Prof. Dr. Ralf Brand

Prof. Dr. Ralf Brand
Campus I:
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
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ResearchGate Ein soziales Netzwerk für Forscher/innen, mit dem Manuskripte und Publikationen geteilt werden können.
- Gesundheitsverhaltensänderung: Bewegung und Sport
- Affektives Erleben während des Sportreibens (angenehmes/unangenehmes Gefühlserleben)
- "Learning to like exercise" im Sportunterricht (Schule)
- Qualitätssicherung in der Praktischen Sportpsychologie im Spitzensport (wissenschaftliche Begleitung)
- Schiedsrichter im Sport (wissenschaftliche Begleitung)
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Brand, R., Sudeck, G., & Ekkekakis, P. (2025). Affective experiences from exercise: Youth-adult differences and prediction of exercise behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 76, 102755.
- Brand, R., & Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Exercise behavior change revisited: Affective-reflective theory. In Z. Zenko & L. Jones (Eds.), Essentials of exercise and sport psychology: An open access textbook (pp. 62-92). Hayward, CA: Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology.
- Timme, S. & Brand, R. (2020). Affect and exertion during incremental physical exercise: Examining changes using automated facial action analysis and experiential self-report. PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0228739.
- Timme, S. & Brand, R. (2024; online first 2023). Exercise as the sum of our choices between behavioral alternatives: The Decisional Preferences in Exercising (DPEX) test. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 70, 102509.
- Timme, S., Brand, R., & Schinkoeth, M. (2023). Exercise or not? An empirical illustration of the role of behavioral alternatives in exercise motivation and resulting theoretical considerations. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1049356.
- Ekkekakis, P. & Brand, R. (2019). Affective responses to and automatic affective valuations of physical activity: Fifty years of progress on the seminal question in exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 42, 130-137.
Praktische Sportpsychologie
- Thomas, N., Benthien, O., & Brand, R. (2022). Sport mit Perspektive. Wie gewinnt man Talente für den Leistungssport? Ein Leitfaden für Spitzensportverbände und begleitende Sportpsychologie-Expertinnen und Experten zur Ausrichtung von Zukunftswerkstätten. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft. [epub]
- Benthien, O., Thomas, N., & Brand, R. (2022). Sportpsychologisch unterstützte Talententwicklung im Leistungssport. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis in Sportverbänden. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft. [epub]
Schiedsrichter im Sport
- Brand, R., Schmidt, G., & Schneeloch, Y. (2006). Sequential effects in elite basketball referees’ foul decisions: An experimental study on the concept of game management. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 28, 93-99.
- Hoffmann, T., MacMahon, C. & Brand, R. (2024). The game management framework for sports refereeing: a structured perspective on officiating performance and its development. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. Advance online publication.
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., & Brand, R. (2013). Establishing standards for basketball elite referees’ decisions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 25, 370-375.
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., Kahlert, D., & Brand, R. (2011). A video-based training method for improving soccer referees’ intuitive decision-making skills. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23, 429-442,
Beruflicher Werdegang
- 2019 – heute Affiliated Professor of Kinesiology, Iowa State University (USA)
- 2008 – heute Professor für Sportpsychologie, Universität Potsdam
- 2003 – 2008 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Sportpsychologie, Gesundheit, Statistik), Universität Stuttgart
- 2001 – 2003 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (Theorie und Praxis der Sportarten), Universität Stuttgart
- 1997 – 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (Sportpädagogik), Universität Konstanz
Akademische Ausbildung
- 2006 Habilitation Sportwissenschaft, Universität Stuttgart
- 2001 Promotion Sportwissenschaft/Sportpsychologie, Universität Konstanz
- 1999 Diplom in Psychologie, Universität Konstanz
- 1996 Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien in den Fächern Sport und Englisch, Universität Konstanz
Besondere Funktionen und Erfahrungen
- 2012 – 2022 Editor-in-Chief des German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research (Zeitschrift: Sportwissenschaft)
- 2001 – 2016 Schiedsrichter im Profi-Basketball (1. Basketball Bundesliga der Herren in Deutschland)
Komplette Publikationsliste
- Schmalbach, I., Schmalbach, B., Aghababa, A., Brand, R., Chang, Y. K., Çiftçi, M. C., Elsangedy, H., Fernández Gavira, J., Huang, Z., Kristjánsdóttir, H., Mallia, L., Nosrat, S., Pesce, C., Rafnsson, D., Medina Rebollo, D., Timme, S., Brähler, E., & Petrowski, K. (2025). Cross-cultural validation of the profile of mood scale: evaluation of the psychometric properties of short screening versions. Frontiers in Psychology. 16:1498717.
