Weithoff, G. (2008) Recruitment of Heliozoa, rhizopods and rotifers from the sediments of an extremely acidic lake during spring and early summer. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 13:105-115.
Berlow, E.L., U. Brose & N.D. Martinez 2008. The "Goldilocks factor" in food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105:4079-4080. (Abstract)
Dunne, J.A., R.J. Williams, N.D. Martinez, R.A. Wood, and D.E. Erwin 2008. Compilation and network analyses of Cambrian food webs. PLoS Biology 6:693-708. (doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060102)
Houlahan, J. E., D., K. Cottenie, G. S. Cumming, D. J. Currie, C. S. Findlay, U. Gaedke, P. Legendre, J. J. Magnuson, B. H. McArdle, R. D. Stevens, I. P. Woiwod, and S. M. Wondzell (2008) The utility of covariances: a response to Ranta et al. Oikos 117: 1912-1913 (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., Köhler, B., Wannicke, N. & Tittel, J. (2008) Algae as competitors of heterotrophic bacteria for glucose. J. Phycol. 44: 616-623 (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N. & Tittel, J. (2008) Utilisation of leucine by several phytoplankton species. Limnologica 38: 260-266 (Abstract)
Koussoroplis AM, C Lemarchand, A Bec, C Desvilettes, C Amblard, C Fournier, P Berny, G Bourdier (2008) From aquatic to terrestrial food webs: Decrease of the tocosahecaenoic Acid/ Linoleic acid ratio. Lipids 43: 461 - 466 (Abstract)
Lafferty, K.D., S. Allesina, M. Arim, C.J. Briggs, G. DeLeo, A. Dobson, J.A. Dunne, P.T.J. Johnson, A.M. Kuris, D.J. Marcogliese, N.D. Martinez, J. Memmott, P.A. Marquet, J.P. McLaughlin, E.A. Mordecai, M. Pascual, R. Poulin & D.W. Thieltges 2008. Parasites in food webs: the ultimate missing links. Ecology Letters 11:533-546. (Abstract)
Piechnik, D.A., S.P. Lawler & N.D. Martinez 2008. Food-web assembly during a classic biogeographic study: species' "trophic breadth" corresponds to colonization order. Oikos 117:665-674. (Abstract)
Soltwedel, T., Lansard, B., Gilbert, F., Hasemann, C., Bell, E., Sablotny, B., Eagle, M., Kershaw, P. & Rabouille, C. (2008) An “Integrated Sediment Disturber” (ISD) to study the impact of repeated physical perturbations on sediment geochemistry and the small benthic biota. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 6: 307-318 (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. (2008) What physiological acclimation supports increased growth at high CO2 conditions? Physiologia Plantarum 133: 41-48. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. (2008) Phosphorus limitation of algae living in iron-rich, acidic lakes. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 53: 201-210. (Abstract)
Tittel, J., Poerschmann, J., Wannicke, N. & Kamjunke, N. (2008): Polymerized coumaric acid as a model substrate for terrestrial-derived dissolved organic carbon utilized by aquatic microorganisms. J. Microbiol. Methods 73: 237-241 (Abstract)
van der Stap, I., Vos, M., Tollrian, R. & Mooij, W.M. (2008) Inducible defenses, competition and shared predation in planktonic food chains. Oecologia 157, 697-705. (Abstract)
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert (2008) Body size and food thresholds for zero growth in Dreissena polymorpha: a mechanism underlying intraspecific competition. Freshwater Biology 53(12): 2356–2363. (Abstract)
Wacker, A. (2008) Impact of parasitic mite infection on a terrestrial snail. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 51(2): 69–75. (Abstract)
Williams, R.J., and N.D. Martinez. 2008. Success and its limits among structural models of complex food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:512-519. (Abstract)
Bell, E., Apitz, S.E., Breuer, E. et al. (2007) Integrating New Technologies for the Study of Benthic Ecosystems Response to Human Activity: Towards a Coastal Ocean Benthic Observatory (COBO). Proceedings of the Italian Association of Oceanology and Limnology, in press. (invited conference proceeding)
Boechat, I., Weithoff, G., Krüger, A., Gücker, B. & Adrian, R. (2007) A biochemical explanation for the success of the mixotrophic flagellate Ochromonas sp. Limnology & Oceanography, 52: 1624-1632. (Abstract)
