Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Wolf
Chair Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Arts
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 1.14
14469 Potsdam
consulting hours
Mondays, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Zur Beachtung: Regelungen für Modul- und Hausarbeiten
Modul- und Hausarbeiten müssen spätestens 4 Wochen vor dem Tag, an dem die Note feststehen muss, bzw. 4 Wochen vor Ende der Prüfungsperiode abgegeben sein. Angemeldete Arbeiten, die bis dahin nicht eingereicht wurden, werden mit der Note 5,0 bewertet. Der Eingang von Modularbeiten wird nicht gesondert bestätigt. Von Nachfragen zum Bearbeitungsstand ist abzusehen.
- since April 2019, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Potsdam.
- since January 2009, Full Professor (W3) for Development and Variation of the English Language at the University of Potsdam.
- 2009 - 2016 Honorary Professor at the School of English, The University of Hong Kong.
- 2003 - 2009 Associate Professor, Program in Language & Communication (Coordinator) and Department of English, The University of Hong Kong.
- 2003 Research Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong.
- 2000 – 2002 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (research and teaching position), Institute of English and American Studies, Humboldt-University, Berlin.
- 1994 - 2000 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Assistant Professor), Institute of English and American Studies, Humboldt-University, Berlin.
- 1991 - 1994 Work on PhD (funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation).
- 1991 Research stay at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and University of California, Berkeley.
- 1986 - 1991 Studies (M.A.) in American Culture and Language, German Linguistics und Educational Science at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt/M.
- [1988 - 1989] Studies in Linguistics, Politics, Media Studies and History at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
- Research project on West African English (lexical and phonological variation, cultural models)
- Cognitive-sociolinguistic analyses of the varieties of English
- Cultural linguistics
- Intercultural communciation
- Lexicography
- Language and educational policy in the African Mandate and Trusteeship Territories
- Variation and varieties of English, including English-based Pidgin- and Creole varieties
- Cognitive (socio-)linguistics
- Cultural linguistics
- Intercultural pragmatics
- History of English
- Sociolinguistics
- Since 2020: Associate editor of The Encyclopedia of World Englishes, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Since 2020: Editor of the Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts series, John Benjamins. [With Ning Yu]
Board memberships
- Member of the editorial board of World Englishes
- Senior Advisor to the International Journal of TESOL Studies
- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Nigerian Languages
- Member of the editorial board of the Cognitive Linguistic Studies of Language and Cognition in Cultural Contexts series, John Benjamins
- Member of the advisory board of Conjunctions: An International Refereed Journal of Language, Literature and Culture
- Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Language and Culture (IJLC)
- Member of the editorial board of the Cultural Linguistics series, Springer
- Member of the editorial Board of the Potsdam Linguistic Investigations series, Peter Lang
Referee for foundations and universities
- Member of the accreditation panel, Universitas Gadjah Mada, FIBAA agency
- Member of the accreditation panel, Ho Chi Min Open University, FIBAA agency
- Member of the accreditation panel, Universitas Diponegoro, Cluster 1, FIBAA agency
- Member of the accreditation panel, KIMAP University, Almaty, Cluster 5, FIBAA agency
- Member of the accreditation panel, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Cluster 2, FIBAA agency
- Referee for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- Member of the accreditation panel, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, Cluster 1, Humanities, FIBAA agency
- Referee for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
- Referee for the Volkswagenstiftung (Volkswagen Foundation)
- Referee for the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
- Referee for Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (Fritz Thyssen Foundation)
- Referee for South Africa’s National Research Foundation
- External Assessor for the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- External Assessor for the University of Lagos, Nigeria
- External Assessor for The Australian Academy of the Humanities
- Member of the reaccreditation panel, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Cluster Language, for AQAS
- Member of the review panel of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)
- Member of program accreditation panel, University of Münster, for AQAS
Referee for academic journals and publishers
- Referee for Metaphor and the Social World
- Referee for African Identities
- Referee for Language and Literature
- Referee for Ethnicities
- Referee for Journal of English Linguistics
- Referee for Routledge
- Referee for John Benjamins
- Referee for GIST Education and Learning Research Journal
- Referee for Language and Culture
- Referee for the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages
- Referee for International Journal of English Studies
- Referee for International Journal of Bilingualism
- Referee for Linguistics
- Referee for Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
- Referee for Springer Publishing (Multilingual Education)
- Referee for Australian Journal of Linguistics
- Referee for Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Referee for the Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM) 2011
- Referee for the Australian Academy of the Humanities
- Referee for World Englishes
- Referee for Journal of Multicultural Discourses
- Referee for Asian Journal of English Language Teaching
- Referee for Intercultural Pragmatics
- Referee for Hong Kong University Press
- Referee for Ibérica (Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes)
- Referee for Current Anthropology
- Referee for Sociolinguistic Studies
- Referee for Cambridge University Press
- Reviews requested from Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development; Theory, Culture & Society; Global Journal of History and Culture
Other services and memberships
- Organizer of the Abschiedsworkshop of Ilse Wischer, University of Potsdam, March 21-21, 2024
- Co-organizer of the Ibadan Workshop on Cultural Linguistics, University of Ibadan, October 12-14, 2022.
