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Learn Foreign Languages at Zessko

Students learn foreign languages
Photo: K. Fritze

Foreign language education at Zessko follows clearly defined quality standards:

  • It is specific to higher education and oriented toward competences and active learning.
  • It is integrated into degree program modules or Studiumplus and subject to their accreditation guidelines.
  • For UNIcert courses, the University of Potsdam and Zessko hold the UNcert® quality label.
  • The language courses are taught only by qualified teaching staff with a higher education degree.
  • Further training for the teaching staff at regular intervals and course evaluations are a matter of course for us.
Audimax, Neues Palais Campus

Linguistic Entrance Examinations

For which languages are entrance examinations offered? When will they take place? Are they compulsory? How are they structured? You can find all the important details here.

Students in a discussion

Language Practice in Degree Programs

Your language training in philological and other degree programs will be provided by Zessko. – Information on the relevant modules

AKS UNIcert Logo

Foreign Language as a Key Competence - UNIcert Training

With the higher education-specific UNIcert training program, you can learn a foreign language as a key competence at Zessko. What is UNIcert and what are the benefits? – Find out more here.

Building 19, Neues Palais Campus

Prepare for a Study Abroad Period or an Internship Abroad

Zessko will help you with linguistic and intercultural preparation for a study abroad period or an internship abroad.

Students in a councelling situation

Language Practice for International Exchange Students

If you are an exchange student in Potsdam, you can continue to learn German at Zessko and, under certain conditions, other languages as well.

Students at a table with voice recorder

Forms of Learning at Zessko

You can learn languages at Zessko in different formats – in groups, in tandems, with learning counseling...