Clegg, M.R., Maberly, S.C. & Jones, R.I. (2007) Behavioral response as a predictor of seasonal depth distribution and vertical niche separation in freshwater phytoplanktonic flagellates. Limnology and Oceanography 52 (1): 441-455. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.; Weithoff, G. & Yoshida, T. (2007) A direct, experimental test of resource- versus consumer dependence: Reply. Ecology, 1603-1604. (Abstract)
Kampe, H., König-Rinke, M., Petzoldt, T. & Benndorf, J. (2007) Direct effects of Daphnia-grazing, not infochemicals, mediate a shift towards large inedible colonies of the gelatinous green alga Sphaerocystis schroeteri . Limnologica 37: 137-145. (Abstract)
Kratina, P., Vos, M. & Anholt, B.R. (2007) Diversity modulates predation. Ecology 88, 1917-1923. (Abstract)
Pearce I, Davidson AT, Bell EM, Wright S. (2007) Seasonal changes in the concentration and metabolic activity of bacteria and viruses at an Antarctic coastal site. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 47: 11-23. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. (2007) Phosphorus acquisition by Chlamydomonas acidophila under autotrophic and osmo-mixotrophic growth conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 4195-4202. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E., D. Barua, A. Gerloff-Elias, J. Kern, U. Gaedke & S.A. Heckathorn (2007) Stress responses and metal tolerance of Chlamydomonas acidophila in metal-enriched lake water and artificial medium. Extremophiles 11: 551-562. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E., V. Bissinger, A. Meister & U. Gaedke (2007) Low potassium and inorganic carbon concentrations influence a possible phosphorus limitation in Chlamydomonas acidophila. European Journal of Phycology 42 (4): 327-339 (Abstract)
Tirok, K. & Gaedke, U. (2007) Regulation of planktonic ciliate dynamics and functional composition during spring in Lake Constance. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 49: 87-100 (Abstract)
Tirok, K. & Gaedke, U. (2007) The effect of irradiance, vertical mixing and temperature on spring phytoplankton dynamics under climate change: long-term observations and model analysis. Oecologia 150: 625-642. (Abstract)
Tae-Gyu Park, T.-G., Bell, E. M., Pearce, I., Rublee, P.A., Bolch, C.J.S and Hallegraeff, G. M. (2007) Detection of a novel ecotype of Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae) in an Antarctic saline lake by real-time PCR. Polar Biology 30:843-848, DOI 10.1007/s00300-006-0244-0 (Abstract)
van der Stap, I., Vos, M. & Mooij, W.M. (2007) Induced defenses in herbivores and plants differentially modulate a trophic cascade. Ecology, 88, 2474-2481. (Abstract)
van der Stap, I., Vos, M. & Mooij, W.M. (2007) Inducible defenses and rotifer community dynamics. Hydrobiologia, 593, 103-110.
Vasseur, D. & U. Gaedke (2007) Spectral analysis... - Appendix
Wacker, A. & Martin-Creuzburg, D. (2007) Allocation of essential lipids in Daphnia magna during exposure to poor food quality. Functional Ecology 21: 738-747. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G (2007) Dietary restriction in rotifers – the effect of the length of food deprivation on life span and reproduction. Oecologia 153: 303-308. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G. & Wacker, A. (2007) The mode of nutrition of mixotrophic flagellates determines the food quality for their consumers. Functional Ecology 48: 1092-1098. (Abstract)
Wilson, J.B., E. Spijkerman & J. Huisman (2007) Is there really insufficient support for Tilman’s R* concept? A comment on Miller et al. The American Naturalist 169: 700-706. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M., Weithoff, G. & Gaedke, U. (2006) Temporal dynamics and growth of Actinophrys sol (Sarcodina: Heliozoa), the top predator in an extremely acidic lake. Freshwater Biology 51: 1149-1161. (Abstract)
Gerloff-Elias, A., Barua, D., Mölich, A. & Spijkerman, E. (2006) Temperature and pH-dependent accumulation of heat shock proteins in the acidophilic green alga Chlamydomonas acidophila. FEMS microbial ecology 56 (3): 345-354. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. & Kamjunke, N. (2006) Structural and functional properties of low and high diversity planktonic food webs. J. Plankton Res. 18: 707-718. (Abstract)
Huber, V. & U. Gaedke (2006) Predation drives temporal variability patterns in phytoplankton and ciliates. OIKOS 114: 265-276.
