D. Rothhardt, Chr. Penschke, H. J. Hug, R. Hoffmann-Vogel and A. Kimouche,
ACS Nano (2025)
P. Rahe, I. Bald, N. Hauptmann, R. Hoffmann-Vogel, H. Mönig and M. Reichling
"Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques V",
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.16, 54–56 (2025).
D. Rothhardt, A. Kimouche, T. Klamroth and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Local work function on graphene nanoribbons",
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 15, 1125 (2024).
P. Schmidt, F. Hartmann, L. Faber, R. Metzler, J. Anders, R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Pb transport on Si(111)-(7x7) following tip induced imbalance",
Phys. Rev. B 110, 235422 (2024).
M. Marz, A. Issac, V. Fritsch, A. Kimouche and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Real-space imaging of several molecular layers of C60 in the rotational glass phase",
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35, 405004 (2023).
J. Hauser, D. Rothhardt, R. Pfender-Siedle and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Shell effects and free-electrons in electromigrated oxidized Cu-nanocontacts",
Nanotechnology 34, 175703 (2023).
S. Schneider, K. Bytyqi, S. Kohaut, P. Bügel, B. Weinschenk, M. Marz, A. Kimouche, K. Fink und R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Molecular self-assembly of DBBA on Au(111) at room temperature",
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 28371 (2022).
P. Milde, M. Langenhorst, H. Hölscher, J. Rottmann-Matthes, D. Hundertmark, L. M. Eng und R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Out-of-equilibrium optomechanical resonance self-excitation",
Journal of Applied Physics 130, 035305 (2021).
P. Wagner, A. Foster, I. Yi, M. Abe, Y. Sugimoto und R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Role of tip apices in scanning force spectroscopy on alkali halides at room temperature-chemical nature of the tip apex and atomic-scale deformations",
Nanotechnology 32, 035706 (2021).
S. Schneider, and R. Hoffmann-Vogel
"Electrostatic forces above graphene nanoribbons and edges interpreted as party hydrogen-free",
Nanoscale 12, 17895, (2020).
T. Späth, M. Popp, and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Film Thickness of Pb Islands on the Si(111) Surface",
Physical Review Letters 124, 016101 (2020).
arXiv: 2001.05383
E. Seydel, R. Hoffmann-Vogel and M. Marz,
"Epitaxial growth of C60 on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces studied at low temperatures",
Nanotechnology 30, 025703/1-6 (2019).
arXiv: 1911.10048
R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Imaging prototypical aromatic molecules on insulating surfaces: A review",
Reports on Progress in Physics 81, 016501/1-32 (2018).
R. Pfender-Siedle, J. Hauser and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
„Atomic discreteness and the nature of structural equilibrium in conductance histograms of electromigrated Cu-nanocontacts“,
Physical Review B 95, 235418/1-7 (2017).
arXiv: 1709.07272
C. Pérez León, H. Drees, S. M. Wippermann, M. Marz and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Atomically resolved scanning force studies of vicinal Si(111)",
Physical Review B 95, 245412 (2017).
arXiv: 1711.03025
R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Electromigration and the structure of metallic nanocontacts",
Applied Physics Reviews 4, 031302 (2017).
Th. Späth, M. Popp, C. Pérez León, M. Marz and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Near-equilibrium measurement of quantum size effects using Kelvin probe force microscopy",
Nanoscale 9, 7868 (2017).
D. Staudt and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Controlled electromigration of thin Pb films started from the normal and from the superconducting state",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 185301 (2017).
D. Arnold, M. Marz, S. Schneider and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Structure and local charging of electromigrated Au nanocontacts",
Nanotechnology 28, 055206 (2017).
J. S. Hauser, J. Schwichtenberg, M. Marz, C. Sürgers, A. Seiler, U. Gerhards, F. Messerschmidt, A. Hensel, R. Dittmeyer, H. v. Löhneysen and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Controlled electromigration and oxidation of free-standing copper wires",
Applied Physics A 122, 1068 (2016)
C. Pérez León, H. Drees, S. Wippermann, M. Marz and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Atomic-scale imaging of the surface dipole distribution of stepped surfaces",
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7, 426 (2016).
D. Stöffler and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Enhanced positioning precision and in situ macroscopic contacts for shadow-evaporated nanostructures",
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 33, 013201 (2015).
R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Atomistic features in the electrochemical potential drop across a graphene grain boundary",
Nanotechnology 25, 480501 (2014).
R. M. Reeve, A. Loescher, M.-A. Mawass, R. Hoffmann-Vogel and Mathias Kläui,
"Domain wall pinning in ultra-narrow electromigrated break junctions",
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 474207 (2014).
