Vorbild Versailles - Mit dem Research Center Sanssouci beginnen die Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten und die Universität Potsdam eine international ausgerichtete Zusammenarbeit
2013 kehrte Sabine Kunst, damals Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg, aus Versailles zurück. Sie hatte dort das …
WIPCAD fellows participated in 2016 ECPR Summer School, July-August 2016, Budapest, Hungary
As in previous sessions of the ECPR’s methods trainings, several WIPCAD fellows took part in this year’s summer school. After having been hosted in …
Eva Schindler (4th cohort) took courses introducing participants to Ethnography and Field Research (Xymena Kurowska, PhD, Central European University, …
WIPCAD fellow and associates presented at EGPA in Utrecht, 24-26 August 2016, The Netherlands
The annual conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) was this year organized in close collaboration with Utrecht University, …
Doctoral researcher Ina Radtke presented the paper “Masters of crisis? The establishment of refugee coordinators in Germany” (co-authored with Thurid …
WIPCAD fellow Jennifer Bansard wins best poster award, July-August 2016, Budapest, Hungary
WIPCAD fellow Jennifer Bansard (4th cohort) participated in the poster contest of the 2016 ECPR summer school held in Budapest from July 28th – August …