Kamjunke, N., Bohn, C. & Grey, J.: (2006) Utilisation of dissolved organic carbon from different sources by pelagic bacteria in an acidic mining lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 165: 355-364. (Abstract)
Schmidtke, A., Bell, E.M. & Weithoff, G. (2006) Potential grazing impact of the mixotrophic flagellate Ochromonas sp. (Chrysophyceae) on bacteria in an extremely acidic lake. Journal of Plankton Research 28: 991-1001. (published online:; DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbl034) (Abstract)
Tirok, K. & U. Gaedke (2006) Spring weather determines the relative importance of ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans for the initiation of the clear-water phase in a large, deep lake. J. Plankton Res. 28: 361-373. (Abstract)
van der Stap, I., Vos, M., Mooij, W.M. (2006) Linking herbivore-induced defences to population dynamics. Freshwater Biology 51, 424-434. (Abstract)
Vijverberg, J. & Vos, M. (2006) Predator-released compounds, ambient temperature and competitive exclusion among differently sized Daphnia species. Freshwater Biology 51, 756-767. (Abstract)
Vos, M., Vet, L.E.M., Wäckers, F.L., Middelburg, J.J., van der Putten, W.H., Mooij, W.M., Heip, C.H.R. & van Donk, E. (2006) Infochemicals structure marine, terrestrial and freshwater food webs: Implications for ecological informatics. Ecological Informatics 1, 23-32. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.F. & Blasius, B. (2005) Community response to enrichment is highly sensitive to model structure. Biol. Lett (published online:; DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2004.0246) (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.F., Weithoff, G. & Yoshida, T. (2005) A direct, experimental test of resource- versus consumer-dependence. Ecology 86: 2924-2930. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.F., Ellner, S.P., Hairston Jr., N.G., Jones, L.E., Shertzer, K.W. & Yoshida, T. (2005) Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of experimental plankton communities. Advances in Ecological Research. Vol. 37 (ed. R.A. Desharnais), pp. 221-243. (Abstract)
Gerloff-Elias, A., E. Spijkerman & H. Schubert (2005) Light acclimation of Chlamydomonas acidophila accumulating in the hypolimnion of an acidic lake (pH 2.6). Freshwater Biology, 50: 1301-1314. (Abstract)
Gerloff-Elias, A., E. Spijkerman & T. Pröschold (2005) Effect of external pH on the growth, photosynthesis and photosynthetic electron transport of Chlamydomonas acidophila Negoro, isolated from an extremely acidic lake (pH 2.6). Plant, Cell & Environment 28: 1218-1229. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., Tittel, J., Krumbeck, H., Beulker, C. & Poerschmann, J. (2005) High heterotrophic bacterial production in acidic, iron-rich mining lakes. Microb. Ecol. 49: 425-433. (Abstract)
Lass, S., Vos, M., Wolinska, J. & Spaak, P. (2005) Hatching with the enemy: Daphnia diapausing eggs hatch in the presence of fish kairomones. Chemoecology 15, 7-12. (Abstract)
Martin-Creuzburg, D., Wacker, A. & von Elert, E. (2005) Life history consequences of sterol availability in the aquatic keystone species Daphnia. Oecologia 144(3): 362-372. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. (2005) Growth and photosynthesis of Chlamydomonas sp. in a pH range of 1-8. Photosynthesis: Fundamental aspects to Global Perspectives. A. van der Est & D. Bruce (Eds.) pp.587-589. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E., S.C. Maberly, & P.F.M Coesel. (2005) Inorganic carbon acquisition mechanisms by planktonic desmids and their link to ecological distribution. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 850-858. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. (2005) Inorganic carbon acquisition by Chlamydomonas acidophila across a pH range. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 872-878. (Abstract)
Tittel, J., Bissinger, V., Gaedke, U. & Kamjunke, N. (2005) Inorganic carbon limitation and mixotrophic growth in Chlamydomonas from an acidic mining lake. Protist 165: 63-75. (Abstract)
Vasseur, D., U. Gaedke & K. McCann (2005) A seasonal alternation of coherent and compensatory dynamics occurs in phytoplankton. Oikos, 110:507-514. (Abstract)
Wacker, A. (2005) Lipids in the food of a terrestrial snail. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 47(3): 205-212. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G. (2005) On the ecology of the rotifer Cephalodella hoodi isolated from an extremely acidic lake. Freshwater Biology, 50:1464-1473.
