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Long Essay

(2018) “The Making of Tupaia’s Map: A Story of the Extent and Mastery of Polynesian Navigation, Competing Systems of Wayfinding on James Cook’s Endeavour, and the Invention of an Ingenious Cartographic System”. The Journal of Pacific History 54.1 (2019): 1-95 (with Lars Eckstein). full text at: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00223344.2018.1512369

  • Translated as Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz, La carte de Tupaia, maître d'astres et de navigation polynésienne. Trans. and intr. Serge Dunis. Bulletin de la Societé des Études Océaniennes (Polynésie orientale) no°348 (Mai/Août 2019). 153 pp.
  • (2019) "The Making of Tupaia's Map Revisited". Authors' Response to critical forum on "The Making of Tupaia's Map". The Journal of Pacific History 54.4 (2019): 549-61 (with Lars Eckstein). full text at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00223344.2019.1657500
  • (2023) “Corrections: An Update to ‘The Making of Tupaia’s Map’” The Journal of Pacific History 58.1 (2023): 64-80 (with Lars Eckstein). full text at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00223344.2022.2138291.


Edited volumes

(2018) Remembering German-Australian Colonial Entanglement (special issue of Postcolonial Studies 21.1). Eds. Lindsay Barrett, Lars Eckstein, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz.

(2016) Postcolonial Justice in Australia. Reassessing the ‘Fair Go. Ed. Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz. Trier: WVT.

(2014) Postcolonial Piracy: Media Distribution and Cultural Production in the Global South. Eds. Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

(2013) Rhythmus um 1900 (special issue of Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie). Eds. Hendrik Blumentrath, Michael Neumann, Claudia Röser and Anja Schwarz.

(2013) Michael Taussig: Sympathiezauber. Texte zur Ethnographie. Konstanz: Konstanz University Press. Eds. Michael Neumann and Anja Schwarz.

(2013) Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt. Spuren eines Verschollenen. Eds. Heike Hartmann together with Lars Eckstein, Steffen Krestin, Helmut Peitsch and Anja Schwarz. Berlin: Bebra Verlag.

(2012) Postcolonial Literatures in English: Sources and Resources. Volume 2: Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Literatures. Eds. Rudolf Bader and Anja Schwarz. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.

(2008) Iterationen: Geschlecht im kulturellen Gedächtnis [Iterations: Gender and Cultural Memory]. Eds. Anja Schwarz and Sabine Lucia Müller. Göttingen: Wallstein.

(2007) Multicultural Societies and Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Australia and Germany. Eds. Anja Schwarz und Russell West-Pavlov. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.


Journal articles

(2025) “The First Beutelwolf: How Berliners were taught to see the thylacine.“ Journal of Natural Science Collections. 13. pp. 3-15 (with Katrina Schlunke). https://www.natsca.org/article/2889

(2025) “Lhotsky, the Impostor? Negotiating Natural History in the Australian Colonies.“ Australian Historical Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/1031461X.2024.2435938

(2024) “‘Pioneers of Culture’: Australian Natural History and the German Colonial Imaginary.” Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies.https://doi.org/10.1080/10304312.2024.2394957.

(2023) “Germany’s Colonial Entanglements in the Pacific / Deutschlands koloniale Verflechtungen im Pazifik.“ Gropius Bau Journal 08/2023. Full text at: https://www.berlinerfestspiele.de/en/gropius-bau/programm/journal/2023/anja-schwarz-germanys-colonial-entanglements-in-the-pacific.

(2023) “Collections from Colonial Australia in Berlin’s Museum für Naturkunde and the Challenges of Data Accessibility.” Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e111980. Full text at: https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.111980.

(2023) “Corrections: An Update to ‘The Making of Tupaia’s Map’” The Journal of Pacific History 58.1 (2023): 64-80 (with Lars Eckstein). full text at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00223344.2022.2138291.

(2019) "Melancholia." Cultural Studies Review. 25:2, 259-261. Full text at: http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/csr.v25i2.6918.

(2019) "The Making of Tupaia's Map Revisited". Authors' Response to critical forum on "The Making of Tupaia's Map". The Journal of Pacific History 54.4 (2019): 549-61 (with Lars Eckstein). full text at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00223344.2019.1657500 

(2019) "Vision d'une mer faite d'îles: la carte de Tupaia (1769-1770)". Trans. Henri Theureau. Bulletin de la Societé des Études Océaniennes (Polynésie orientale) 347 (Janvier / Avril 2019): 6-23 (avec Lars Eckstein).

