In this exercise we will examine the predictability (short-time autocorrelations) of political polls. If the scaling of the time-averaged mean squared displacement (TAMSD) is steeper than linear, it implies correlated dynamics, linear implies uncorrelated (random walk - not predictable) and slower-than-linear implies anti-correlations.
We use polling data for the approval ratings of Angela Merkel during the time she was chancellor of Germany. It can be found at the website of Forschungsgruppe Wahlen Import the data using the following python code with the URL as filename
from io import BytesIO
import openpyxl
import urllib.request
datasource = urllib.request.urlopen( filename ).read()
file = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = BytesIO(datasource), data_only=True)
tabelle = file["Tabelle1"]
allCells = np.array([[cell.value for cell in row] for row in tabelle.iter_rows()])
data = allCells[ 9:296 , 1:4 ] #cells in which the data can be found
x = data[:,1]
Alternatively, you can save the data in a .txt
-file and use the function np.loadtxt
to import it.