Clegg, M.R., Maberly, S.C. & Jones, R.I. (2004) Chemosensory behavioural response of freshwater phytoplanktonic flagellates. Plant, Cell and Environment 27: 123-135 (Abstract)
Clegg, M.R., Maberly, S.C. & Jones, R.I. (2004) Dominance and compromise in freshwater phytoplanktonic flagellates: the interaction of behavioural preferences for conflicting environmental gradients. Functional Ecology 18: 371-380 (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., Gaedke, U., Tittel, J., Weithoff, G. and Bell, E.M. (2004) Strong vertical differences in plankton composition of an extremely acidic lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 161: 289-306. (Abstract)
Lagus, A., Suomela, J., Weithoff, G., Heikkilä, K., Helminen, H. & Sipura, J. (2004) Species-specific differences in phytoplankton responses to N and P enrichments and the N:P ratio in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic. Journal of Plankton Research 26:779-798. (Abstract)
Vos, M., Kooi, B.W., DeAngelis, D.L. & Mooij, W.M. (2004) Inducible defences and the paradox of enrichment. Oikos 105, 471-480. (Abstract)
Vos, M., Verschoor, A.M., Kooi, B.W., Wäckers, F.L., DeAngelis, D.L. & Mooij, W.M. (2004) Inducible defenses and trophic structure. Ecology 85, 2783-2794. (Abstract)
Poerschmann, J., Spijkerman, E. & Langer, U. (2004) Fatty acid patterns in Chlamydomonas sp. as a marker for nutrition regimes and temperature under extreme, acidic conditions. Microbial Ecology 48: 78-89. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E, Garcia-Mendoza, E., Matthijs, H.C.M., van Hunnik, E. & Coesel, P.F.M. (2004) Negative effects of P-buffering and pH on photosynthetic activity of planktonic desmid species in a phosphate buffer at two pH values. Photosynthetica 42 (1): 49-57. (Abstract)
Tittel, J. & Kamjunke, N. (2004) Metabolism of dissolved organic carbon by planktonic bacteria and mixotrophic algae in lake neutralization experiments. Freshwater Biol. 49:1062-1071 (Abstract)
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert (2004) Food quality controls egg quality of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha: The role of fatty acids. Limnology & Oceanography 49(5): 1794–1801. (Abstract)
Wacker, A., & B. Baur. (2004) Effects of protein and calcium concentrations of artificial diets on the growth and survival of the land snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 46 (1): 47-53. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G. (2004) Vertical niche separation of two primary consumers (Rotatoria) in an extreme habitat Oecologia 139:594-603. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M., Lockyear, J.F., Schulz, J., Marsden, A.D. and Vincent, A.C.J. (2003) First field studies of an endangered South African seahorse, Hippocampus capensis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67: 35-46. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M. and Laybourn-Parry, J. (2003) Mixotrophy in the phytoflagellate, Pyramimonas gelidicola McFadden (Chlorophyceae: Prasinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 39: 644-649. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M. and Weithoff, G. (2003) Benthic recruitment of zooplankton in an acidic lake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 285/286: 205-219. (Abstract)
Clegg, M.R., Maberly, S.C. & Jones, R.I. (2003) The effect of photon irradiance on the behavioural ecology and potential niche separation of freshwater phytoplanktonic flagellates. Journal of Phycology 39: 650-662. (Abstract)
Clegg, M.R., Maberly, S.C. & Jones, R.I. (2003) Behavioural responses of freshwater phytoplanktonic flagellates to a temperature gradient. European Journal of Phycology 38: 195-203. (Abstract)
Ellner, S.P. & G.F. Fussmann (2003) Effects of successional dynamics on metapopulation persistence. Ecology 84: 882-889. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.F., S.P. Ellner & N.G. Hairston Jr. (2003) Evolution as a critical component of plankton dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Academy of London B Biological Sciences 270, 1015-1022. (Abstract)
Gervais, F., Siedel, U., Heilmann, B., Weithoff, G., Heisig-Gunkel, G. and Nicklisch, A. (2003) Vertical distribution of phytoplankton, nutrients and sulphide below the oxicline of a mesotrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research 25: 273-278. (Abstract)
Lewin, W.-C., Kamjunke, N. and Mehner, T. (2003) Phosphorus uptake by Microcystis during passage through fish guts. Limnol. Oceanogr. 48: 2392-2396. (Abstract)
Raffaelli, D., Bell, E., Weithoff, G., Matsumoto, A., Cruz-Motta, J.J., Jones, M., Kershaw, P. Parker, R. and Parry, D. (2003) Benthic-pelagic coupling: A review of scaling issues and surveillance techniques. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 285/286: 191-203. (Abstract)
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert (2003) Settlement pattern of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, as a function of depth in Lake Constance. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 58 (3): 289-301. (Abstract)
