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Ausgewähltes Sachgebiet:
DFG-Research Training Group WIPCAD

Call for Applications - European Perspectives for Public Administration: “The many Disciplines of Public Administration”- Seminar

14-15 September 2017, University of Potsdam, Germany

Below you can find the Call for Apllications for the seminar „The many Disciplines of Public Administration“ / "European Perspectives for Public …

Call for Papers: EGPA 2017 PSG V “Regional and Local Government”

The Changing Role of Local Government

For this year's EGPA the study group V is interested in papers on how austerity measures,over the last seven years, and changing ideas on the scope of …

Umweltpolitik im Anthropozän: Problemfelder, Herausforderungen und Forschungsperspektiven | 6/7 April 2017, University of Potsdam

Offene Tagung des DVPW Arbeitskreises Umweltpolitik/Global Change

Der Eingriff des Menschen in die Ökosysteme unseres Planeten hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine neue Dimension erreicht. Vor diesem Hintergrund …

Call for DAAD Application for WIPCAD 2017

2 Doctoral Fellowships funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam calls for applications for its Research Training Group on “Wicked Problems, …

WIPCAD researcher Jennifer Bansard at Ocean Governance conference in Bremen

From March 6-8, WIPCAD doctoral researcher Jennifer Bansard participated in the first content-focused conference of the new EU COST Action ‘Ocean …

WIPCAD Lecture Series: Partizipation, Reflexion, Dekonstruktion. Spannungsverhältnisse soziotechnischer Systemgestaltung und Geschlechterforschung in der Informatik

Prof. Dr. Claude Draude - Universität Kassel


Die Geschlechterforschung liefert seit Jahrzehnten wichtige Impulse für die Informatik. Nach wie vor aktuell sind Diskussionen um Teilhabeaspekte, die …

WIPCAD Lecture Series: Women in Saudi Arabia: Intersections of gender, ethnicity and religion

Prof. Dr. Anna Odrowaz-Coates - M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Warsaw

Prof. Dr. Anna Odrowaz-Coates will present her research in Saudi-Arabia, conducted over the course of two years. She will refer to her paper published …

WIPCAD Lecture Series: Using science to inform policy, practice and individual decision-making

Prof. Dr. David Gough - University College London, UK

David Gough is Professor of Evidence Informed Policy and Practice and the Director of the Social Science Research Unit and the Evidence for Policy and …

WIPCAD Lecture Series: Environmental Performance of Democracies

Prof. Dr. Detlef Jahn -

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald, Germany

Since 1999 Detlef Jahn h …

WIPCAD Workshop „Micro-moves in International Institutions“, 09/10 February 2017, Potsdam

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