Responsible for the module
Educational Science – Joint-honours Bachelor (Examination version: from WiSe 2018/19 onwards)
Compulsory Modules
ERZ-B2-G1: General Foundations of Educational Science (Foundations I) - [Prof. Dr. Richter]
ERZ-B2-G2: Vocational Orientation and Professional Practice (Fundamentals II) - [Dr. E. Richter]
ERZ-B2-G3: Basic Empirical Research Methods in Educational Science (Basics III) - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
ERZ-B2-SOZ: Educational Processes in Modern Societies (Basics IV) - [Prof. Dr. Lauterbach]
ERZ-B2-V1: In-depth Empirical Research Methods in Educational Science (Advanced I) - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
ERZ-B2-V2: Social Dimensions of Education (Advanced Studies II) - [Prof. Dr. Lauterbach]
ERZ-B2-V3: Historical Dimensions of Education (Advanced III) - [apl. Prof. Dr. Tosch]
ERZ-B2-P1: Focus: Childhood and Adolescence (Profiling I) - [Prof. Dr. Kolleck]
ERZ-B2-P2: Focus: The Education and Participation of Adults (Profiling II) - [Dr. E. Richter]
ERZ-B2-VM: Advanced Final Module - [alle Professuren]
Basic Academic Competencies
ERZ-B2-AG1: Self-Reflection, Planning and Development (Basic Academic Competencies I) - [PD Dr. Link]
ERZ-B2-AG2: Academic Work (Basic Academic Competencies II) - [Prof. Dr. Richter]
Education – Master’s (Examination version: from WiSe 2019/20 onwards)
ERZ-MA-001: Research Methods in Education I - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
ERZ-MA-002: Research Methods in Education II - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
ERZ-MA-003: Lifelong Learning and Development - [Dr. E. Richter]
ERZ-MA-004: Professionalisation of Educational Personnel - [Prof. Dr. Richter]
ERZ-MA-005: Educational Organisation and Governance - [Prof. Dr. Rjosk]
ERZ-MA-006: Educational Structure and Lifelong Education - [Prof. Dr. Lauterbach]
ERZ-MA-007: School Education - [Prof. Dr. Lazarides]
ERZ-MA-008: Historische Entwicklungen institutionalisierter Bildungsprozess - [apl. Prof. Dr. Tosch]
ERZ-MA-009: Work Placement - [Prof. Dr. Lauterbach, PD Dr. Link]
ERZ-MA-010: Colloquium - [all professors]
Educational Science – Master’s (Examination version: from WiSe 2009/10 onwards)
- Compulsory Module 1: Theories of Educational Science and Processes of Educational Reform - [apl. Prof. Dr. Tosch]
- Compulsory Module 2: Methods and Concepts of Empirical Educational Research ‘FOUNDATION’ - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
- Compulsory Module 3: Methods and Concepts of Empirical Educational Research ‘ADVANCED’ - [Prof. Dr. Brunner]
- Compulsory Module 4: Work Placement - [PD Dr. Link]
- Compulsory Elective Module 1: Education in the School Context - [Prof. Dr. Richter]
- Compulsory Elective Module 2: Lifelong Education - [Dr. E. Richter]
- Elective Module 3: Educational Organisation and Management - [Prof. Dr. Lauterbach]
- Colloquia [all professors]
Educational Science for Trainee Teachers at Secondary Level I + II
Bachelor’s (Examination version: from WiSe 2013/14 onwards)
BWS-BA-100: School Pedagogy and Didactics - [Prof. Dr. Vock]
BWS-BA-101: Learning and Development in a Social Context - [Prof. Dr. Dumont]
BWS-BA-102: Basics of Inclusive Education - [Prof. Dr. Rjosk]
BWS-BA-103: School Theory and Educational Research/Educational Research on Schools: Theories and Research Approaches - [Prof. Dr. Lazarides]
Master’s (Examination version: from WiSe 2020/21 onwards)
BWS-MA-200: Education, Upbringing, Society - [Prof. Dr. Kolleck]
BWS-MA-201: Language and Media Education - [Prof. Dr. Scheiter]
BWS-MA-202: Diagnostics and Counselling - [Prof. Dr. Dumont]
BWS-MA-203: Heterogeneity in School and Society - [Prof. Dr. Juang/Inklusion]
BWS-MA-204: Dealing with Individual Learning Preferences in School Settings - [Prof. Dr. Rjosk]
Master’s (Examination version: from Winter Semester 2013/14 onwards)
BWS-MA-200: Education, Upbringing, Society - [Prof. Kolleck]
BM-MA-S2: Diagnostics and Counselling - [Prof. Dr. Dumont]
VM-MA-S3: Diagnostics and Counselling in Practice - [Prof. Dr. Dumont]
BWS-MA-201: Language and Media Education - [Prof. Dr. Scheiter]
BWS-MA-203: Heterogeneity in School and Society - [Prof. Dr. Juang]
BWS-MA-204: Dealing with Individual Learning Preferences in School Settings - [Prof. Dr. Rjosk]
School Work Placement (ZeLB) - [PD Dr. Link])
- Optional courses - [all professors]