- External Academic Advisor, Department of English, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- External Examiner, Department of English, University of Ghana
- Co-organizer of the Learning from Africa: Equal opportunities for women in academia conference, University of Potsdam, October 28-29, 2019
- Co-organizer of the "Intercultural Pragmatics and Cultural Linguistics” panel, International Pragmatics Association Conference, Belfast, July 16-21, 2017
- Organizer of The First International Conference of Cultural Linguistics, 21-22 July, 2016, Prato, Tuscany, Italy <http://iccl2016.weebly.com/>
- Co-Organizer of the English Studies in an International Perspective workshop, University of Potsdam, January 2015
- Co-organizer of the First East Asian SGdS-Conference (The University of Hong Kong, October 2005)
- Member of the organizing board and abstract review committee of 37th LAUD Symposium, “Linguistic Landscapes and Superdiversity in the City: Foundational questions, new directions and expanding methodologies,” April 4-6, 2016, University Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
- Member of the organizing board and abstract review committee of the 36th International LAUD Symposium “Endangerment of Languages across the Planet: The Dynamics of Linguistic Diversity and Globalization,” March 31 – April 3, 2014, University Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
- Member of the scientific committee of the “English in Asia's Languages Habitats and Europe's Asia competence” conference, May 9 – 12, 2012, Free University Berlin, Germany
- Member of the organizing board and abstract review committee of the 35th International LAUD Symposium “Cognitive Psycholinguistics: Bilingualism, Cognition and Communication,” March 26 – 29, 2012, University Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
- Member of the scientific committee of the “Pluricentric languages: Linguistic variation and sociocognitive dimensions” conference, 15-17 September 2010, Catholic University of Portugal, Braga, Portugal
PhD (Co-)supervision
- (2024). Denisa Latić: “Cultural conceptualizations of the SELF in Hong Kong English“
- (2023). Arne Peters: “Black South African English: Language, culture and cognition“ (Habilitation)
- (2022). Anna Finzel: “Cultural conceptualisations of gender and homosexuality in Indian and Nigerian English”
- (2018). Milene Mendes de Oliveira: “Business negotiations in intercultural communication between Germans and Brazilians: Conceptualization and practice”
- (2015). Arne Peters: “Linguistic change in Galway City English: A variationist sociolinguistic study of (th) and (dh) in urban western Irish English”
- (2015). Oromiya Deffa: “Discursive constructions of bicultural identity: A cross-generational cognitive-sociolinguistic study on Oromo Americans in Minnesota”
- (2011). Xiaoyan Xia: “Categorization and L2 vocabulary learning – A cognitive linguistic perspective”
- (2011). Sun Li: “Degree adverbs in Hong Kong and Singapore English: A corpus-based investigation”
- (2011). Ding Yan: “Metaphors of sadness: Intraconceptual and interconceptual variation”
- (2005). Frank Polzenhagen: “Cultural conceptualisations in West African English: A cognitive-linguistics approach”
- Patrick Kühmstedt: "English in Guyana"
- Bosco Li: "Digital Literacies and Identity Construction: Hong Kong Bilinguals' Language Use in Online Contexts"
- Cecilia Li: "Filipina Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong: Language Use and Impact on the Hong Kong Speech Community"
Conference papers, invited lectures, interviews (selection)
- (2024). “Witchcraft and African science” (plenary speech). The Centre for Language Research and English Proficiency (CLAREP) Conference. Doing Research in African Linguistics: Existing Challenges and the Way Forward. March 7 – 8, 2024 (online).
