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Dr. Paulina Tomaszewska


  1. Krahé, B., Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (in press). The role of pornography in shaping young adults’ sexual scripts and sexual behavior: A longitudinal study with university students. Psychology of Popular Media.
  2. Schuster, I., & Tomaszewska, P. ( in press). Sexual coercion and rape. In T. K. Shackelford, & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3185-1
  3. Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (in press). Sexual coercion and violence. In T. K. Shackelford, & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1738-1
  4. Krahé, B., Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P. (2024). Men’s sexual victimization by women: A neglected problem. In H. Schüttler et al. (Eds.). Gender & crime: Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt (pp. 181-193). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  5. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2023). Evaluating a theory-based online program for preventing sexual aggression: An experimental-longitudinal study with German university students. Sexual Abuse. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/10790632221146498
  6. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2023). Young adults’ understanding of sexual competence: A qualitative study with German university students. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 20, 145-159.  doi: 10.1007/s13178-022-00767-y
  7. Krahé, B., Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (2022). Kompetenz in sexuellen Situationen (KisS): Ein Interventionsprogramm zur Vermeidung sexueller Aggression bei jungen Erwachsenen. Report Psychologie, 47 (10), 7-11.
  8. Krahé, B., Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (2022). Links of perceived pornography realism with sexual aggression via sexual scripts, sexual behavior, and acceptance of sexual coercion: A study with German university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 63. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010063
  9. Marchewka, J., Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2022). Unacknowledged and missed cases of sexual victimization: A comparison of responses to broad vs. specific questions. Aggressive Behavior. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/ab.22043.
  10. Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2022). Changing cognitive risk factors for sexual aggression: Risky sexual scripts, low sexual-self-esteem, perceptions of pornography, and acceptance of sexual coercion. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, NP1377-NP1400. doi: 10.1177/0886260520922341. (Joint first authorship).
  11. Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2022). A theory-based intervention to reduce risk and vulnerability factors of sexual aggression in German university students. Journal of Sex Research. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2022.2105290
  12. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., Marchewka, J., & Krahé, B. (2022). Order effects of presenting coercive tactics on young adults’ reports of sexual victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19-20, NP17784-NP17806 . doi: 10.1177/08862605211030012
  13. Bertok, E., Meško, G., Schuster, I., & Tomaszewska, I. (2021). Physical teen dating violence in high school students in Slovenia: Prevalence and correlates. Special issue. Prevalence and predictors of teen dating violence: A European perspective. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 178, 59-77. doi:  10.1002/cad.20436,
  14. Krahé, B., Schuster, I., & Tomaszewska, P. (2021). Prevalence of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration in a German university student sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2109-2021. doi:10.1007/s10508-021-01963-4
  15. Schuster, I., & Tomaszewska, P. (2021). Editorial. Introduction to the special issue. Prevalence and predictors of teen dating violence: A European perspective. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 178, 5-10. doi: 10.1002/cad.2044
  16. Schuster, I., & Tomaszewska, P. (2021). Pathways from child sexual and physical abuse to sexual and physical intimate partner violence victimization through attitudes toward intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 36, 443-453. doi:10.1007/s10896-020-00180-2 (joint first authorship).
