Dr. Anke Bartels
Language Instructor for Academic English
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 1.15
14469 Potsdam
Office Hours WS 2024/25
My office hours will take place on Wednesdays, 14:00-16:00 (in person).
Please send me an e-mail to make an appointment.
I read English, German, Psychology and Educational Theory at the Technical University of Braunschweig where I also wrote my PhD on British playwright Caryl Churchill. From 1994-1996, I was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow on behalf of the German Academic Exchange Service. After returning to Germany, I briefly taught English Literature, Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies at the TU Braunschweig before moving on to the University of Magdeburg in 2000. During my appointment there, I was invited by the University of Mumbai to teach a summer school on British theatre and accompanied a group of students to the Universidade Pedagógica in Maputo. Since 2009 I have taught at the University of Potsdam where I am now mainly involved with Academic English.
- Academic essay writing
- Creative writing
- Presentation
- Translation
Postcolonial Studies with a focus on Africa; British Theatre; Gender Studies; Academic English
Postcolonial Literatures in English: An Introduction. Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller & Dirk Wiemann. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2019.
Judiths erfolgreiche Schwester: Die Dramen Caryl Churchills im theater- und sozialgeschichtlichen Kontext. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1996. [Diss.]
Edited Books and Journals
Health. Anke Bartels & Luke Martell (eds.). Hard Times 107 (2023). <https://hardtimesmagazinecom.wordpress.com/current/>
Gender in Britain: The Long Road to Equality. Anke Bartels & Ingrid von Rosenberg (eds.). Hard Times 102 (2018). <https://hard-times-magazine.org/index.php/Hardtimes/issue/view/2>
The Return of Politics. Anke Bartels & Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Hard Times 101 (2018). <https://hard-times-magazine.org/index.php/Hardtimes/article/view/13/12>
Postcolonial Justice. Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller & Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Garden Cultures. Anke Bartels & Bernd-Peter Lange (eds.). Hard Times 95 (2014).
Theatre in Britain. Anke Bartels, Rita Gerlach-March, Irmgard Maasen (eds.). Hard Times 91 (2012).
Re-imaging Gender: African Women Novelists. Anke Bartels, Mala Pandurang (eds.). New Delhi: Pencraft International, 2010.
Only Connect: Texts – Places – Politics. Anke Bartels, Reinhold Wandel, Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008.
Revolutions: Reframed – Revisited – Revised. Agata Stopinska, Anke Bartels & Raj Kollmorgen (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007.
Global Fragments: (Dis)Orientation in the New World Order. Anke Bartels & Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007.
Re/defining the Matrix: Reflections on Time – Space – Agency. Anke Bartels, Agata Stopinska & Michael Schultze (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006.
Discourses of Violence – Violence of Discourses: Critical Interventions, Transgressive Readings and Postnational Negotiations. Dirk Wiemann, Agata Stopinska, Anke Bartels & Johannes Angermüller (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005.
At Longitude and Latitude: Essays in Honour of Bernd-Peter Lange. Anke Bartels, Hans-Werner Breunig & Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Magdeburg 2003.
Book Chapters
“’The East is Red’: The Politics of Mobilising Passion in the Chinese Cultural Revolution”. In: The Politics of Passion: Reframing Affect and Emotion in Global Modernity. Dirk Wiemann & Lars Eckstein (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013, 35-51.
“Failing to Contain the World: The Politics of Space in Rebeka Njau's Ripples in the Pool”. In: James Tar Tsaaior (ed.): Politics of the Postcolonial Text: Africa and the Diaspora. München: Lincom, 2010, 77-89.
“The Chinese Garden as Spectacle: Readings of the Tourist Gaze”. In: Anke Bartels, Reinhold Wandel, Dirk Wiemann (eds.): Only Connect: Texts – Places – Politics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008, 228-238.