- (2023). “The Nigerian component of the dictionary of West African English (project).” 39th International LAUD 2023 Symposium, August 21 – 24, 2023, RPTU Kaiserlautern-Landau.
- (2023). “Conceptualizations in colonial correspondences” (plenary speech). Colonial Letters and the Contact of Knowledges: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Colonial Correspondences. April 11 -14, 2023, University of Bayreuth.
- (2022). “Thoughts on ‘African Science’ in the context of the African model of community” (plenary speech). Humboldt Kolleg. Theme: “The Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives.” November 2 – 4, 2022, Yaounde, Cameroon.
- (2022). “Perspectives on English as a multilinguacultural franca in tertiary education” (plenary lecture). SEvFale 2022: evento presencial. May 9 – 12. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. [with Al Hasnawi, Sami]
- (2022). “African witchcraft revisited: New cognitive-sociolinguistic findings from a comparative perspective.” Metaphors in Englishes around the World 4th International Workshop, University of Koblenz-Landau, March 9-11, 2022. [with Peters, Arne]
- (2021). “Cultural Linguistics: Some disciplinary and terminological considerations” (plenary speech). The Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC-2021: Cultural Linguistics: The Interface of Language and Cultural Conceptualisations, University of Győr, Hungary, 16−18 June 2021.
- (2019). “Academic multitasking: A very personal account” (keynote lecture). Volkswagen Foundation Funding Initiative “Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Selection Conference of “Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities", Bishoftu, Ethiopia, October 20-23, 2019.
- (2019). “Cultural Linguistics meets Cognitive Contact Linguistics” (plenary speech, jointly with Anna Finzel). Contacts & Contrast: Language, Literature, Culture conference, State University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland, April 1-3, 2019.
- (2019). “Cultural conceptualizations of body fluids part III: Urine as a spiritual and magic substance” (plenary speech). International Symposium on Linguistics, Cognition, and Culture, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 13 – 15, 2019.
- (2018). “The magic of body fluids part II: charms and superstition in Singapore English” (keynote speech). Metaphors in Englishes around the World 3rd International Workshop, University of Klagenfurt, September 20 – 21, 2018.
- (2018). “Conceptualizations of (Menstrual) Blood in a transhistorical and transcontinental perspective” (plenary speech).” 11th Linguistics Association of Ghana Annual Conference (LAG 2018), The University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, July 30 – August 1, 2018.
- (2018). “Charting the lexicon of West African English: Theoretical issues and a practical application” (keynote speech). 11th Linguistics Association of Ghana Annual Conference (LAG 2018), The University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, July 30 – August 1, 2018.
- (2018). “The magic of menstrual blood and other charming body fluids: Cultural conceptualizations in a transhistorical and transcontinental perspective” (plenary speech). The 38th International LAUD Symposium (LAUD2018) and The Second Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC2018). Current and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Cultural Conceptualisations. University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Germany, July 23 – 26, 2018.
- (2017). “The Dictionary of West African English Project” (keynote address). A. Simo Bobda Symposium. Trends in English Language/Linguistics and Literature in a Global Perspective. University of Yaoundé 1, Yaoundé, Cameroon, April 5-7, 2017.
- (2015). “English as a lingua franca – a critical appraisal and a quest for a wider framework” (keynote speech). Challenges 6, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, March 12 -13, 2015.
- (2013). “Military English – a World Englishes perspective.” (Plenary lecture). English for Uniformed Forces. Indonesian National Defense Forces Peacekeeping Center, Bogor, Indonesia, June 26-28, 2013.
- (2013). Interview with Deutschlandradio Wissen, „English around the world”. 04.04.13.
- (2012). “Understanding English(es) in Asia: The example of Hong Kong English.” (Plenary lecture). English in Asia's Languages Habitats and Europe's Asia competence. Free University Berlin, Germany, May 9-12, 2012.
- (2002). “Religion and traditional belief in (West) African English.” (Lead paper). Sociology of Language & Religion International Colloquium. University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK, June 20-22, 2002.
List of publications (orcid)
- (2011). A Dictionary of Hong Kong English: Words from the Fragrant Harbor. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong Press. [With Cummings, Patrick]. (Reviewed in South China Morning Post, International Journal of Lexicography, Year’s Work in English Studies, English World-Wide, World Englishes).
- (2009). World Englishes: A Cognitive Sociolinguistic Approach. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 8. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Polzenhagen, Frank]. (Reviewed in Anglia, English World-Wide, World Englishes).
