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Portrait of Holger Lange

Prof. Dr. Holger Lange


Campus Golm
Bldg. 28, Room 1.030

University of Potsdam


Institute for Physics and Astronomy - Experimental Physics of Light-Matter Interaction
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25
Bldg. 28, Room 1.030
14476 Potsdam


Holger Lange has been appointed Professor for “Experimental Physics of Light-Matter Interaction” at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Previously, he was an independent research group leader at the Center for Ultrafast Imaging at the University of Hamburg. He began his education by studying physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Trinity College Dublin before moving to the Technical University of Berlin for his doctorate. He then conducted research at the Department of Physics at Columbia University in New York (USA).
Holger Lange's current research focuses on the dynamics of excited electrons in nanoparticles, specifically in two classes of materials. On the one hand, he is researching metal nanoparticles, which are also a focus of the new Collaborative Research Center 1636 “Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals”. On the other hand, he is interested in semiconductor nanoparticles, the “quantum dots” honored with the Nobel Prize last year, as a building block for efficient light generation.