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Detlef Sprinz visits conference on climate change in Paris

Our Common Future Under Climate Change
UNESCO und Pierre et Marie Curie Universities/Sorbonnes Universities
Paris, 7.-10. Juli 2015

The international negotiations on the future global climate regime are schedule to deliver an agreement by the end of 2015. As part of the preparatory process, the French government hosted the academic conference "Our Common Future Under Climate Change" (http://www.commonfuture-paris2015.org/) as a joint venture of UNESCO with Sorbonnes Universities.

Four days of intensive, mostly 10-minutes presentations by leading scientists reviewed the state of the art across the natural and social sciences. An important part of the conference consisted of poster sessions. As part of the sessions, Detlef Sprinz presented a poster on "Forecasting the Paris Agreement," a forecast of the negotations on the long-term climate goal, often operationalized as the "2 degrees C" target. In particular, the impact of alternative options for operationalizing the "potential influence" of actors was systematically explored as well as alternative operationalizations of the end rule of the Predictioneer's Game. The posters were presented twice during the conference and allowed for intensive interaction with interested scholars.