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert (2003) Food quality controls reproduction of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Oecologia 135: 332-338. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G. (2003). The concepts of “Plant Functional Types” and “Functional Diversity” in lake phytoplankton – a new understanding of phytoplankton ecology? Freshwater Biology 48: 1669-1675. (Abstract)
Wiegman, S., C. Barranguet, E. Spijkerman, M.H.S. Kraak and W. Admiraal (2003) The role of UV adaptation of a marine diatom in photoenhanced toxicity of acridine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22 (3): 591-598. (Abstract)
Yoshida, T., Jones, L.E., Ellner, S.E., Fussmann, G.F. & Hairston Jr., N.G. (2003) Rapid evolution drives ecological dynamics in a predator-prey system. Nature 424: 303-306. (Abstract)
Fussmann G.F. and Heber, G. (2002) Food web complexity and chaotic population dynamics. Ecology Letters 5: 394-401. (Abstract)
Hairston, N.G. Jr. and Fussmann, G.F. (2002) Lake ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., Nature Publishing Group. (Abstract)
Shertzer, K.W., Ellner, S.P., Fussmann, G.F. and Hairston, N.G. Jr. (2002) Predator-prey cycles in an aquatic microcosm: testing hypotheses of mechanism. J. Anim. Ecol. 71: 802-815. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., Mendonca, R., Hardewig, I. and Mehner, T. (2002): Assimilation of different cyanobacteria as food and the consequences for internal energy stores of juvenile roach. J. Fish Biol. 60: 731-738. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., Schmidt, K., Pflugmacher, S. and Mehner, T. (2002) Consumption of cyanobacteria by roach (Rutilus rutilus) useful or harmful to the fish? Freshwater Biology 47: 243-250. (Abstract)
Koschorreck, M. and Tittel, J. (2002) Benthic photosynthesis in an acidic mining lake (pH 2.6). Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 1197-1201. (Abstract)
Koschorreck, M., Frömmichen, R., Herzsprung, P., Tittel, J. and Wendt-Potthoff, K. (2002). Functions of straw for in situ remediation of acidic mining lakes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 2: 97-109.
Wacker, A. & E. von Elert (2002) Strong influences of larval diet history on subsequent post-settlement growth in the freshwater mollusc Dreissena polymorpha. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B: Biological Sciences 269 (1505): 2113-2119. (Abstract)
Wacker, A. , P. Becher, & E. von Elert (2002) Food quality effects of unsaturated fatty acids on larvae of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. Limnology & Oceanography 47 (4): 1242-1248. (Abstract)
Bell, E.M. and Vincent, A.C.J. (2001) Gasterosteiforms. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Hairston, N. G., Jr, C. L. Holtmeier, W. Lampert, L. J. Weider, D. M. Post, J. M. Fischer, C. E. Cáceres, J. A. Fox & U. Gaedke (2001) Natural selection for grazer resistance to toxic cyanobacteria: Evolution of phenotypic plasticity? Evolution 55: 2203-2214 (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N. and T. Mehner (2001) Coupling the microbial food web with fish, are bacteria attached to cyanobacteria an important food source for underyearling roach? Freshwater Biology. 46: 633-639. (Abstract)
van Hunnik, E., A. Livne, V. Pogenberg, E. Spijkerman, H. van den Ende, E. Garcia Mendoza, D. Sultemeyer and J. W. de Leeuw (2001) Identification and localization of a thylakoid-bound carbonic anhydrase from the green algae Tetraedron minimum (Chlorophyta) and Chlamydomonas noctigama (Chlorophyta). Planta 212: 454-459. (Abstract)
Wagner, A. and Kamjunke, N. (2001) Reduction of the filtration rate of Daphnia galeata by dissolved photosynthetic products of edible phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia 442: 165-176. (Abstract)
Wacker, A.. & E. von Elert (2001) Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Evidence for non-substitutable biochemical resources in Daphnia galeata. Ecology 82 (9): 2507-2520. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G., Walz, N. and Gaedke, U. (2001) The intermediate disturbance hypothesis – species diversity or functional diversity? Journal of Plankton Research 23: 1147-1155. (Abstract)
Bissinger, V., Jander, J. and J. Tittel. (2000) A new medium free of organic carbon to cultivate organisms from extremely acidic lakes (pH 2.7). Acta hydrochimica et hydrologica 28: 310-312. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G.F., Ellner, S.P., Shertzer, K.W. and Hairston, N.G. Jr. (2000) Crossing the Hopf bifurcation in a live predator-prey system. Science 290: 1358-1360. (Abstract)
Hochstädter, S. (2000) Seasonal changes of C:P-ratios of seston, bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton in a deep, mesotrophic lake. Freshwater Biology 44: 453-464. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N. and S. Jähnichen (2000) Leucine incorporation by Microcystis aeruginosa. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45: 741-743. (Abstract)
