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Call for EDUC Mobility Grants 2025

With the continuation of the funding of the European University Alliance European Digital UniverCity, we will continue to promote the cooperation of teachers and researchers between the 8 partner universities over the next 4+2 years from 2023. As part of the DAAD's national funding programme, the University of Potsdam is offering financial support for short-term visits by (early career) researchers to the EDUC universities of Paris Nanterre and Rennes (France), Cagliari (Italy), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Pécs (Hungary), Southeast Norway (Norway) and Jaume I (Spain).

Tender terms

Objective of the Funding

Eligible to Apply

Grant Amount

Fundable Activities

Note on the Preparation of the Financial Plan

Submission Deadline



EDUC Mobility Grants 2025 - Application Form

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Further Calls for International Teaching and Research

Mobility Manager


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Building 8, Room 0.41