- Brand, R., Sudeck, G., & Ekkekakis, P. (2025). Affective experiences from exercise: Youth-adult differences and prediction of exercise behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 76, 102755.
Journal articles
- Hoffmann, T., MacMahon, C. & Brand, R. (2024). The game management framework for sports refereeing: a structured perspective on officiating performance and its development. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. Advance online publication.
- Liu, J., Brand, R., Nosrat, S., Qiu, Y., Yun, D.-T., & Mao, Z.-X. (2024). Mindfulness interventions during exercise: More pleasant core affective feelings for regular exercisers but not for the physically inactive. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 13(4), 325–339.
- Timme, S. & Brand, R. (2024). Exercise as the sum of our choices between behavioral alternatives: The Decisional Preferences in Exercising (DPEX) test. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 70, 102509.
Journal articles
- Cody, R., Hohberg, V., Kreppke, J.-N., Guthold, R., Woods, C., Brand, R., Dunton, G. F., Rothman, A. J., Ketelhut, S., & Nigg, C. R. (2023). Elaborating the discussion on promoting physical activity: Response to Schwarzer, Biddle, Rhodes and Ntoumanis: Elaborating the discussion on promoting physical activity. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8(1), Article 1.
- Hutchinson, J., Jones, L., Ekkekakis, P., Cheval, B., Brand, R., Salvatore, G., Adler, S., & Luo, Y. (2023). Affective responses to increasing- and decreasing-intensity resistance training protocols. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 45, 121–137.
- Timme, S., Brand, R., & Schinkoeth, M. (2023). Exercise or not? An empirical illustration of the role of behavioral alternatives in exercise motivation and resulting theoretical considerations. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1049356.
- Benthien, O., Thomas, N., & Brand, R. (2022). Sportpsychologisch unterstützte Talententwicklung im Leistungssport. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis in Sportverbänden. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.
Journal articles
- Hohberg, V., Kreppke, J.-N., Cody, R., Guthold, R., Woods, C., Brand, R., Dunton, G. ., Rothman, A., Ketelhut, S., & Nigg, C. (2022). What is needed to promote physical activity? : Current trends and new perspectives in theory, intervention, and implementation. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 7, 005.
- Brand R., Nosrat, S., Späth, C. & Timme, S. (2022). Using COVID-19 pandemic as a prism: A systematic review of methodological approaches and the quality of empirical studies on physical activity behavior change. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4:864468.
- Timme, S., Hutchinson, J., Regorius, A., & Brand, R. (2022). The influence of affective priming on the affective response during exercise: A replication study. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 44, 286-294.
- Timme, S., Wolff, W., Englert, C., & Brand R. (2022) Tracking Self-Control – Task Performance and Pupil Size in a Go/No-Go Inhibition Task. Frontiers in Psychology13:915016.
- Reimers, A. K., Brand, R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., & Wollesen, B. (2022). Partial replacement of the Editorial Board of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 52, 497–503.
Journal articles
- Benzing, V., Nosrat, S., Aghababa, A., Barkoukis, V., Bondarev, D., Chang, Y.-K., Cheval, B., Çiftçi, M.C., Elsangedy, H.M., Guinto, M.L.M., Huang, Z., Kopp, M., Kristjánsdóttir, H., Kuan, G., Mallia, L., Rafnsson, D., Oliveira, G.T.A., Pesola, A.J., Pesce, C., Ronkainen, N.J., Timme, S., & Brand, R. (2021). Staying active under restrictions: Changes in type of physical exercise during the initial COVID-19 lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12015.
