David J.G. Lewis, M.Phil.
Adjunct Lecturer
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Building 19, Room 1.04
(Secretary's Office)
By appointment
- I hold a BA and MPhil from University College Dublin in medieval English, early Irish and Linguistics.
- I returned to university teaching in 2016 after 30 years, in which I worked in software development (telecoms) and at the Bundessprachenamt as an English teacher (2008-16).
- I lectured in medieval English at University College Dublin in 1978-79.
- In 1980-81 I worked as an English teacher in Dortmund and I taught medieval English (as 'wissenschaftlicher Assistent') at the Freie Universität Berlin from 1982-87.
- In 1996-1997 I taught courses in early Irish at the Humboldt-Universität.
Research and Publications
(1987) 'The Metre of Genesis B', Anglo-Saxon England 16, 67-125.
(1987) 'Stylistics and Generative Grammar Revisited: Dylan Thomas' Fern Hill', in: Th. Meier-Fohrbeck & E. Bettinger (Hrsg.), Von Shakespeare zu Chomsky: Studien zur Englischen Philologie an der Freien Universität Berlin (Frankfurt), 303-15.
(1986) 'A Short Latin Gospel of Nicodemus written in Ireland', Peritia 5, 262-75.
(1977) 'TheVerbal Morphology of the Peterborough Chronicle (1122-54) and the Trinitiy Homilies' (M.Phil dissertation, University College Dublin, unpublished)
(1977) 'The Metrical Psalms of the Paris Psalter' (Board of Medieval Studies, University College Dublin, unpublished)
(1976) 'The Development of London English in the later Middle Ages' (Board of Medieval Studies, University College Dublin, unpublished)