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Hi there!

Welcome to the webpage of the Anglistik & Amerikanistik student council! We are very happy that you are here and hope that we can help you with any questions and matters you come to us with. We are trying our best to provide you with up-to-date information concerning your studies at the Institut Anglistik/Amerikanistik and help you out with whatever problems and issues you might be facing. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

You can reach us here:
Instagram: @fsranglamup
Facebook: FSR Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Your student council Anglistik/Amerikanistik.

Pet Picture of the Month

send us your pet!

click to see the full picture

It’s time to bring back an old tradition: the pet picture of the month! Do you think your pet has what it takes to become a star? Now is their time to shine! Starting in May, every monthly newsletter will include a picture of one very special pet.
How do you participate? Starting today, you can send us a picture and the name of your furry friend on Instagram @fsranglamup or via email . You may also include a fun fact about them. At the end of each month, we will post a public vote on our Instagram story, so you all get to decide who will make it into the newsletter!  

click to see the full picture