- Große, J., Petzold, M. B., Brand, R., & Ströhle, A. (2021). Step Away from Depression—Study protocol for a multicenter randomized clinical trial for a pedometer intervention during and after in‐patient treatment of depression. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30, e1862.
- Ronkainen, N. J., Pesola, A. J., Tikkanen, O., & Brand, R. (2021). Continuity and discontinuity of sport and exercise type during the COVID-19 pandemic. An exploratory study of effects on mood. Frontiers in Psychology.
Book chapters
- Brand, R., & Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Exercise behavior change revisited: Affective-reflective theory. In Z. Zenko & L. Jones (Eds.), Essentials of exercise and sport psychology: An open access textbook (pp. 62-92). Hayward, CA: Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology.
- Ekkekakis, P., & Brand, R. (2021). Exercise motivation from a post-cognitivist perspective: Affective-Reflective Theory. In C. Englert & I. Taylor (Eds.), Motivation and self-regulation in sport and exercise (pp. 20-40). New York: Routledge.
- Thomas, N., Benthien, O., & Brand, R. (2022). Sport mit Perspektive. Wie gewinnt man Talente für den Leistungssport? Ein Leitfaden für Spitzensportverbände und begleitende Sportpsychologie-Expertinnen und Experten zur Ausrichtung von Zukunftswerkstätten. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.
Journal articles
- Brand, R., Timme, & Nosrat, S. (2020). When pandemic hits: Exercise frequency and subjective well-being during COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:570567.
- Timme, S., & Brand, R. (2020). Affect and exertion during incremental physical exercise: Examining changes using automated facial action analysis and experiential self-report. PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0228739.
- Schinkoeth, M., & Brand, R. (2020). Automatic associations and the affective valuation of exercise: disentangling the type-1 process of the affective–reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research.
Book chapters
- Brand, R., & Gutmann, F. (2020). The automatic basis of exercise behavior: Do you like exercising? In G. Tenenbaum & R. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of Sport Psychology (4th edition) (pp. 966-985). Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Brand, R., & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2020). DEAL und eine Zwischenbilanz über die Entwicklung der Zeitschrift. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 50, 1-4.
- Brand, R., & Schweizer, G. (2019). Sportpsychologie. Verständnisgrundlagen für mehr Durchblick im Fach (Reihe: Basistexte der Psychologie). Heidelberg: Springer.
Journal articles
- Brand, R., & Cheval, B. (2019). Theories to explain exercise motivation and physical inactivity: Ways of expanding our current theoretical perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:114.
- Brand, R., & Ulrich, L. (2019). I can see it in your face. Affective valuation of exercise in more or less physically active individuals. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2901.
- Ekkekakis, P. & Brand, R. (2019). Affective responses to and automatic affective valuations of physical activity: Fifty years of progress on the seminal question in exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 42, 130-137.
- Gerber, M., Brand, R., Antoniewicz, F., Isoard-Gautheur, S., Gustafsson, H., Bianchi, R., Colledge, F., … Ludyga, S. (2019). Implicit and explicit attitudes towards sport among young elite athletes with high versus low burnout symptoms. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(14), 1673-1680.
- Labudek, S., Schweizer, G., Roth, A., Pizzera, A., Plessner, H., & Brand, R. (2019). REFS-D: Eine deutschsprachige Skala zur Erfassung der Schiedsrichterselbstwirksamkeit. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 26(1), 15-24.
- Petzold, M. B., Bischoff, S., Mumm, J., Plag, J., Brand, R., & Ströhle, A. (2019). Increasing physical activity and healthy diet in outpatients with mental disorders: A randomized-controlled evaluation of two psychological group interventions. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 269:529-542.
- Schinkoeth, M., Weymar, M., & Brand, R. (2019). Listening to the heart. Getting closer to the somatic core of affective valuation of exercise through heart rate variability analysis. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 45, 101541.
