Dr. des. Florian Schybilski
Florian Schybilski has taken on the position of project coordinator with the DFG Research Unit 'Collaborations: Assemblages, Articulations, Alliances'
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 0.20
14469 Potsdam
I am currently preparing my PhD thesis on ‘Dalitisms‘ in different postcolonial spaces supervised by prof. Dr. Dirk Wiemann (University of Potsdam).
In December 2017 I finished the MA program Anglophone Modernities in Literature and Culture at the University of Potsdam. In my thesis, I investigated the possibility for and reality of cosmopolitanisms in Dalit writing and activism. For my bachelor’s degree, I studied English and History at the University of Potsdam graduating in 2014. For my bachelor’s thesis I did a comparative study of the ideological representation of Dalit thought leader B.R. ‘Babasaheb’ Ambedkar in two graphic biographies. I have spent one year in India splitting this time between Delhi and Hyderabad.
Research interests
Nation & Nationalism
Ideology and Forms of Resistance
Postcolonial Studies
Dalit Literature
Delhi – the Pre-colonial, Colonial, and Postcolonial Capital City
Caste Away: Writing Caste in India and Great Britain
A Private Empire? – Reading the East India Company
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Modernity as Salvation
Conflicting Bodies: Postcolonial Rewritings and Female Empowerment in Video Games
Human Rights Literature
Amitav Ghosh’s Ibis Trilogy
Food Cultures, Food Politics
Recent Academic Projects
“'I Shall Mix Genres’ – Genre Politics in Meena Kandasamy’s The Gypsy Goddess” (Conference: Writing the Cosmopolitan Imagination, University of Delhi – December 2016)
"Dalit Human Literature/Dalit World Literature" (Conference: World Literature - Postcolonial Perspectives, University of Delhi, March 2018)