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Strategies for developing pyrophobic and climate change resilient forests on burned areas

Logo of the Pyrophob project
Picture: Pyrophob team

Eight institutions are researching together how burned areas develop in the first years after the wildfire. Multiple organism groups (plants, fungi, insects, birds, mammals) and abiotic factors (f.e. soil, hydrology, microclimate) and their interactions are investigated. The project aims among others to develop pyrophobic (fire repellent) and climate change resilient forests and how forest management can influence this.

Find out more on the official project hompage PYROPHOB

A good overview of the results of the project can be found in the Eberswalder Forstliche Schriftenreihe Band 77(in German).

Logo of the Pyrophob project
Picture: Pyrophob team

Research area

Treuenbrietzen & Jüterbog (SW Brandenburg)


05/2020- 04/2025

Selected media reports