Prof. Dr. Tobias Scheffer
Campus Golm
University of Potsdam
Department of Computer Science
Building 70, Office 2.07
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam, Germany
Research Interests
I am interested in machine learning. My work spans a diverse range of applications, including biometrics, precision medicine, computational neuroscience, and computer security. Through my research, I strive to advance the field of machine learning and its applications, contributing to new solutions and insights for real-world problems.
Our group offers courses on machine learning. If you are a student of the master program Data Science and have a question regarding this program, please visit this information page where you will find general information as well as contact information of the counsellor. If you have a question regarding a particular course, please visit the Moodle page of your course where you will find announcements as well as a contact.
Curriculum Vitae
I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Potsdam. From 2007 to 2008 I was the head of the Machine Learning Group at the Max Planck Institute of Computer Science in Saarbrücken. Between 2003 and 2006, I was Assistant Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I was awarded an Emmy Noether Fellowship of the German Science Foundation DFG in 2003 and an Ernst von Siemens Fellowship by Siemens AG in 1996. I received a Master's Degree in Computer Science (Diplominformatiker) in 1995 and a Ph.D. (Dr. rer nat.) in 1999 from Technische Universität Berlin.
Service to the Scientific Community
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2013-2015.
- I have served as Program Co-Chair of the International Conference on Machine Learning 2011.
- I have frequently served on the Program Committee of the International Conference on Machine Learning.
- Editorial Boards: Machine Learning Journal, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
- General Chair 2009 and Program Co-Chair 2008, Conference on Email and Anti-Spam.
- Action Editor, Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2007-2010.
- Program and Local Co-Chair, European Conference on Machine Learning and European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2006.