D. Stöffler, M. Marz, B. Kießig, T. Tomanic, H. v. Löhneysen and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Resistance-voltage dependence of nanojunctions during electromigration in ultrahigh vacuum",
Physical Review B 90, 115406 (2014).
arXiv: 1411.0105
J. L. Neff , P. Milde, C. Pérez León, M. D. Kundrat, Ch. R. Jacob, L. Eng and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Epitaxial Growth of Pentacene on Alkali Halide Surfaces Studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy",
ACS Nano 8, 3294 (2014).
arXiv: 1710.06652
M. Sauter, R. Hoffmann-Vogel, C. Sürgers and H. v. Löhneysen,
"Temperature-dependent scanning tunneling spectroscopy on the Si(557)-Au surface",
Physical Review B 89, 075406 (2014).
arXiv: 1402.4367
B. Ittermann, R. Hoffmann-Vogel and A. Baratoff,
"Simulations of metastable states near the apex of a force microscope tip interacting with an ionic crystalline surface",
Physical Review B 87, 195437 (2013).
arXiv: 1208.4730
A. C. von Bieren, A. K. Patra, S. Krzyk, J. Rhensius, L. J. Heyderman, R. Hoffmann-Vogel, and M. Kläui,
"Domain-Wall Induced Large Magnetoresistance Effects at Zero Applied Field in Ballistic Nanocontacts",
Physical Review Letters 110, 067203 (2013).
arXiv: 1208.4985
J. L. Neff, J. Götzen, E. Li, M. Marz and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Molecular resolution imaging of pentacene on KCl(001)",
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 186 (2012).
R. Hoffmann and B. A. Hermann,
Scanning Probe Microscopy, in: Schalley, C. A. (editor),
"Analytical Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry, 2. Edition",
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Berlin; ISBN-10: 3-527-32982-X, ISBN-13: 978-3-527-32982-3.
D. Stöffler, S. Fostner, P. Grütter and R. Hoffmann-Vogel,
"Scanning probe microscopy imaging of metallic nanocontacts",
Physical Review B Brief Reports 85, 033404 (2012).
arXiv: 1208.5336
D. Stöffler, H. v. Löhneysen and R. Hoffmann,
"STM-induced surface aggregates on metals and oxidized silicon",
Nanoscale 3, 3391 (2011).
arXiv: 1208.5336
A. K. Patra, A. von Bieren, S. Krzyk, J. Rhensius, L. J. Heyderman, R.Hoffmann and M. Kläui,
"Magnetoresistance measurement of tailored Permalloy nanocontacts",
Physical Review B 82, 134447 (2010).
R. Hoffmann, D. Weiner, A. Schirmeisen and A. S. Foster,
"Sublattice identification in noncontact atomic force microscopy of the NaCl(001) surface",
Physical Review B 80, 115426 (2009).
R. Hoffmann,
"Tip-sample interactions as a function of distance on insulating surfaces",
in: Morita, S., Giessibl, F.J. and Wiesendanger, R. (editors),
Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy, Volume 2, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN: 978-3-642-01494-9 (2009).
C. Pérez-León, C. Sürgers, M. Mayor, M. Marz, R. Hoffmann and H. v. Löhneysen,
"Room temperature STM investigation of large &pi-conjugated oligomers and tetrahydrofuran codeposited by pulse injection",
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 14335 (2009).
H. Hölscher, P. Milde, U. Zerweck, L. M. Eng and R. Hoffmann,
"The Effective Quality Factor in Dynamic Force Microscopes with Fabry-Perot-Interferometer Detection",
Applied Physics Letters 94, 223514 (2009).
K. Ruschmeier, A. Schirmeisen and R. Hoffmann,
"Site-specific force-vector field studies of KBr(001) by atomic force microscopy",
Nanotechnology 20, 264013 (2009).
K. Ruschmeier, A. Schirmeisen and R. Hoffmann,
"Atomic Scale Force Vector Fields",
Physical Review Letters 101, 156102 (2008).
R. Hoffmann, D. Weissenberger, J. Hawecker and D. Stöffler,
"Conductance of gold nanojunctions thinned by electromigration",
Applied Physics Letters 93, 043118 (2008).
A. Singh, C. Sürgers, R. Hoffmann, H. v. Löhneysen, T. V. Ashworth, N. Pilet and H. J. Hug,
"Spin-polarized current versus stray field in a perpendicularly magnetized superconducting spin switch",
Applied Physics Letters 91, 152504 (2007).
R. Hoffmann, A. Baratoff, H. J. Hug, H. R. Hidber, H. v. Löhneysen and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Mechanical manifestations of rare atomic jumps in dynamic force microscopy",
Nanotechnology 18, 395503 (2007)
M. Sauter, R. Hoffmann, C. Sürgers and H. v. Löhneysen,
"Correlations between one-dimensional structures at the Si(557): Au surface",
Physical Review B 75, 195436 (2007).
M. A. Lantz, R. Hoffmann, A. S. Foster, A. Baratoff, H. J. Hug, H. R. Hidber
and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Site-specific force-distance characteristics on NaCl(001): Measurements versus atomistic simulations",
Physical Review B 74, 245426 (2006).
C. Gärtner, R. Hoffmann, F. Perez-Willard, M. Sauter, C. Sürgers and H. v. Löhneysen,
"Fully UHV compatible fabrication of submicrometer-spaced electrical contacts",
Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 026101 (2006).
