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Farewell Lecture of WIPCAD member, Prof. Dr. Werner Jann, Potsdam

On Friday, July 10, 2015, Prof. Dr.Werner Jann gave his farewell lecture at the Campus of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam in Griebnitzsee. The lecture was very well attended by WIPCAD members, faculty members, friends and guests.

After a welcome speech by Prof. Dr.Maik Heinemann, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Dr. Göttrik Wewer, former State secretary, and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Geert Bouckaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and President of the International Institut of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) gave the laudations illustrating the outstanding work of this researcher in the past fourty decades.

Prof. Jann gave his farewell lecture on the topic „Wozu Verwaltungswissenschaft: praktische Fragen und theoretische Antworten“.

WIPCAD wishes all the best to Werner Jann for the future!

Press Release of the University of Potsdam  (July 9, 2015)

Report in “Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten” (July 11, 2015) (pdf download)

Report in “Maerkische Allgemeine Zeitung” (July 22, 2015) (pdf download)


Commemorative volume for Werner Jann:

  • <link http: www.edition-sigma.de _blank up-external-link>Marian Döhler, Jochen Franzke, Kai Wegrich (Eds.) (2015): Der gut organisierte Staat. Festschrift für Werner Jann zum 65. Geburtstag, Nomos.

Latest Publications of Werner Jann:


  • Germany, in: Montogomery van Wart / Annie Hondeghem / Erwin Schwella (Eds.): Leadership and Culture. Comparative Models of Top Civil Servant Training, Hampshir, Palgrave McMillan, 2015, S. 183 – 198 (with Sylvia Veit).


  • Phasenmodelle und Politikprozesse: Der Policy-Cycle, in: Klaus Schubert / Nils C. Bandelow (Eds.): Lehrbuch der Politikfeldanalyse, Oldenburg, De Gruyter, pp. 97 – 132 (with Kai Wegrich).