Journal articles
- Brand, R. & Ekkekakis, P. (2018). Affective-Reflective Theory of physical inactivity and exercise. Foundations and preliminary evidence. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 48(1), 48-58.
- Gerber, M., Ehrbar, J., Brand, R., Antoniewicz, F., Brand, S., Colledge, F., ...Ludyga, S. (2018). Implicit attitudes towards exercise and physical activity behavior among in-patients with psychiatric disorders. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 15, 71-77.
Book chapter
- Brand R. & Kanning M. (2018). Sport tut gut?! Bewegung und Wohlbefinden. In A. Güllich & M. Krüger (Hrsg.), Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Heidelberg: Springer. [Elektronische Publikation vor Drucklegung]
Journal articles
- Kahlert, D. & Brand, R. (2017). The role of learned optimism, proactive coping and goal adjustment in exercise attendance: Results from a prospective study with objective data in a health-training centre. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 47(4), 315–323.
- Lazuras, L., Barkoukis, V., Mallia, L., Lucidi, F. & Brand, R. (2017). More than a feeling: The role of anticipated regret in predicting doping intentions in adolescent athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 30, 196–204.
- Lazuras, L., Barkoukis, V., Loukovitis, A., Brand, R., Hudson, A., Mallia, L., Michaelides, M., Muzi, M., Petróczi, A. & Zelli, A. (2017). “I Want It All, and I Want It Now”: Lifetime Prevalence and Reasons for Using and Abstaining from Controlled Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances (PAES) among Young Exercisers and Amateur Athletes in Five European Countries. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:717.
- Petzold, M. B., Bischoff, S., Wischnewski, J., Plag, J., Terán, C., Brand, R. & Ströhle, A. (2017). Physical activity in outpatients with mental disorders: Status, measurement and social cognitive determinants of health behavior change. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 26(7), 639-650.
Book chapter
- Brand, R. & Schwarz, R. (2017). Dopingprävention aus psychologischer und pädagogischer Perspektive. In K. Hottenrott & I. Seidel (Hrsg.), Handbuch Trainingswissenschaft (S. 453-458). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
- Jekauz, D. & Brand, R. (2017). Editorial: How do emotions and feelings regulate physical activity? Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1145.
Journal articles
- Antoniewicz, F. & Brand, R. (2016). Learning to like exercising: Evaluative conditioning changes automatic evaluations of exercising and influences subsequent exercising behavior. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38(2), 138-148.
- Antoniewicz, F. & Brand, R. (2016). Dropping out or keeping up? Early-dropouts, late-dropouts, and maintainers differ in their automatic evaluations of exercise already before a 14-week exercise course. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:838.
- Baumgarten, F., Lucidi, F., Mallia, L., Zelli, A., & Brand, R. (2016). Bury the inner hatchet: Complex propositions mediate the relationship of potentially discrepant implicit and explicit attitudes on doping intention. Performance Enhancement & Health, 5, 10-16.
- Brand, R. & Antoniewicz, F. (2016). Affective evaluations of exercising: the role of automatic-reflective evaluation discrepancy. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38(6), 631-638.
- Brand, R. & Koch, H. (2016). Using caffeine pills for performance enhancement. An experimental study on university students’ willingness and their intention to try neuroenhancements. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:101.
- Brand, R., Wolff, W., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Drugs as Instruments: A psychological approach to the behavior of neuroenhancement. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1226.
- Elbe, A. M. & Brand, R. (2016). The effect of an ethical decision-making training on young athletes’ attitudes toward doping. Ethics & Behavior, 26, 32-44.
- Hagger, M. S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Alberts, H., Anggono, C. O., Batailler, C., Birt, A., … [Brand, R.] … Zwienenberg, M. (2016). A multi-lab pre-registered replication of the ego-depletion effect. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 546-573.