“Rebel with a Cause: Gender, Class and Nation in Ngugi wa Thiongo's Plays”. In: Mala Pandurang (ed.): Ngugi wa Thiong’o: An Anthology of Recent Criticism. New Delhi: Pencraft International, 2007, 164-183.
"Women and Postcolonial Literature in the EFL Classroom" (with Reinhold Wandel & Melanie Sutter). In: Helene Decke-Cornhill & Laurenz Volkmann (eds.). Gender Studies and Foreign Language Teaching. Tübingen: Narr, 2007, 209-227.
“Trapped in the Organ Bazaar: Manjula Padmanabhan’s Harvest”. In: Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer & Laurenz Volkmann (eds.). Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture. Trier: WVT, 2006, 405-422.
“Contested Identities, Cultural Hybridity, Class Conflicts and Civil War: Chinua Achebe’s Short Stories”. In: Mala Pandurang (ed.): Chinua Achebe: An Anthology of Recent Criticism. New Delhi: Pencraft International, 2006, 164-182.
“Indienbilder im britischen Gegenwartstheater: Tom Stoppards Indian Ink”. In: Anke Bartels, Hans-Werner Breunig & Dirk Wiemann (eds.): At Longitude and Latitude: Essays in Honour of Bernd-Peter Lange. Magdeburg 2003, 75-87.
Journal Articles
"'They Laughed at Danger': Reclaiming Space in Sally Heathcote, Suffragette". In: Hard Times 102 (2018), 1-11. <https://hard-times-magazine.org/index.php/Hardtimes/article/view/22/34>
"'Britain First' or White Privilege Reloaded?" In: Hard Times 101 (2018), 37-48. <https://hard-times-magazine.org/index.php/Hardtimes/article/view/9/8>
"Death, Catastrophe and Other Mundane Occurences: Caryl Churchill's Latest Plays". In: Hard Times 100 (2016), 46-51.
“Take a Walk on the Wild Side: The Attractions of Guerrilla Gardening”. In: Hard Times 95 (2014), 17-21.
“(Un-)Veiling New Female British Muslim Identities: The Question of the Hijab in Contemporary British Theatre”. In: Critical Practice 20 (2013), 109-124.
“Remembering the Past, Changing the Present: Anglophone Women Playwrights from West and South Africa”. In: anglistik & englischunterricht 80 (2012), 239-263.
“Staging Political Interventions: A Feminist Theatre for the 21st Century?” In: Hard Times 91 (2012), 26-33.
“From Public Bath to Wellness Spa or The Disarticulation of Feminism”. In: Hard Times 89 (2011), 17-22.
“Where the Streets Have Two Names: London’s Chinatown as a Contested Space”. In: Hard Times 87 (2010), 22-27.
“A ‘Native’ Is not a ‘Native’ Is not a ‘Native’: Constructing and Deconstructing Kenyan National Identities”. Kultura – Historia – Globalizacja 7 (2010), 75-84. <http://www.khg.uni.wroc.pl/files/khg7BartelsT.pdf>
“Post-colonialism versus Feminism? Elean Thomas: Black Woman’s Lovesong (with Reinhold Wandel)”. Englisch betrifft uns 1 (2009), 8-14.
“Abschied vom Feminismus? Die britische Dramatikerin Caryl Churchill”. In: Hard Times 47 (1992), 41-44.
“Silke Stroh, Uneasy Subjects: Postcolonialism and Scottish Gaelic Poetry. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi., 2011”. In: Representations and Contexts 3 (2014), 1-3.
“Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz, Mark Stein, and Silke Stroh (eds.). Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking. ASNEL Papers 17. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2013”. Rezension. In: Anglistik 25.2 (2014), 189-191.
“Marion Pape. Gender Palava: Nigerian Women Writing War. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011”. Rezension. In: Representations and Contexts 1 (2012), 51-53.
“Doris Teske. Cultural Studies: GB”. Rezension. In: Anglistik 15 (2004), 196-199.