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SE group July 2024


Welcome to the website of the Software Engineering group!

We are dedicated to advancing the field of software engineering in the context of computational science, also known as research software engineering (RSE). Our work encompasses a wide range of fascinating areas, including: software quality in science, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) software, the role of software in Open Science, as well as computational workflows and their automated construction. Collaboration with researchers from other disciplines (including bioinformatics, geosciences, and more) is essential to our work. See our "Research" page for more information.

In addition to our research activities, we offer a range of courses in the area of software engineering, both at basic and advanced levels. These courses cover various topics related to (research) software engineering. For information about our current course offerings, please visit our "Teaching" page. We also provide supervision for interdisciplinary study projects and Bachelor/Master theses that involve a significant software engineering component.

If you are interested in collaborating with us or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are always excited to explore new opportunities and engage with fellow researchers and enthusiasts in the field of (research) software engineering.