- Mallia, L., Lazuras, L., Barkoukis, V., Brand, R., Baumgarten, F., Tsorbatzoudis, H., … Lucidi, F. (2016). Doping use in sport teams: Assessing and validating measures of team-based efficacy beliefs and moral disengagement from a cross-national perspective. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 78-88.
- Schindler, S., Wolff, W., Englert, C., Brand, R., & Kissler, J. (2016). Uninstructed BIAT faking when ego depleted or in normal state: Differential effects on brain and behavior. BMC Neuroscience, 17:18.
- Wolff, W., Sandouqa, Y., & Brand, R. (2016). Using the single sample count to estimate the frequency of prescription drug neuroenhancement in a sample of Jordan employees. International Journal of Drug Policy, 31, 51-55.
- Brand, R. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2016). Fliegender Wechsel. (Sprach-)Grenzen überwinden. Sportwissenschaft, 46, 139-142 doi 10.1007/s12662-015-0367-y
- Wolff, W. & Brand, R. (2016). Editorial: Using substances to enhance performance: A psychology of neuroenhancement. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1741.
- Brand, R., Ernst, C., Krieger, C., Kröger, C. & Sohnsmeyer, J. (Hrsg.) (2015). Schulsport und Sportspiele. Schorndorf: Hofmann.
- Dresen, A., Form, L. & Brand, R. (Hrsg.) (2015). Dopingforschung. Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Journal articles
- Brand, R. & Schweizer, G. (2015). Going to the gym or to the movies? Situated decisions as a functional link connecting reflective and automatic evaluations of exercise with exercising behavior. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 37, 63-73.
- Grote, M., Benthien, O., & Brand, R. (2015). Sportpsychologische Betreuung im Spitzensport. Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme zu Themen und Inhalten aus 5 Jahren Landesteam Sportpsychologie Brandenburg. Leistungssport, 45(6), 5-11.
- Petróczi, A., Backhouse, S., Barkoukis, V., Brand, R., Elbe, A. M., Lazuras, L., & Lucidi, F. (2015). A call for policy guidance on psychometric testing in doping control in sport. International Journal of Drug Policy.
- Petróczi, A., Backhouse, S., Barkoukis, V., Brand, R., Elbe, A. M., Lazuras, L., & Lucidi, F. (2015). A matter of mind-set in the interpretation of forensic application: Response to comments in “Science 1, Religion 5: A Reply to Petróczi et al. (2015)”. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, 1142-1143.
- Schindler, S., Wolff, W., Kissler, J., & Brand, R. (2015). Cerebral correlates of faking: Evidence from a Brief Implicit Association Test on doping attitudes. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9:139.
- Wolff, W., Schindler, S., & Brand, R. (2015). The effect of implicitly incentivised faking on explicit and implicit measures of doping attitude: When athletes want to pretend an even more negative attitude to doping. PLoS One, 10(4):e0118507.
Book chapters
- Baumgarten, F., Wolff, W., & Brand, R. (2015). Neuroenhancement zur Steigerung der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit im Alltag. In A. Dresen, L. Form & R. Brand, Handbuch Dopingforschung (S. 217-232). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
- Brand, R. (2015). Doping aus psychologischer Perspektive. In A. Dresen, L. Form & R. Brand, Handbuch Dopingforschung (S. 111-125). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
- Brand, R., Wolff. W., & Baumgarten, F. (2015). Modeling doping cognition from a dual process perspective. In V. Barkoukis, L. Lazuras & H. Tsorbatzoudis (Eds.), Psychology of Doping in Sport (pp. 33-43). London: Routledge.
- Elbe, A. M. & Brand, R. (2015). Ethical Dilemma Training - A new approach to doping prevention? In V. Barkoukis, L. Lazuras & H. Tsorbatzoudis (Eds.), Psychology of Doping in Sport (pp. 165-180). London: Routledge.
- Brand, R. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2015). Ommo Grupe – Nestor der Sportwissenschaft. Sportwissenschaft, 45, 57-72.
- Brand, R., Benthien, O., Decker, S., Grote., M., Heinz, K., Hust, D. & Wippich, S. (2014). Leitfaden zur Qualitätssicherung für die sportpsychologische Betreuung im Leistungssport. Köln: Strauß.
