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[From left to right: Aline, Esther, Michaela and Claudia]

December 2023

Happy holidays from the caveolae lab! Our first group picture is online - yeah. We also welcome our new Master student Aline Steinke in the lab. Aline will study caveolae endocytosis by TIRF microscopy.

[From left to right: Aline, Esther, Michaela and Claudia]

Dezember 2023 

Postdoc position available

We have a new postdoc position available in the lab to study caveolae trafficking in live cells by advanced imaging methods. More details can be found here: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin/projects/verwaltung/docs/Dezernat3/Ausschreibungen/2_akadPersonal/428_2023_Physiology_Nutrition_Postdoc.pdf

Deadline 10. January 2024. Please send your application to Claudia Matthäus.

November 2023

First paper from the lab published ! A detailed methods article about our correlative STED and replica EM approach.

Have a look here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2023.1305680/full

November 2023

We are excitied to announce that our first big grant was awarded from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative! From January 2024 we will study caveolae trafficking in live cells together with Dr. Martin Lehman from FMP Berlin.

Have a look here: https://chanzuckerberg.com/science/programs-resources/single-cell-biology/metabolism/

Postdoc position available! Please contact us via email: claudia.matthaeus@uni-potsdam.de !

September 2023

Esther Ocket and Michaela Rath join the lab. Esther will start her PhD in the lab studying caveolae mediated lipid trafficking. Michaela is our new lab manager!

Have a look here: https://www.matthaeus-lab.de/

August 2023

Lab move to Campus Golm!