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Visit of the Bergen Department of Administration and Organization Theory

From  April 27-28, 2015, the Department of Administration and Organization Theory of the University of Bergen, Norway, visited the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam.

On the first day, six sessions were held with two presentations each, showing current research to explore options for future cooperation. The spokesperson for WIPCAD, Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr, presented the aims and concepts of the research training group. WIPCAD PhD-fellow Thomas Danken presented a joint paper (with Anne Lange & Katrin Dribbisch) on the debate of wicked problems in public administration research. Day two provided room for presentations of current PhD projects at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory in Bergen as well as a meeting with practitioners from the Ministry of Interior Brandenburg to discuss current administrative reforms.

The workshop was held by the Potsdam Center for Policy and Management (PCPM) at the University of Potsdam.