(2018) "Schomburgk’s Chook: the entangled South Australian collections of a German naturalist. Postcolonial Studies, 21:1, 20-34. Full text at: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13688790.2018.1434749.

(2018) “Remembering German Australian Colonial Entanglement: An Introduction”. Lindsay Barrett, Lars Eckstein, Andrew Hurley and Anja Schwarz, eds. Remembering German-Australian Colonial EntanglementsSpecial Issue of Postcolonial Studies 21 (March 2018): 1-5 (with Lindsay Barrett, Lars Eckstein and Andrew Hurley). Full text at: www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13688790.2018.1443671

(2016) “Tupaias Karten, oder: Was ist Aufklärung in Postkolonialer Perspektive”. Aufklärung global – globale Aufklärungen. Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert 40.2: 175-190 (with Lars Eckstein and Helmut Peitsch).

(2015) “‘The greatest son of our Heimat’: Reading German Leichhardts Across the National Socialist Era.” Journal of Australian Studies 39(4), 529-545 (with Andrew Hurley).

(2015) “The Here and Now of Cultural Studies.” Journal for the Study of British Cultures 21.2, 195-222 (with Alexander Dunst and Elahe Haschemi Yekani).

(2013) “‘Parallel societies’ of the past? The Ghosts of Berlin and Citizenship’s Commemorative Dimension.” Space & Culture [Special issue: Open Cities]. 1-13.

(2013) “Im Maschinenraum der Geschichte: Rhythmen in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness.” Zeitrschrift für Kulturphilosophie. 53-56.

(2013) “Memory, Migration and Guilt.” Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 4(1), 51-65 (with Aleida Assmann).

(2010) “‘…just as it would have been in 1861’: Stuttering Colonial Beginnings in ABC’s Outback House.” Reeanctment History 1(2), 18-38.

(2008) “Linien im Sand. Der Südseestrand als Begegnungsraum bei James Cook und Georg Forster.“ Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften [Special issue: Raeume] 2/2008, 53-64.

(2007) “’Not this Year’: Reenacting Contested Pasts Aboard The Ship.” Rethinking History 11(1), 425-444.

(2004) “Modes of ‘Un-Australianness’ and ‘Un-Germanness’: Contemporary Debates on Cultural Diversity in Germany and Australia.” Journal of Australian Studies 80, 211-220.


Book chapters

(2019) "Experience." The Routledge Handbook of Reenactment Studies: Key Terms in the Field. Routledge, 63-66.

(2017) “Spuren Robert Louis Stevensons in deutscher Literatur über Samoa.” Johannes Görbert und Thomas Schwarz, eds. Pazifikismus: Poetiken des Stillen Ozeans. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 443-460 (with Lars Eckstein and Helmut Peitsch).

(2016)“Postcolonial Justice in Australia and the ‘Fair Go’: An Introduction.” Postcolonial Justice in Australia. Reassessing the ‘Fair Go. Ed. Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz. Trier: WVT, 1-15 (with Gigi Adair).

(2016) “Epistemic Crossroads in the Pacific World: Re-Thinking Oceanic Histories with Tupaia’s Map.” Frederike Offizier, Mark Priewe and Ariane Schröder, eds. Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 49-72 (with Lars Eckstein).

(2014) “Introduction: Toward a Postcolonial Critique of Modern Piracy.” Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz, eds. Postcolonial Piracy: Media Distribution and Cultural Production in the Global South. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 1-25 (with Lars Ecktsein). http://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/7218.

(2014) “A Study on Memory: Erinnerung und Trauma in Rod Dickinsons The Milgram-Re-enactment.” In Rendezvous mit dem Realen. Die Spur des Traumas in den Künsten, edited by   Aleida Assmann, Karolina Jeftic and Friederike Wappler. Bielefeld: transcript. 115-134.

(2013) “Nachwort der Herausgeber.” In Michael Taussig. Sympathiezauber - Texte zur Ethnographie Konstanz: Konstanz University Press, 344-356 (with Michael Neumann).

(2013) ““Mínyın ŋyínı bıal piabúnı whiteman? – Why don’t you [learn to] speak like a whiteman?”: The Politics of Remembering the Dawes/Patyegarang Encounter.“ In Agents of Transculturation: Border-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens, edited by Sebastian Jobs and Gesa Mackenthun. Waxmann, 2013. 263-280.

(2013) “Leichhardt im kulturellen Gedächtnis Deutschlands und Australiens.” In Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt. Spuren eines Verschollenen, edited by Heike Hartmann. Berlin: Bebra Verlag, 144-159 (with Andrew Hurley).