Laybourn-Parry, J., Roberts, E.C. and Bell, E. M. (2000) Mixotrophy as a survival strategy in Antarctic lakes. In: W. Davidson, C. Howard-Williams and P. Broady (eds.) Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological Understanding, The Caxton Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Laybourn-Parry, J., Bell, E. M. and Roberts, E.C. (2000) Protozoan growth rates in Antarctic lakes. Polar Biology 23: 445-451. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G.; Lorke, A. and N. Walz (2000) Effects of water column mixing on bacteria, phytoplankton, and rotifers under different levels of herbivory. Oecologia 125: 91-100. (Abstract)
Woelfl, S., Tittel, J., Zippel, B. and Kringel, R. (2000) Occurence of an algal mass development in an acidic (pH 2.5), iron and aluminium-rich coal mining pond. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 28: 305-309. (Abstract)
Bell, E. M. and Laybourn-Parry, J. (1999) Annual plankton dynamics in an Antarctic saline lake. Freshwater Biology 41: 507-519. (Abstract)
Bell, E. M. and Laybourn-Parry, J. (1999) The plankton community of a young, eutrophic, Antarctic saline lake. Polar Biology 22: 248-253. (Abstract)
Coesel, P.F.M. & E. Spijkerman (1999) Growth kinetic characteristics of Staurastrum chaetoceras and Cosmarium abbreviatum var. planctonicum (Desmidiaceae) in a long-term competition experiment. Algological Studies 95: 81-88. (Abstract)
Hairston, N. G., Jr, W. Lampert, C. E. Cáceres, C. L. Holtmeier, L. J. Weider, U. Gaedke, J. M. Fischer, J. A. Fox and D. M. Post (1999) Lake ecosystems: Rapid evolution revealed by dormant eggs. Nature 401: 446. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N. and R. F. Zehrer (1999) Direct and indirect effects of strong grazing by Daphnia galeata on bacterial production in an enclosure experiment. J. Plankton Res. 21: 1175-1182. (Abstract)
Kamjunke, N., A. Benndorf, C. Wilbert, M. Opitz, J. Kranich, M. Bollenbach, and Benndorf, J. (1999) Bacteria ingestion by Daphnia galeata in a biomanipulated reservoir, a mechanism stabilizing biomanipulation? Hydrobiologia 403: 109-121. (Abstract)
Weithoff, G. and Walz, N. (1999) Problems in estimating phytoplankton nitrogen limitation in eutrophic shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia 408/409: 367-373. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U., D. Ollinger, E. Bäuerle and D. Straile (1998) The impact of weather conditions on the seasonal plankton development. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 565-585.
Gaedke, U. and T. Weisse (1998) Seasonal and interannual variability of picocyanobacteria in Lake Constance (1987-1996) Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 143-158.
Gaedke, U. and D. Straile (1998) Daphnids: Keystone species for the pelagic food web structure and energy flow - A body size related analysis linking seasonal changes on the population and ecosystem level. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 587-610.
Gaedke, U. (1998 b) The response of the pelagic community of a large and deep lake (L. Constance) to reoligotrophication: Evidence for scale-dependent hierarchical patterns. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 317-333.
Gaedke, U. (1998 a) Functional and taxonomical properties of the phytoplankton community: Interannual variability and response to re-oligotrophication. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 119-141.
Häse, C., U. Gaedke, B. Beese, A. Seifried and M. Tilzer (1998) Phytoplankton response to reoligotrophication in large and deep Lake Constance: Photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll concentration. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues: Advances in Limnology 53: 159-178.
Kamjunke, N., T. Deppe and Benndorf, J. (1998) Bacterial production under varying trophic conditions and its importance as food source for daphnids in a biomanipulated reservoir. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 83: 413-420. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. and P.F.M. Coesel (1998) Ecophysiological characteristics of two planktonic desmid species originating from trophically different lakes. Hydrobiologia 369/370: 109-116. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. and P.F.M. Coesel (1998) Different response mechanisms of two planktonic desmid species (Chlorophyceae) to a single, saturating addition of phosphate. Journal of Phycology 34: 438-445 (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. and& P.F.M. Coesel (1998) Alkaline phosphatase activity in two planktonic desmid species and the possible role of an extracellular envelope. Freshwater Biology 39: 101-111. (Abstract)
Tittel, J., B. Zippel; J. Seeger und W. Geller.(1998) Relationships between plankton community structure and plankton size distribution in lakes of northern Germany. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43: 1119-1132. (Abstract)
Postius, C., U. Kenter, A. Wacker, A. Ernst, & P. Böger. 1998. Light causes selection among two phycoerythrin-rich Synechococcus isolates from Lake Constance. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 25: 171-178. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. and D. Straile (1997) The trophic position of dead autochthonous organic material and its treatment in trophic analyses. Environmental Modelling and Assessment (EMA) 2: 13-22.