  17. Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P., Gul, P., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M. (2021). The role of moral neutralization of aggression and justification of violence against women in predicting physical teen dating violence perpetration and monitoring among adolescents in Switzerland. Special issue. Prevalence and predictors of teen dating violence: A European perspective. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 178, 115-131. doi: 10.1002/cad.20430
  18. Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P., Marchewka, J., & Krahé, B. (2021). Does question format matter in assessing the prevalence of sexual aggression? A methodological study. Journal of Sex Research, 58, 502-511. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1777927(Joint first authorship)
  19. Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (2021). Prevalence of teen dating violence in Europe: A systematic review of studies since 2010. Special issue. Prevalence and predictors of teen dating violence: A European perspective. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 178, 11-37.  doi: 10.1002/cad.20437
  20. Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (2020). Comparing sexuality-related cognitions, sexual behavior, and acceptance of sexual coercion in dating app users and non-users. Sexual Research and Social Policy, 17, 188–198. doi: 10.1007/s13178-019-00397-x (Joint first authorship)
  21. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2018). Predictors of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration among Polish university students: A longitudinal study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 493-505. doi: 10.1007/s10508-016-0823-2
  22. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2018). Sexual aggression victimization and perpetration among female and male university students in Poland. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33, 571-594.doi: 10.1177/0886260515609583
  23. Krahé, B., de Haas, S., Vanwesenbeeck, I. ... Tomaszewska, P. et al. (2016). Interpreting survey questions about sexual aggression in cross-cultural research: A qualitative study with young adults from nine European countries. Sexuality & Culture, 20, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s12119-015-9321-2
  24. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2016). Attitudes towards sexual coercion by Polish high school students: Links with risky sexual scripts, pornography use, and religiosity. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 22, 291-307. doi: 10.1080/13552600.2016.1195892.
  25. Krahé, B., Berger, A., Vanwesenbeeck, I. ..., Tomaszewska, P. et al. (2015). Prevalence and correlates of young people's sexual aggression perpetration and victimisation in 10 European countries. A multilevel analysis.Culture, Health & Sexuality, 17, 682-699. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2014.989265
  26. Krahé, B., Tomaszewska, P., Kuyper, L., & Vanwesenbeeck, I. (2014). Prevalence of sexual aggression among young people in Europe: A review of the evidence from 27 EU countries. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19, 545-558.
  27. Tomaszewska, P. (2014). Sexual scripts in Polish and German adolescents. Rocznik Lubuski, 40, 91-110. 
  28. Krahé, B., & Tomaszewska-Jedrysiak, P. (2011). Sexual scripts and sexual aggression in Polish adolescents. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8, 697-712.


  1. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2021, November). Reducing sexual aggression among university students in Germany: A longitudinal-experimental intervention on risky scripts. 25th Workshop on Aggression 2021, University of Turku, Finland.
  2. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., Winzer, L., Berger, A., & Krahé, B. (2019, Oktober). Can risky sexual scripts predict sexual victimization? Sexual Violence Research Initiative, Kapstadt.
  3. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., Winzer, L., Berger, A., & Krahé, B. (2019, Juli). Sexual scripts as prospective predictors of sexual victimization: A cross-cultural analysis. XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscow.
  4. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2019, März). Preventing sexual aggression among university students in Germany: First results of an intervention study. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris.
  5. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2018, Juli). Preventing sexual aggression among university students in Germany: First results of an intervention study. 44th Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research (IASR), Madrid.
  6. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2018, Juli). Preventing sexual aggression among university students in Germany: First results of an intervention study. 23rd World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA), Paris.
  7. Schuster, I., Tomaszewska, P., Winzer, L., & Krahé, B. (2018, Juli). Sexual scripts as prospective predictors of sexual victimization: A cross-cultural analysis.  23. World Meeting der International Society for Research on Aggression, Paris.
  8. Kuo, B. C. H., Salam, Z., Soucie, K., Ly, C., Huang, S., Tomaszewska, P. , & country collaborators (2018, Juli). Cultural coping with school burnout: A 15-country study. 24th Congress of Cross Cultural Psychology (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology), Guelph, Canada.
  9. Krahé, B., Tomaszewska, P., & Schuster, I. (2018, Februar). Researching non-consensual sex in higher education: Challenges and directions. Workshop on Managing, Researching, and Enabling Respectful Sexual Conduct in Higher Education, Gent.
  10. Tomaszewska, P., Schuster, I., & Krahé, B. (2017, November). Preventing sexual aggression among university students in Germany: First results of an intervention study. 22nd Workshop on Aggression, Limassol.
  11. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2017, Juli). Prevalence and predictors of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration among youth: Evidence from Poland. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada.
  12. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2016, Dezember). Prevalence and predictors of sexual aggression victimization among youth: Evidence from Poland. Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy Research, Gent University.