- (2001). English in Cameroon. Contributions to the Sociology of Language 85. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Reviewed in LinguistList, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Linguistics, English World-Wide, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journal of Pidgins and Creole Studies, The Year's Work in English Studies, English World-Wide).
- (1994). A Folk Model of the ‘Internal Self’ in Light of the Contemporary View of Metaphor – the Self as Subject and Object. European University Studies, Series XIV Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, vol. 284. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang.
Edited works:
- (2024). Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes, 43. [With Latic, Denisa; Polzenhagen, Frank, and Peters, Arne]
- (2022). World Englishes and Creole Languages Today. Vol. 1: The Schneiderian Thinking and Beyond. Lincom Studies in English Linguistics 24. Munich: LINCOM. [With Ngefac, Aloysius and Thomas Hoffmann.]
- (2022). World Englishes and Creole Languages Today. Vol 2: The Bobdian Thinking and Beyond. Lincom Studies in English Linguistics 25. Munich: LINCOM. [With Ngefac, Aloysius and Thomas Hoffmann.]
- (2021). Cultural-Linguistic Explorations into Spirituality, Emotionality, and Society. Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts 14. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [with Latic, Denisa and Anna Finzel].
- (2020). Special issue: Intercultural Pragmatics and Cultural Linguistics. International Journal of Language and Culture, 7(1). [With Schröder, Ulrike and Milene Mendes de Oliveira]
- (2017). Special issue: Cultural Linguistic contributions to World Englishes.International Journal of Language and Culture, 4(2). [With Polzenhagen, Frank and Arne Peters]
- (2016). Communicating with Asia. Cambridge University Press. [With Leitner, Gerhard and Azirah Hashim].
- (2008). Special issue: The History of Linguistics. Language Sciences, 30(5). [With Christopher Hutton].
- (2008). Focus on English: Language Structure and Language Variation. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko. Leipziger Universitätsverlag. (Reviewed in World Englishes). [With Polzenhagen, Frank and Lothar Peter].
- (2006-2007). Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography (CogBib). CD-Rom and electronic publication. Main editor of editorial team (René Dirven, Ron Chen, Ning Yu and Birgit Smieja). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2003). Studies in African Varieties of English. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang. (Reviewed in English World-Wide, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, The Year's Work in English Studies, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung). [With Lucko, Peter & Lothar Peter].
Articles and book chapters:
- (2024). “A research bibliography for world Englishes and Cultural Linguistics.” Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes, 43: 523-531. [With Latic, Denisa; Polzenhagen, Frank, and Peters, Arne]
- (2024). “World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics: Theory and research.” Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes, 43: 260-278. [With Polzenhagen, Frank; Latic, Denisa, and Peters, Arne]
- (2024). “Introduction: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics special issue.” Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes, 43: 356-359. [With Latic, Denisa; Peters, Arne, and Polzenhagen, Frank]
- (2024). “Delineating the lexicon of West African English and some thoughts on the concept of ‘variety.’ In Reif, Monika; Mundt, Neele; Polzenhagen, Frank (eds.). Explorations into Language, Literature and Culture: Studies in Honour of Martin Pütz, 277-294. Berlin: Peter Lang.
- (2024). “Cultural Linguistics: Some disciplinary and terminological considerations.” In Korangy, Alireza (ed.). The Handbook of Cultural Linguistics, 109-134. Singapore: Springer Nature. [With Polzenhagen, Frank]
- (2023). “What’s dog got to do with it? Motivation behind denominal (animal) verbs. Research in Language, 21(2): 129-144. [with Egorova, Alisa]
- (2022). “World Englishes and creole languages today: Introduction.” In Ngefac, Aloysius; Wolf, Hans-Georg; & Hoffmann, Thomas (eds-). World Englishes and Creole Languages Today. Vol. I & II, 5-24. LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics 25. Munich: LINCOM [with Ngefac, Aloysius and Thomas Hoffmann.
- (2022). “African witchcraft revisited: New cognitive-sociolinguistic findings from a comparative perspective.” In Ngefac, Aloysius; Wolf, Hans-Georg; & Hoffmann, Thomas (eds.). World Englishes and Creole Languages Today. Vol. II: The Bobdian Thinking and Beyond, 62-74. LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics 25. Munich: LINCOM [with Peters, Arne]
- (2022). “Metaphorical and cultural conceptualizations in Guyanese newspaper English: Novel insights and methodological approaches.” In Schröder, Ulrike; Mendes de Oliveira. Milene, & Tenuta, Adriana Maria (eds). Metaphorical Conceptualizations: (Inter)Cultural Perspectives, 125-156. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. [with Kühmstedt, Patrick]
- (2021). “Introduction.” In Wolf, Hans-Georg; Latic, Denisa, & Finzel, Anna (eds.). Cultural-Linguistic Explorations into Spirituality, Emotionality, and Society. 1-6. Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts 14. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [with Latic, Denisa and Anna Finzel].
- (2021). “Cultural conceptualizations of magical practices related to menstrual blood in a transhistorical and transcontinental perspective.” In Wolf, Hans-Georg; Latic, Denisa, & Finzel, Anna (eds.). Cultural-Linguistic Explorations into Spirituality, Emotionality, and Society. 41-75. Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts 14. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- (2021). “Colonial cultural conceptualizations and World Englishes.” In Onysko, Alexander (ed.). Research Developments in World Englishes, 199-230. London/New York: Bloomsbury. [With Polzenhagen, Frank and Anna Finzel]
- (2021). “East and West African Englishes: Differences and commonalities.” Updated and revised version. In Kirkpatrick, Andy (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes, 2nd ed., 216-232. London: Routledge.
- (2021). “Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications.” (Updated reprint). In Sadeghpour, Marzieh & Sharifian, Farzad (eds.). Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes,361-399. Singapore: Springer Nature. [With Polzenhagen, Frank]
- (2020). “Introduction.” Special issue: Intercultural Pragmatics and Cultural Linguistics. International Journal of Language and Culture, 7(1): 1-14. [With Schröder, Ulrike and Milene Mendes de Oliveira]
- (2019). “Linguistística cultural e comunicação intercultural. Uma síntese de discussões e pesquisas recentes na Universidade de Potsdam.” I, Schröder, Ulrike & Carneires Mendes, Mariana (eds.) Comunicação (inter)cultural em interação, 65-87. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG. [With Mendes de Oliveira, Milene]
- (2019). “Conceptual metaphors as contact phenomena? The influence of local concepts on source and target domain.” In Zenner, Eline; Backus, Ad & Winter-Froemel, Esme (eds.). Cognitive contact linguistics: Placing usage, meaning and mind at the core of contact-induced variation and change, 188-211. Cognitive Linguistic Research 62. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Finzel, Anna]
- (2017). "Cultural linguistic contributions to World Englishes." International Journal of Language and Culture, 4(2), 121-126. [With Polzenhagen, Frank and Arne Peters]
- (2017). "A corpus-based analysis of cultural conceptualizations from the domains of family and money in Hong Kong English." International Journal of Language and Culture, 4(2), 197-214. [With Latić, Denisa]
- (2017). "Cultural conceptualizations of gender and homosexuality in British, Indian, and Nigerian English." Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4(1), 110–130. [With Finzel, Anna]
- (2017). “World Englishes and Cognitive Linguistics.” In Filppula, Markku; Klemola, Junani and Sharma Devyani (eds.). Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [With Polzenhagen, Frank]
- (2016). “Communicating with Asia: introduction.” In Leitner, Gerhard, Azirah Hashim & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Communicating with Asia, 1-10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [With Leitner, Gerhard & Azirah Hashim].
- (2016). “Understanding Asia by means of cognitive sociolinguistics and cultural linguistics – the example of GHOSTS in Hong Kong English.” In Leitner, Gerhard, Azirah Hashim & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Communicating with Asia, 249-266. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [With Chan, Thomas]
- (2015). “A Cross-cultural Investigation of Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese and British University Students’ Argumentative Writing.” Journal of EFL Writing and Teaching Research, 2: 93-112. [with Liu Xinghua]
- (2015). “Language and culture in intercultural communication.” In Sharifian, Farzad (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Linguistics. Oxford/New York: Routledge.
- (2014). “Cognitive Sociolinguistics in L2-variety ditionaries of English.” In Pütz, Martin, Robinson, Justyna A. & Reif, Monika (eds.). Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language Use, 133-160. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Reprint of Review of Cognitive Linguistics (2012), 10(2): 373-400. With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2012). “A cognitive sociolinguistic approach to the lexicon of Cameroon English and other World Englishes.” In Anchimbe, Eric A. (ed.). Language Contact in a Postcolonial Setting: The Linguistic and Social Context of English and Pidgin in Cameroon, 63-76. Language Contact and Bilingualism 4. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2012). “Cognitive Sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English.” In Pütz, Martin, Robinson, Justyna A. & Reif, Monika (eds.). Special issue: Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language Use. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 10(2): 373-400. [Reprinted 2014 in Pütz, Martin, Robinson, Justyna A. & Reif, Monika (eds.). Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language Use, 133-160. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2010). “The role of ethnically mixed marriages in language shift: A case study of Nigeria’s minority languages.” Sociolinguistic Studies 2009, 3(3): 451-464. [With Igboanusi, Herbert].
- (2010). “The ‘new semantics’ of lexicography – Cognitive Sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English.” LAUD Linguistic Agency. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, No. 766. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2010). “Patterns in metaphor translation: Translating FEAR Metaphors between English and Chinese.” In Xiao, Richard (ed.). Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, 40-61. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [With Ding, Yan and Dirk Noël].
- (2010). “Investigating culture from a linguistic perspective: An exemplification with Hong Kong English.” In Mair, Christian & Korte, Barbara (eds.). Special issue: Linguistics and Cultural Studies. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA), 58(3): 281-303. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2010). “East and West African Englishes: Differences and commonalities.” In Kirkpatrick, Andy (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes, 197-211. London: Routledge.
- (2010). “Basic-level salience in second language acquisition: A study of English vocabulary learning and use by Chinese adults.” In De Knop, Sabine; Boers, Frank; & De Rycker, Antoon (eds.). Fostering Language Teaching Efficiency through Cognitive Linguistics. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 17. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Xia, Xiaoyan].
- (2008). “Conceptions of globalization in African and Western newspaper corpora.” In Wolf, Hans-Georg; Peter, Lothar; & Polzenhagen, Frank (eds.). Focus on English: Language Structure and Language Variation. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko, 133-149. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. [With Juffermans, Kasper].
- (2008). “Compiling an exclusive dictionary of West African English: A report on work in progress.” In Simo Bobda, Augustin (ed.). Explorations into Language Use in Africa, 221-234. Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture 70. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang. [With Peter, Lothar].
- (2008). “British and French language and educational policies in the Mandate and Trusteeship Territories.” In Hutton, Christopher, & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Special issue: The History of Linguistics. Language Sciences, 30(5): 553-574.
- (2008). “A cognitive linguistic approach to the cultures of World Englishes: The emergence of a new model.” In Kristiansen, Gitte & Dirven, René (eds.). Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation, Cultural Models, Social Systems, 353-385. Cognitive Linguistic Research 39. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2008). “Basic level salience in second language acquisition: A study of English vocabulary learning by Chinese adults.” In: 33rd International LAUD Symposium. Cognitive Approaches to Second/Foreign Language Processing: Theory and Pedagogy. Essen, LAUD Linguistic Agency, Series A: 963-995. [With Xia, Xiaoyan].
- (2007). “Fixed expressions as manifestations of cultural conceptualizations: Examples from African varieties of English.” In Skandera, Paul (ed.). Phraseology and Culture in English, 399-435. Topics in English Linguistics 54. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2007). “Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications.” In Sharifian, Farzad & Palmer, Gary (eds.). Applied Cultural Linguistics, 125-168. Converging Evidence in Communication and Language Research 7. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2007). “A comparison of the varieties of West African Pidgin English.” World Englishes 26(1): 3-21. [With Peter, Lothar].
- (2007). “Cultural studies.” In Geeraerts, Dirk & Cuyckens, Hubert (eds.). Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 1203-1221. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [With Dirven, René & Frank Polzenhagen].
- (2007). “Cognitive linguistics, ideology, and discourse analysis.” In Geeraerts, Dirk & Cuyckens, Hubert (eds.). Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 1222-1240. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [With Dirven, René & Frank Polzenhagen].
- (2006). “Intercultural communication in English – Arguments for a cognitive approach to intercultural pragmatics.” Intercultural Pragmatics 3(3): 285-321. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2006). “Intercultural communication in English – a cognitive linguistic focus on neglected issues.” LAUD Linguistic Agency. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, No. 683: 1-26. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2006). “Empowerment through English – a realistic view of the educational promotion of English in post-colonial contexts: The case of Nigeria.” In Pütz, Martin; Fishman, Joshua A.; & Neff – van Aertselaer, JoAnne (eds.). Along the Routes to Power: Explorations of the Empowerment through Language, 331-356. Contributions to the Sociology of Language 92. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Igboanusi, Herbert].
- (2006). “Religion and traditional beliefs in West African English: A linguistic analysis.” In Omoniyi, Tope & Fishman, Joshua A. (eds.). Readings in the Sociology of Language and Religion, 42-59. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 20. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- (2004). “Empowerment through English – a realistic view of the educational promotion of English in post-colonial contexts: The case of Nigeria.” LAUD Linguistic Agency. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, No. 597. [With Igboanusi, Herbert].
- (2004). “Cultural approaches to second language varieties of English: A call for new methodologies and a review of some findings on (West) African English.” In Schröder, Anne (ed.). Crossing Borders: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Africa, 133-149. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
- (2003). “An account of distinctive phonetic and lexical features of Gambian English.” English World-Wide 24(1): 43-61. [With Peter, Lothar & Simo Bobda, Augustin].
- (2003). “The contextualization of common core terms in West African English: Evidence from computer corpora.” In Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.).Studies in African Varieties of English, 3-20. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang.
- (2003). “Pidgin English in Cameroon in the new millennium.” In Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Studies in African Varieties of English 101-117. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang. [With Simo Bobda, Augustin].
- (2003). “Conceptual metaphor as ideological stylistic means: An exemplary analysis.” In Dirven, René; Frank, Roslyn S.; & Pütz, Martin (eds). Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideologies, Metaphors, and Meanings, 245-274. Cognitive Linguistics Research 21. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2003). “Aku in The Gambia: Terminological problems, functional distribution and popular attitude.” (technically revised and expanded version). In Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Studies in African Varieties of English, 119-127. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang. [With Peter, Lothar].
- (2003). “A preliminary comparison of lexical items in Nigerian English and Cameroon English.” In Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; & Wolf, Hans-Georg (eds.). Studies in African Varieties of English, 69-81. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang. [With Igboanusi, Herbert].
- (2002). “Conceptual metaphor as ideological stylistic means: An exemplary analysis.” LAUD Linguistic Agency. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, No. 549. [With Polzenhagen, Frank].
- (2001). “The African cultural model of community in English language instruction in Cameroon: The need for more systematicity.” In Pütz, Martin; Niemeier, Susanne & Dirven, René (eds.). Applied Cognitive Linguistics II: Language Pedagogy, 225-259. Cognitive Linguistics Research 19.2. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [With Simo Bobda, Augustin].
- (2001). “Aku in The Gambia: Terminological problems, functional distribution and popular attitude.” In Igboanusi, Herbert (ed.). Language Attitudes and Language Conflicts in West Africa, 96-104. Ibadan, Nigeria. [With Peter, Lothar].
- (2000). “The use of an indigenous cultural model in English language instruction in Cameroon.” LAUD Linguistic Agency. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, No. 514. [With Simo Bobda, Augustin].
- (2000). “E-mail discourse structure and cross-cultural understanding between Taiwan and Germany.” Studies in English Language and Literature. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 7: 19-27. [With Liao, Chao-chih].
- (1999). “The impact of British colonial policy on the forms and functions of English in Cameroon.” In Carls, Uwe & Lucko, Peter (eds.). Form, Function and Variation in English:Studies in Honour of Klaus Hansen, 219-233. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang.
- (1999). “Identifying regional and national origin of English-speaking Africans seeking asylum in Germany.” Forensic Linguistics 6(2): 302-321. [With Simo Bobda, Augustin & Lothar Peter].
- (1999). “From mother tongue to second language: the cultural model of ‘community’ in African English.” La Langue Maternelle. Cahiers Charles V, 27: 75-91.
- (1997). “Transcendence of ethnic boundaries: The case of the Anglophones in Cameroon.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 1(3): 419-426.
- (1996). “A folk model of the ‘internal self’ in light of the contemporary view of metaphor. The self as subject and object.” In Weinstock, Horst (ed.). English and American Studies in German 1995. Summaries of Theses and Monographs. A Supplement to Anglia, 19-22. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Book reviews:
- (2017). Review of Creating Social Orientation Through Language. A. Langlotz. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Anglistik 28(1): 160-162.
- (2005). Review of The Sociolinguistics of Borderlands: Two Nations, one Community. T. Omoniyi, Trenton, NJ. Africa World Press. Current Issues in Language Planning 6(1): 80-83.