Hart, D., L. Stone, A. Stern, D. Straile and U. Gaedke (1997) Methods for balancing ecosystem flux charts: New techniques and software. Environmental Modelling and Assessment (EMA) 2: 23-28.
Kamjunke, N., W. Böing and H. Voigt (1997) Bacterial and primary production under hypertrophic conditions. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 13: 29-35. (Abstract)
Köthe, A., Faltin, V., Kamjunke, N. and Benndorf, J. (1997) The structure-forming impact of zooplankton on phytoplankton in a whole-lake biomanipulation experiment. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 26: 712-714.
Spijkerman, E. and P.F.M. Coesel (1997) Growth kinetic parameters of two planktonic desmid species under fluctuating phosphorus conditions in continuous flow culture. Journal of Plankton Research 19: 1899-1912. (Abstract)
Fussmann, G. (1996) The importance of crustacean zooplankton in structuring rotifer and phytoplankton communities: an enclosure study. J. Plankton Res. 18: 1897-1915. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U., D. Straile and C. Pahl-Wostl (1996) Trophic structure and carbon flow dynamics in the pelagic community of a large lake, p. 60-71 (Chapter 5) In Polis, G. and K. Winnemiller "Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics". Chapman and Hall, New York.
Kamjunke, N., R. F. Herbst, Wagner, A. and Benndorf, J. (1996) Size distribution of primary production in a whole-lake biomanipulation experiment under hypertrophic conditions. Arch. Hydrobiol. 138: 259-271. (Abstract)
Maranzana, G., Bell, E., Bozo, S. and Talarico, L. (1996) Response of the red alga Audouinella saviana (meneghini) woelkerling to cadmium: Preliminary observations. Giornale Botanico Italiano 130: 76-79.
Spijkerman, E. and P.F.M. Coesel (1996) Phosphorus uptake and growth kinetics of two planktonic desmid species. European Journal of Phycology 31: 53-60. (Abstract)
Spijkerman, E. and P.F.M. Coesel (1996) Competition for phosphorus between planktonic desmid species in continuous flow culture. Journal of Phycology 32: 939-948.
1995 -1988
Weithoff, G. and Walz, N. (1995) Influence of the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii on population growth and reproductive pattern of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. Hydrobiologia 313/314: 381-386. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. and D. Straile (1994 a) Seasonal changes of the quantitative importance of protozoans in a large lake - An ecosystem approach using mass-balanced carbon flow diagrams. Mar. Microb. Food Webs 8: 163-188.
Fussmann, G. (1993) Abundance, succession and morphological variation of planktonic rotifers during autumnal circulation in a hypertrophic lake (Heiligensee, Berlin). Hydrobiologia 255/256: 353-360. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. and A. Schweizer (1993) The first decade of oligotrophication in Lake Constance. I. The response of phytoplankton biomass and cell size. Oecologia 93: 268-275. (Abstract)
Sommer, U., U. Gaedke and A. Schweizer (1993) The first decade of oligotrophication of Lake Constance. II. The response of phytoplankton taxonomic composition. Oecologia 93: 276-284. (Abstract)
Timmermans, K.R., E. Spijkerman, M. Tonkes, and H. Govers (1992) Cadmium and zinc uptake by two species of aquatic invertebrate predators from dietary and aqueous sources. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 655-662. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. and W. Ebenhöh (1991) Predator-mediated coexistence of calanoid copepods in a spatially heterogeneous environment: a numerical simulation model. Ecol. Modelling 56: 267-289. (Abstract)
Gaedke, U. (1990) Population dynamics of the calanoid copepods Eurytemora affinis and Acartia tonsa in the Ems-Dollart-Estuary: a numerical simulation. Arch. Hydrobiol. 118: 185-226. (Abstract)
Kuipers, B. R., Gaedke, U., Enserink, L. and H. Witte (1990) Effect of Ctenophore predation on mesozooplankton during a spring outburst of Pleurobrachia pileus. Neth. J. Sea Res. 26: 111-124. (Abstract)
Eckmann, R. and U. Gaedke (1989) Response to Hartmann. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46: 726-727.
Eckmann, R., U. Gaedke and H. J. Wetzlar (1988) Effects of climatic and density-dependent factors on year-class strength of Coregonus lavaretus L. in Lake Constance. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 45: 1088-1093. (Abstract)
Selected Bookchapter etc.