  13. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2016, September). Muster von Risiko- und Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren sexueller Aggression unter polnischen Studenten und Studentinnen. 50. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig.
  14. Kwiatkowska, A., & Tomaszewska, P. (2015, Oktober). Ja i dobrostan psychiczny mieszkańców regionów zróżnicowanych kulturowo: z badań polsko-niemieckich. [Self and mental well-being of inhabitants from culturally different regions: Polish-German research]. Uniwersystet Szczeciński. Szczecin.
  15. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2015, September). A longitudinal analysis of sexual victimization and perpetration among Polish university students. Sexual Violence Conference. Middlesex University. London.
  16. Tomaszewska, P. (2015, September). Risiko- und Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren sexueller Aggression unter jungen Erwachsenen in Polen. 15. Fachgruppentagung der Sozialpsychologie. Potsdam.
  17. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Berger, A. (2015, Mai). Vulnerability factors for sexual victimization in university students: Longitudinal evidence from Germany and Poland. Annual conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence (ENGV). Lissabon.
  18. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Izdebski, Z. (2014, November). Podatność na wiktymizację seksualną studentów i studentek w Polsce. Badanie podłużne. [Vulnerability factors for sexual victimization in university students: Longitudinal evidence from Poland]. I International Conference of the Polish Sexological Society. Poznań.
  19. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2014, Juli). Female and male sexual perpetration – risk factors and prevalence: Longitudinal evidence from Poland. XXI. World Meeting of International Society for Research on Aggression, Atlanta.
  20. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Berger, A. (2014, Juni). Risk factors for sexual victimization in university students: Longitudinal evidence from Germany and Poland.  40. Konferenz der International Academy of Sex Research, Dubrovnik.
  21. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Izdebski, Z. (2014, Juni). Youth Sexual Aggression – Prevalence and Risk Factors. Longitudinal Evidence from Poland. 37. International Conference on Conflict and Aggression, Zielona Góra.
  22. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2013). Cognitive and behavioral risk factors for sexual aggression among university students in Poland. A longitudinal study. XVIII Workshop Aggression, Bielefeld.
  23. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2013). Kognitive und behaviorale Risikofaktoren sexueller Viktimisierung unter jungen Erwachsenen in Polen. XIV. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Hagen.
  24. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Izdebski, Z. (2013). Czynniki ryzyka agresji seksualnej u młodych dorosłych w Polsce.[Risikofaktoren sexueller Aggression bei jungen Erwachsenen in Polen]. XXII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychologii Rozwojowej. XXII. Konferenz der Entwicklungspsychologie, Gdańsk.
  25. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2013). Sexual aggression and victimization among youth in eight EU countries. Findings from the pilot studies in the YSAV project. European Gender and Violence Network, Wien.
  26. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2012). Sexuelle Viktimisierung und Aggression im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter in EU-Ländern.Bundesweites Forschungsvernetzungstreffen zum Themenkreis Gewalt und Geschlecht, Marburg/ Rauischholzhausen.
  27. Tomaszewska, P., & Krahé, B. (2012). Pornografiekonsum und sexuelle Sozialisation im Jugendalter. Zusammenhang zwischen Pornografiekonsum, sexuellen Skripts und sexueller Aggression. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld.
  28. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Izdebski, Z. (2012). Sexual Scripts and the acceptance of sexual aggression among youth in Poland. XX. World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Luxemburg.
  29. Tomaszewska, P., Krahé, B., & Izdebski, Z. (2012). Skrypty seksualne i akceptacja agresji seksualnej u młodzieży i młodych dorosłych w Polsce. [Sexuelle Skripts und Akzeptanz sexueller Aggression unter Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Polen]. XXI. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychologii Rozwojowej. XXI. Konferenz der Entwicklungspsychologie, Zielona Góra.
  30. Tomaszewska, P. & Krahé, B. (2011). Risk factors of sexual aggression among Polish adolescents and young adults. A longitudinal study. Winter School of Social Cognition. Research Methods in Cognitive Studies, Zakopane.