Welcome to the Saalfrank Group
- November 5th, 2024: Peter Saalfrank is one of the recipients of an ERC Synergy Grant, as announced by the ERC today. Lots of work, lots of fun ahead for all of us.
- October 24th, 2024: Alkit Beqiraj defended his thesis successfully. Congratulations also to you, Alkit, and have a good time in your new job.
- October 17th, 2024: Shreya Sinha successuflly defended her thesis. Congratulations, Shreya! Fortunately, Shreya will stay in the group as a postdoc for a while.
- October 1st, 2024: Nicolas Jahn and Richard Gundermann started as new PhD students in the group. Both will work in CRC 1636, on "Mechanisms of photochemical reactions at metallic nanoparticles" (Nicolas) and "Understanding and controlling reactivity under vibrational and electronic strong coupling" (Richard), respectively. Welcome to both of you!