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Welcome to the BabyLAB of the University of Potsdam!

Tests im Babylab
Photo: Karla Fritze

We investigate the development of children from the age of 4 months onwards. In our team, developmental psychologists and linguists study children's cognitive abilities and language acquisition. Our lab is situated on the Campus Golm of the University of Potsdam (for a detailed description of how to find us, please click here).

If you are interested in participating in one of our studies, please have a look at the parent information section where you can register for a study online. There you will also find information about our current studies, our research methods as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs).


The BabyLAB at the 12th Potsdam Science Day

The BabyLAB will once again be taking part in the Potsdam Science Day (PTDW) with demonstrations and hand-on experiments, which will take place on Saturday 10th of May from 13-19h at the Potsdam Science Park in Golm.

You can find more information about the event here: website of the Potsdam Science Day (German only).

Our BabyLAB on Television!

In April, a film crew from 3sat visited the BabyLAB. A film was shot in our imitation lab where two children took part in one of our studies. Moreover, an interview with Professor Elsner, head of Developmental Psychology, was recorded.

The documentary entitled ‘The question of character: Free choice or fate’ was broadcast as part of the programme ‘Wissenhoch2’ on 13th of June 2024 at 20.15h on 3sat and may still be viewed online: (German only)

Many thanks to the families for taking part! It was a very exciting and thrilling day for us.

The BabyLAB at the Potsdam Science Day

We took part in the 11th Potsdam Science Day on the Telegrafenberg on 4th of May 2024.

We would like to thank all the families who visited us and took part in our games. We had a great time there!

A few impressions can be found here: