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Final call for Panel Proposals: ECPR General Conference, 4-7 September 2013, Sciences Po Bordeaux / France

The ECPR's General Conference is a key date in the political science calendar. The 2011 event saw over 2,300 political scientists converge in Reykjavik to attend panels and a full plenary programme, the highlight of which was the keynote lecture delivered by the President of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grímsson.

The structure of the event involves an academic programme (http://pr.ecprnet.eu/lt.php?c=221&m=206&nl=17&s=6074457502efeb0d611187ca9c767bba&lid=3935&l=-http--ecprnet.eu/Events/SectionList.aspx--Q-EventID--E-5) with Sections  and Panels. The programme is intended to be very broad, covering all the main areas of political science, political theory, international relations, and European studies. The list of sections is now available on the ECPR website (http://pr.ecprnet.eu/lt.php?c=221&m=206&nl=17&s=6074457502efeb0d611187ca9c767bba&lid=3935&l=-http--ecprnet.eu/Events/SectionList.aspx--Q-EventID--E-5).

The call for Panels is now open, and **the closing date is 5 October 2012**.

To propose a Panel please read the Panel Chair Guidelines (http://pr.ecprnet.eu/lt.php?c=221&m=206&nl=17&s=6074457502efeb0d611187ca9c767bba&lid=3936&l=-http--ecprnet.eu/Documents/Conferences/General/2014BordeauxPanelChairGuidelines.pdf) on the ECPR website and complete the online proposal form through MyECPR here  (http://pr.ecprnet.eu/lt.php?c=221&m=206&nl=17&s=6074457502efeb0d611187ca9c767bba&lid=3937&l=-http--ecprnet.eu/Conferences/General/).

Please note that you will need a MyECPR (http://pr.ecprnet.eu/lt.php?c=221&m=206&nl=17&s=6074457502efeb0d611187ca9c767bba&lid=3930&l=-http--new.ecprnet.eu/Login.aspx--Q-ReturnUrl--E-%2fMyEcpr%2fDefault.aspx) account in order to propose a Panel. It only takes a minute to complete.