R. Hoffmann, C. Barth, A. S. Foster, A. L. Shluger, H. J. Hug, H.-J. Güntherodt, R. M. Nieminen
and M. Reichling,
"Measuring Site Specific Cluster Surface Interaction",
The Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, 17863 (2005).
T. Kunstmann, A. Schlarb, M. Fendrich, Th. Wagner, R. Möller and R. Hoffmann,
"Dynamic force microscopy study of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride on KBr(001)",
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 71, 121403 (2005).
S. A. Burke, J. M. Mativetsky, R. Hoffmann and P. Grütter,
"Nucleation and Submonolayer Growth of C60 on KBr",
Physical Review Letters 94, 096102 (2005).
R. Hoffmann, L. N. Kantorovich, A. Baratoff, H. J. Hug and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Sublattice identification in scanning force microscopy on alkali halide surfaces",
Physical Review Letters 92, 146103 (2004).
J. M. Mativetsky, S. A. Burke, R. Hoffmann, Y. Sun and P. Grütter,
"Molecular Resolution Imaging of C60 on Au(111) by Dynamic Force Microscopy",
Nanotechnology 15, S40 (2004).
M. A. Lantz, H. J. Hug, R. Hoffmann, S. Martin, A. Baratoff and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Short-range electrostatic interactions in atomic resolution scanning force microscopy on the Si(111) 7x7-surface",
Physical Review B 68, 035324 (2003).
R. Hoffmann, M. A. Lantz, H. J. Hug, P. J. A. van Schendel, P. Kappenberger, S. Martin,
A. Baratoff and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Atomic resolution imaging and force versus distance measurements on NiO (001) using low temperature scanning force microscopy",
Physical Review B 67, 085402 (2003).
R. Hoffmann, D. E. Bürgler, P. J. A. van Schendel, H. J. Hug, S. Martin and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Perpendicular magnetic domains of a thin Ag/Fe/Ag film observed by magnetic force microscopy at room temperature",
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 250, 32 (2002).
R. Hoffmann, M. A. Lantz, H. J. Hug, P. J. A. van Schendel, P. Kappenberger, S. Martin,
A. Baratoff and H.-J.Güntherodt,
"Atomic resolution imaging and force versus distance measurements on KBr (001) using low temperature scanning force microscopy",
Applied Surface Science 188, 238 (2002).
M. A. Lantz, H. J. Hug, R. Hoffmann, P. J. A. van Schendel, P. Kappenberger, S. Martin,
A. Baratoff and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Quantitative Measurement of Short-Range Chemical Bonding Forces",
Science 291, 2580 (2001).
H. J. Hug, M. A. Lantz, A. Abdurixit, P. J. A. van Schendel, R. Hoffmann, P. Kappenberger
and A. Baratoff,
"Subatomic Features in Atomic Force Microscopy Images",
Science 291, 2509a (2001).
P. J. A. van Schendel, H. J. Hug, R. Hoffmann, S. Martin, P. Kappenberger, M. A. Lantz
and H.-J. Güntherodt,
"Applications of Tip Calibration in Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)",
in: Hadjipanayis, G.C. (editor), Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000, page 313, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2001).
M. A. Lantz, H. J. Hug, P. J. A. van Schendel, R. Hoffmann, S. Martin, A. Baratoff, A. Abdurixit,
H.-J. Güntherodt and Ch. E. Gerber,
"Low temperature scanning force microscopy of the Si(111) 7x7 surface",
Physical Review Letters 84, 2642 (2000).
P. Kamp, A. Marty, B. Gilles, R. Hoffmann, S. Marchesini, M. Belakhovsky, C. Boeglin,
H. A. Dürr, G. van der Laan, S. S. Dhesi and A. Rogalev,
"Correlation of spin and orbital anisotropies with chemical order in Fe0.5Pd0.5 alloy films using magnetic circular X-ray dichroism",
Physical Review B 59, 1105 (1999).
V. Gehanno, R. Hoffmann, Y. Samson, A. Marty and S. Auffret,
"In plane to out of plane magnetic reorientation transition in partially ordered FePd thin films",
European Physical Journal B 10, 457 (1999).
R. Hoffmann, Y. Samson, A. Marty, V. Gehanno, B. Gilles and J. E. Mazille,
"Shape instability in out of equilibrium magnetic domains observed in ultrathin magnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy",
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 192, 409 (1999).
P. Kamp, A. Marty, B. Gilles, R. Hoffmann, S. Marchesini, M. Belakhovsky, C. Boeglin,
H. A. Dürr, S. S. Dhesi and G. van der Laan,
"Evolution of spin and orbital magnetic moments anisotropies with chemical order in Fe0.5Pd0.5 alloy films",
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 199, 628 (1999).
Y. Samson, A. Marty, R. Hoffmann, V. Gehanno and B. Gilles,
"Magnetic domains in thin films with perpendicular anisotropy: An extensive study",
Journal of Applied Physics 85, 4604 (1999).