(2013) “Looking for Shell Beach: Dark City’s Digital Landscapes and Australian National Cinema.” In Film Landscapes, edited by Jonathan Rayner and Graeme Harper. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholarly Press, 74-87.

(2012) “Oceanic Modernity: Indigeneity, Globality and Cultural Translation.” Worldwide: Archipels de la mondialisation  / Archipiélagos de la globalizacion, edited by Ottmar Ette and Gesine Müller. Madrid: Vervuert, 149-165 (with Lars Eckstein).

(2011) “‘That’s Not a Story I Could Tell’: Commemorating the Other Side of the Colonial Frontier in Australian Literature of Reconciliation,” Memory and Political Change, edited by Aleida Assmann and Linda Shortt. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 150-169.

(2010) “Zirkelschlüsse der Authentizität: Das Erleben von Geschichte im australischen TV-Reenactment Outback House.” Echte Geschichte: Authentizitätsfiktionen in populären Geschichtskulturen, edited by Eva Ulrike Pirker et. al. Bielefeld: transkript, 2010. 233-50.

(2008) “Iterationen.” In Iterationen. Geschlecht im kulturellen Gedächtnis [Iterations: Gender and Cultural Memory], edited by Anja Schwarz und Sabine Lucia Müller. Göttingen: Wallstein, 7-28 (with Sabine Lucia Müller).

(2008) “‘A Ready-made Set of Ancestors’: Re-enacting a Gendered Past in The 1900 House.“ In Iterationen. Geschlecht im kulturellen Gedächtnis [Iterations: Gender and Cultural Memory], edited by Anja Schwarz und Sabine Lucia Müller. Göttingen: Wallstein, 89-110 (with Sabine Lucia Müller).

(2007) “Mapping (un-)Australian identities: ‘Territorial disputes’ in Christos Tsiolkas’ Loaded.” In Global Fragments: (Dis-)Orientation in the New World Order, edited by Dirk Wiemann and Anke Bartels. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 13-27.

(2007) “Multiculturalism: A Comparative Discursive History.” In Multicultural Societies and Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Australia and Germany, edited by Anja Schwarz and Russell West-Pavlov. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 71-92.

(2007) “The Pacific Solution meets Fortress Europe: Emerging Parallels in Transnational Refugee Regimes.” In Multicultural Societies and Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Australia and Germany, edited by Anja Schwarz and Russell West-Pavlov. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 251-274 (with Justine Lloyd).

(2006) “Beached Identities: Inclusion and Exclusion of Histories in the Formation of the Beach as an Australian Spatial Icon.” In Australia. Making Space Meaningful, edited by Gerd Dose. Stuttgart: Stauffenburg Verlag, 125-138.

(2006) “Re-Iterated Arrivals: Re-enacting Cook’s First Voyage of Discovery.” In Thinking Down Under. Australian Politics, Society and Culture in Transition, edited by Graham Willet. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 135-153.

(2004) „Zwischen Multikulti und der Angst vor einer ‚Balkanisierung’ Europas. Ein Vergleich des deutschen und australischen Diskurses um Multikulturalismus.“ In Dokumentation der Ergebnisse der Sommerschule: Migration und Integration in modernen Gesellschaften. Bildung als Herausforderung, edited by Monika Mazur-Rafal, Rainer Ohliger and Ulrich Raiser, Warsaw: Wema, 93-101.


(2010) “‘… a kind of ying and yang’: Kate Grenville’s Historical Novels The Secret River and The Lieutenant.” Zeitschrift für Australienstudien 24.

(2009) „Ökonomie des exzessiven Begehrens. Antke Engels Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie. Queere kulturelle Politiken im Neoliberalismus.“ Querelles-net. Rezensionszeitschrift für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 10(3) (with Katerina Kolarova).

(2006) “Ross Gibson. Seven Versions of an Australian Badland. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2002.” GASt Newsletter.

(2006) “Naja Zierott. Aboriginal Women’s Narratives: Reclaiming Identities. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005.” GASt Newsletter.


(2023) "Epistemic Challenges of Eighteenth Century Oceanities: Some Lessons of Johann Reinhold Forster’s Version of Tupaia’s Map." Reenacting Colonial Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Eighteenth-century Oceanities (with Lars Eckstein). Available here: youtu.be/a7ACH-Dd_YY

(2021) "Reenacting Colonial Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand." Memory and Commemoration: Academy in Exile. Available here: www.youtube.com/watch