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Illustration zum Dienst E-Mail und Groupware
Photo: ZIM

To use the central email service, you need an email address from the University of Potsdam.

You will receive an address according to the scheme You will receive the information by email.

The upper/lower case is irrelevant. For example, the following spellings of the long form email address are possible:


Messages to this address will be forwarded to your existing mailbox and can be retrieved from there. If you want to change the address, please adjust your email program or the settings in Mail.UP accordingly. How to do this can be found in the Mail.UP FAQ.

You can use the email service either with the central webmailer Mail.UP or with an email program like Thunderbird or Outlook.

Please note that the mail server cannot be used for sending mass mails. To prevent abuse by email spammers, there are various limits on the number of emails per time unit and the number of addresses per email.

Please use the list server of the University of Potsdam to send mass mails or contact us to configure your email program according to our limits.

Illustration zum Dienst E-Mail und Groupware
Photo: ZIM