Gaedke U. (2009) Trophic Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems. In: Gene E. Likens, (Editor) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Vol. 1, pp. 499-504 Oxford: Elsevier.
Gaedke, U. (2008) Ecological networks, pp. 283-304. In: Junker, B. H. & F. Schreiber (eds) Analysis of Biological Networks. Wiley.
Gaedke, U. 2004 Zusammenspiel von Nahrungsquantität und –qualität in Nahrungsnetzen: Wann beeinflusst Nährstoffmangel bei Primär-Produzenten die Dynamik der Konsumenten und die Remineralisation? Handbuch der Angewandten Limnologie, Kap. IV-5.2, 19. Erg.Lfg. 7/04. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg
Gaedke, U., Kamjunke, N., Tittel, J., Bell, E.M., Weithoff, G., Gerloff-Elias, A. & Bissinger, A. (2004): Pelagische Kohlenstoffflüsse im Tagebaurestsee RL 111, p. 221-228. In: Nixdorf, B. & Deneke, R. (Hrsg): Grundlagen und Maßnahmen zur biogenen Alkalinisierung von sauren Tagebauseen. Weißensee Verlag, Berlin
Kamjunke, N., Tittel, J. & Gaedke, U. (2004): Mikrobielle Umsetzungen und Biomasseproduktion im Pelagial von Tagebauseen, p. 105-118. In: Nixdorf, B. & Deneke, R. (Hrsg): Grundlagen und Maßnahmen zur biogenen Alkalinisierung von sauren Tagebauseen. Weißensee Verlag, Berlin.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 2003. Aspekte der Futterqualität am Beispiel der Dreikantmuschel (Dreissena polymorpha). Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin: 11-15.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 2003. Effects of larval food conditions on recruitment of Dreissena polymorpha. In Ecological studies, hazards and solutions (Vol. 6): p 49, MAX-Press, Moscow: ISBN 5-317-00657-0.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 2002. Einfluss der Futterqualität auf die Investition von Dreissena polymorpha in die Qualität der Eizellen. Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 334-336.
Weyhenmeyer, G. A., R. Adrian, U. Gaedke, D. M. Livingstone & S. C. Maberly (2002) Response of phytoplankton in European lakes to a change in the North Atlantic Oscillation. In Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. 28: 1436-1439.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 2001. Einfluss der Futterqualität auf die Reproduktionsleistung von Dreissena polymorpha. Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 658-661.
Becher, P., A. Wacker, & E. von Elert. 2001. Futterqualitätseffekte bei Dreissena polymorpha: Bedeutung von Fettsäuren im Futterangebot. Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 653-657.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 1999. Biochemische Limitierung von Daphnia galeata im Bodensee? Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 791-795.
Gaedke, U., D. Ollinger, P. Kirner and E. Bäuerle (1998) The influence of weather conditions on the seasonal plankton development in a large and deep lake (L. Constance) III. The impact of vertical exchange rates on the algal spring development, p. 71-84. In: D. G. George, J. G. Jones, P. Puncochár, C. S. Reynolds and D. W. Sutcliffe (eds.) Management of Lakes and Reservoirs during Global Climate Change. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Steinberg, C. E. W., H. Schäfer, J. Tittel und W. Beisker (1998) Phytoplankton composition and biomass spectra created by flow cytometrie and zooplankton composition in mining lakes of different states of acidification, p. 127-145. In W. Geller, H. Klapper und W. Salomons (Hrsg.), Acidic mining lakes, Springer.-Verl., Berlin, Heidelberg.
Wacker, A., & E. von Elert. 1998. Untersuchung zur Futterqualität des Sestons im Bodensee für Daphnia galeata. Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie: 729-733.
Gaedke, U., T. Barthelmeß and D. Straile (1996) Temporal variability of standing stocks of individual species, communities, and the entire plankton in two lakes of different trophic state: empirical evidence for hierarchy theory and emergent properties? Proceeding of the workshop "The concept of ecosystems" Senckenbergiana maritima 27: 169-177.
Rönicke, H., H. Klapper; J. Tittel; M. Beyer und B. Zippel (1995) Control of phosphorus and plankton by calcite flushing in Lake Arendsee: enclosure experiments. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26: 768-771.
Geller, W., R. Berberovic, U. Gaedke, H. Müller, H.-R. Paule, M. Tilzer and T. Weisse (1991) Relations among the components of autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton during the seasonal cycle 1987 in Lake Constance. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 24: 831-836.
Gaedke, U. and M. Schimmele (1990) The potential impact of internal seiches on observed population dynamics of planktonic organism in Lake Constance. In Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 24: 80-84.