Prof. Dr. Harald Clahsen
Research Interests
- Multilingualism
- Grammatical processing
- Language disorders in children and adults
Senior Professor for Psycholinguistics and Multilingualism
A radio interview (in German) about digital language learning
The official video of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation about me (in German)::
Another video (in German) about our work:
Two further videos (in English) presenting our work: Part 1, Part 2
A radio interview (in German): Radio 1, 'Die Profis', 3rd Feb 2018
Recent Publications
Ciaccio, L., Bürki, A. & Clahsen, H. (2023). Inter-individual differences in morphological processing: An ERP study on German plurals; Journal of Neurolinguistics, 67, 101138. Link
Uygun, S., Schwarz, L. & Clahsen, H. (2023). Morphological generalization in heritage speakers: The Turkish aorist. Second Language Research, 39(2), 519–538. Link
Puebla, C., Fievet, T., García, J., Tsopanidi, M. & Clahsen, H., (2022). Promoting social and collaborative language learning among older adults in the digital era: Development and evaluation of a smartphone app prototype using a design-thinking approach. Gerontechnology 21(1), 1-12.
Puebla, C., Fievet, T., Tsopanidi, M., & Clahsen, H. (2022). Mobile-assisted language learning in older adults: Chances and challenges. ReCALL, 34(2), 169-184. doi:10.1017/S0958344021000276

Prof. Dr. Harald Clahsen
Campus Golm
House 2, Room 0.08a