Journal articles
- Antoniewicz, A. & Brand, R. (2014). Automatic evaluations and exercise setting preference in frequent exercisers. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 36, 631-636.
- Brand, R., Heck, P., & Ziegler, M. (2014). Illegal performance enhancing drugs and doping in sport: a picture-based brief implicit association test for measuring athletes' attitudes. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 9:7.
- Brand, R., Wolff, W.,& Thieme, D. (2014). Using response-time latencies to measure athletes’ doping attitudes: the brief implicit attitude test identifies substance abuse in bodybuilders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 9:36.
- Elbe, A. M. & Brand, R. (2014). Urination difficulties during doping controls: an act of rebellion? Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 8, 204-214. 10.1123/jcsp.2014-0022
- Schuecker, L., Heil, O., Hagemann, N. & Brand, R. (2014). Attentional focus strategies of triathletes during the Ironman World Championships. Journal of Sport Behavior, 37, 306+
- Wartenberg, J., Borchert, T. & Brand, R. (2014). A longitudinal assessment of adolescent student-athletes’ school performance: (Not) Worse in school and (not) putting their education at risk?! Sportwissenschaft, 44, 78-85.
- Wolff, W., Brand, R., Baumgarten, F., Lösel, J., & Ziegler, M. (2014). Modeling students' instrumental (mis-)use of substances to enhance cognitive performance: Neuroenhancement in the light of job-demands-resources theory. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 8:12.
- Brand, R. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2014). Quo vadis Sportwissenschaft? Sportwissenschaft, 44, 131-133.
Journal articles
- Brand, R., Wolff, W. & Hoyer, J. (2013). Psychological symptoms and chronic mood in representative samples of elite student-athletes, deselected student-athletes and comparison students. School Mental Health, 5, 166-174.
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., & Brand, R. (2013). Establishing standards for basketball elite referees’ decisions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 25, 370-375.
- Wolff, W. & Brand, R. (2013). Subjective stressors in school and their relation to neuroenhancement: A behavioral perspective on students' everyday life "doping". Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8:23.
- Wolff, W., Baumgarten, F., & Brand, R. (2013). Reduced self-control leads to disregard of an unfamiliar behavioral option: An experimental approach to the study of neuroenhancement. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8:41.
Book chapter
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., & Brand, R. (2013). Training von Kampf- und Schiedsrichterentscheidungen [Training of sport judges’ and referees’ evaluation and decision-making skills]. In K. Zentgraf & J. Munzert (Hrsg.), Kognitives Training im Sport (S. 213-234). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Brand, R., & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2013). Zeit der Veränderung. Sportwissenschaft, 43, 83-84.
- Brand, R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., & Superina, D. (2013). Was leistet die Sportwissenschaft? Vom Machen und Mitmachen an einer Zeitschrift. Sportwissenschaft, 43, 235-238. https://doi.10.1007/s12662-013-0312-x
- Brand, R., Berding, A., Schlegel, M., & Elbe, A. M. (2012). Doping – Soll ich oder soll ich nicht? Ethiktraining für für Sportler, Trainer und Lehrer. Stuttgart: Neuer Sportverlag.
Journal articles
- Elbe, A. M., Schlegel, M. & Brand, R. (2012). Psychogenic urine retention during doping controls: Consequences for elite athletes. Performance Enhancement & Health, 1, 66-74,
- Kanning, M., Ebner-Priemer, U., & Brand, R. (2012). Autonomous regulation mode moderates the effect of actual physical activity on affective states: An ambulant assessment approach to the role of self-determination. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34, 260-269.
- Kraus, U., Engbert, K., Dollinger, A., Heiss, C., & Brand, R. (2012). Evaluation eines Erstgesprächsleitfadens für die sportpsychologische Beratung [Evaluation of a mitial interview guide for sport psychology counseling]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 19, 145-162,
Book chapter
- Brand, R. & Kahlert, D. (2012). Sportliche Aktivität und Schizophrenie. In R. Fuchs & W. Schlicht (Hrsg.), Sportliche Aktivität und seelische Gesundheit (S. 208-228) Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Brand, R. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2012). Auf geht’s! Neubesetzung des Herausgeberkollegiums der Sportwissenschaft. Sportwissenschaft, 42, 80-82.
