Research Overview
The general focus of our research is on fundamental phenomena of soft matter at surfaces and interfaces and on the interactions between micro- and nano-particles under exposure to light (see Santer, S. «Remote control of soft nano-objects by light using azobenzene containing surfactants» Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51 (2017) 013002)
Research Overview
Current interests are hosted in several projects:
video by Dr. Joachim Jelken
video by Dr. Pooja Arya
video by Maren Umlaudt
Photo-responsive microgels: reversible switching of size and VPTT
headed by Dr. Yulia Gordievskaya
Combination of light and microfluidics: light driven reversible acceleration and gluing of colloidal particles
headed by Dr. Marek Bekir

Scheme by Dr. Marek Bekir
Active surfaces: manipulation of liquid and solid particles, reversible wetting, transport, splitting and merging
headed by Dr. Stephan Eickelmann
video by Maren Umland

Scheme by Thomas Papke