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Declaration of Intent to Pursue a Doctoral Degree

To declare your intent to pursue a doctorate at the Digital Engineering Faculty, please complete the steps below:

Submit the following documents:

  1. Supervision agreement
  2. Report of intent to pursue doctoral studies
  3. Copies of university transcripts
  4. Curriculum vitae in tabular form

    1. Please complete the supervision agreement and the report of intent to pursue doctoral studies together with your primary supervisor.

    2. If any of your qualifying degrees were completed outside Germany, arrange for their official recognition together with your primary supervisor.

    3. To this end, you may consult the anabin database of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States of the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Relations Office's Grade Conversion Tables. If needed, you can also contact the Registrar's Office.

    The University of Potsdam
    Registrar's Office
    Neues Palais Campus
    Building 08
    Am Neuen Palais 10
    14469 Potsdam

    4. Finally, submit the document to the office of the Doctoral Committee at the Digital Engineering Faculty.

    The University of Potsdam
    Office of the Doctoral Committee
    Griebnitzsee Campus/Hasso Plattner Institute
    Haus C-1.8
    Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
    14482 Potsdam

    You can find all the stipulations regarding the supervision agreement in Section 5 of the regulations for a doctoral degree. Please note that the deadline is generally 14 days before the next meeting of the Doctoral Committee.

    After the Doctoral Committee grants its approval, you will receive a confirmation of admission by postal mail.

    Submit the following documents:

    1. Supervision agreement
    2. Report of intent to pursue doctoral studies
    3. Copies of university transcripts
    4. Curriculum vitae in tabular form