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Second Generation Former Fellows

Sofia Apostolidou

Sofia Apostolidou

Analysing Fatness: How Fatness is Perceived in Different Western Contexts

Yael Attia

Yael Attia

The Colonial Other of Jewish Political Thought

Jan Dammel

Jan Dammel

Theatre and German Colonialism: Tanzanian-German Entanglements

Priyam Goswami Choudhury

Priyam Goswami Choudhury

Hybrid Cross-Pollinations: Re-reading Postcolonial Indian English Poetry as Networks of Publishing

You Feng

You Feng

Navigating the Fictioning of Time: Chronopolitics and Untimeliness in Contemporary Writings

Baldeep Kaur Grewal

Baldeep Kaur Grewal

Excavations: Narrating Postcolonial Cultures and Futures Across Infrastructures of Opium, Oil and Plastic

Johanna Heide

Johanna Heide

Make a way out of no way: Black Women's Itinerant Practices in Early America and beyond

Saskia Köbschall

Saskia Köbschall

Colonial Entanglements: Nudism and the Making of the Modern (white) Body

Anne Maabjerg Mikkelsen

Anne Maabjerg Mikkelsen

Legal Inscriptions of River Goddesses: Political Appropriations or New Stories of Divine Subversions?

Kathleen Louise Samson

Kathleen Louise Samson

After Hope: Embodied Labour, Communities of Care, and Endurance-as-Hope in Postcolonial City Texts

Tori Sinanan

Tori Sinanan

Mapping (under)development: A Situational Analysis of Rural Survival in East Trinidad

Hannah Vögele

Hannah Vögele

Dispossessing Bodies: Resisting the Violence of Property

Associated Former Fellows

Lucienne Wagner

Lucienne Wagner

Potentials, Practices and Prospects of Diversity in the German Context of Higher Education

First Generation Former Fellows

Dr. Kylie Crane

Crusoe’s Archipelagoes

Lucy Gasser

Lucy Gasser

Mapping Other Europes

Irene Hilden

Irene Hilden

Absent Presences in the Colonial Archive: Dealing with the Berlin Sound Archive’s Acoustic Heritage

Sikho Siyotula

Sikho Siyotula

Visualising Southern African Late Iron Age Settlements in the Digital Age

Yann Le Gall

Yann Le Gall

Remembering the Dismembered: African Human Remains and Memory Cultures after Repatriation

Anouk Madörin

Anouk Madörin

Between colony and crisis. (Post)visual surveillance beyond the European border regime

Moses März

Moses März

Edouard Glissant’s Politics of Relation and the Imagination of the World-Community

Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss

Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss

Subverting Spaces: Politics of Embodiment and Solidarity in a Condition of Digital Ubiquity

Mariya Nikolova

Mariya Nikolova

Re-Considering American Avant-Garde and Neo-Avant-Garde Literature: Tropes of Futurity and Renewal

Oduor Obura

Rethinking Childhood and Postcoloniality in East African Fiction

Anna von Rath

Anna von Rath

Afropolitan Encounters

Praveen Sewgobind

Praveen Sewgobind

Entanglements of Hindustani Coloniality: Transcultural Belonging in the Age of Globality

Julia von Sigsfeld

Julia von Sigsfeld

‘Decolonial Cosmopolitics’ in the Ecuadorian Andes

Jens Temmen

Jens Temmen

The Territorialities of U.S. Imperialisms: Conflicting Discourses of Sovereignty, Jurisdiction and Territory in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Legal Texts and Indigenous Life Writing

Heinrich Wilke

Heinrich Wilke

The Order of Destruction: Monoculture in Colonial Caribbean Literature and Beyond