- Brand, R., & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2012). Editorial. Sportwissenschaft,
- Brand, R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Pfister, G., & Hoberman, J. (2012). Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte von Doping und Anti-Doping im Sport. Sportwissenschaft, 42, 151-152.
Journal articles
- Brand, R., Melzer, M., & Hagemann, N. (2011). Towards an implicit association test (IAT) for measuring doping attitudes in sports. Data-based recommendations developed from two recently published tests. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 250-256.
- Ehrlenspiel, F., Graf, K., Kühn, C. & Brand, R. (2011). Stabilität und Variabilität von Wettkampfangst [Stability and variability of competitive anxiety]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 18, 31-43.
- Heinz, K., Heidenreich, T., Wenhold, F., & Brand, R. (2011). Achtsamkeit und Akzeptanz. Grundlagen und Perspektiven eines neuartigen Ansatzes sportpsychologischen Trainings für den Leistungssport [Mindfulness and acceptance: Basic principles and perspectives of a new approach in sport psychology training]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 18, 145-154,
- Kahlert, D. & Brand, R. (2011). Befragungsdaten und Akzelerometermessungen im Vergleich. Ein Beitrag zur Validierung des MoMo-Aktivitätsfragebogens für Kinder und Jugendliche [Comparing Self-Report and Accelerometry Data. A Contribution to the Validation of the MoMo-Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents]. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 62, 36-41.
- Kahlert, D. & Brand, R. (2011). Fragebogenerfassung von körperlicher Aktivität. Unterschiedlich skalierte Antwortkategorien beeinflussen die Angabe sport- und gesundheitsbezogener Kognitionen [Questionnaires for assessing physical activity. Different response scale categories influence responses concerning health- and sport-related cognitions]. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 19, 96-100.
- Kanitz, J. L., Pretzer, K., Reif, M., Voss, A., Brand, R., Warschburger, P., Längler, A., Henze, G., & Seifert, G. (2011). The impact of eurythmy therapy on stress coping strategies and health-related quality of life in healthy, moderately stressed adults. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 19, 247-255,
- Kleinert, J. & Brand, R. (2011). Qualitätsmanagement in der sportpsychologischen Betreuung im Leistungssport –(k)ein Effekt ohne Akzeptanz?! [Quality management of sport psychology care in competitive sports – (no) effect without acceptance?!]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 18, 60-72.
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., Kahlert, D., & Brand, R. (2011). A video-based training method for improving soccer referees’ intuitive decision-making skills. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23, 429-442,
- Brand, R. (2010). Sportpsychologie (Reihe: Basistexte der Psychologie). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Journal articles
- Bluemke, M., Brand, R., Schweizer, G. & Kahlert, D. (2010). Exercise might be good for me, but I don’t feel good about it: Do automatic associations predict exercise behavior? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 32, 137-153.
- Heiss, C., Ziegler, M., Engbert, K., Gröpel, P., & Brand, R. (2010). Self-leadership and volition: Distinct and potentially supplemental constructs? Psychological Reports, 107, 447-462.
- Melzer, M., Elbe, A. M., & Brand, R. (2010). Moral and ethical decision-making: A chance for doping prevention in sports? Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 4(1), 69-85.
- Strahler, K., Ehrlenspiel, F., Heene, M., & Brand, R. (2010). Competitive anxiety and cortisol awakening response in the week leading up to a competition. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11, 148-154.
Book chapter
- Schweizer, G., Plessner, H., & Brand, R. (2010). Studying experts’ intuitive decision-making online using video stimuli. In C. Witteman & A. Glöckner (Eds.), Foundations for Tracing Intuition: Challenges and Methods (pp. 106-122). London: Psychology Press.
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