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Information for students

Before a digital exam, you should not only be well prepared in terms of content. We have compiled a list of what you should bear in mind.

How do I register for a digital exam?
Check with your instructor about registering for your exam.

In general, if the exam is administered on Exam.UP, you must register for the exam on Exam.UP in any case. Under certain circumstances, an additional registration via PULS may be necessary.

How is supervision carried out during distance tests?
In the case of digital distance examinations, supervision is carried out via the Zoom video conferencing system: according to BAMA(LA)-O, the camera and microphone must be activated during the examination.

What happens if I don't understand the software or I have problems with the technology?
Instructors must give you the opportunity to take a try out exam before taking an online exam. If technical problems affect the course of the exam, you must contact your exam supervisor.

Can I still take exams digitally in the future?

The value of e-assessments for students

The use of e-assessments can also be a great added value for students.  They can receive feedback on their individual learning results throughout the semester, but their own willingness to learn and the willingness of their teachers and fellow students are required. Without personal effort, there is no added value in e-assessments either.

It offers advantages:

  • prompt feedback of test results
  • an automated evaluation
  • transparent and objective assessment
  • use of diverse multimedia learning and examination content
  • automatic readability prevents misinterpretation
  • Examination individualization for fairer assessment (prevention of cheating attempts)
  • Design of low-barrier examinations through the possibility of location and time-independent examination scenarios

But especially beyond that, own engagement and formative assessments as well as the use of portfolios and learning diaries can create interactive learning with the other students, but also with the teachers. This allows competencies to be discovered early and in a flexible manner, as well as weaknesses to become visible. Furthermore, self-tests can be used to get a further control of success. Theoretically, it is even possible to move away from the traditional examination time at the end of the semester to a semester-accompanying examination situation, which can significantly reduce the burden at the end of the semester.