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Digital learning, research and project management

At the Chair of Complex Multimedia Application Architectures at the University of Potsdam, Educational technologies are developed and researched. In the FoLD project, usage scenarios for the developed technologies are examined and supported using different media. It follows up on our experience with the "Potsdam Quality Pact Project E-Learning in Study Areas (eLiS)", the accompanying research project "Research Orientation in the Introductory Study Phase (FideS)" and the "Association for Action-Oriented Learning in the VR Painting Workshop (HandLeVR)". By aligning digital processes and tools with the didactic needs of the project partners, explorative learning in university teaching and the training of digital literacy are promoted.

Gearwheels FoLD-Project
Photo: FoLD-project

As a project coordinator, we also ensure the systematic design of usage scenarios, the documentation of approaches, intermediate and final results, the evaluation of the measures implemented and the transparency in the project. In this way, we promote interdisciplinary and cooperative work, and through a time-based and task-oriented digital process planning, we support the achievement of the various project goals.
Workshops with the entire FoLD project team as well as the scientific advisory board also provide physical meeting spaces for the mutual exchange of knowledge, for meta-evaluations and discussions about the research questions of the project. Furthermore, publications in interdisciplinary teams on research results are encouraged in order to strengthen scientific cooperation. In addition, an evaluation concept is developed together with all those involved, which examines the effectiveness of the teaching projects in the FoLD project, as well as ensuring the quality and sustainability of the courses by aligning them with users.

Gearwheels FoLD-Project
Photo: FoLD-project


Brix, O., Schober, S., Steinke, L., Strickroth, S. (2020), Biblisches Hebräisch digital lehren und lernen: Praxiserfahrungen beim Aufbau eines Blended-Learning-Formats mit Moodle. In: Zender, R., Ifenthaler, D., Leonhardt, T. & Schumacher, C. (Hrsg.), DELFI 2020 – Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (S. 127-132).

Nowotny, F., Plötner, K., & Steinke, L. (2021), 360-Grad-und Virtual Reality-Anwendungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Praxiserfahrungen aus einem multimodalen Masterseminar im hybriden Lehrformat (Fremdsprachendidaktik Französisch/Spanisch). In: Andrea Kienle et al. (Hrsg.), DELFI 2021 -  Die 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn (S. 85-90).


FoLD-Team Educational Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrike Lucke (Project Lead)  Professor of Complex and Applied Multimedial Architectures

Lara Heeß (Project Coordination)

Aliki Grammatikaki (Student Research Assistant)
