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Prof. Kuhlmann, Deputy Chairwoman of the NKR, on BR's “Kontrovers” [from min. 3:25]

The episode is part of a series by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation (BR) on the burden of office work in Germany. Prof. Kuhlmann classifies the challenges from a scientific perspective.

NRCC recommendations for the next federal government

The NRCC is calling for a more ambitious government reform with measurable targets for reducing bureaucracy, as the current “one in, one out” rule is ineffective due to numerous exceptions.

Prof. Kuhlmann interviewed by WDR5: “Why reducing bureaucracy is so difficult”

Kuhlmann explains how rule-based administrative action provides legal certainty and protects against arbitrariness. This is particularly pronounced in Germany for reasons of administrative culture

UP students produce their own podcast in the course

The podcast “Krise.Macht.Wissen.” was produced by BA students in Niklas Peters' course and deals with the role of expertise in crisis situations. You can access the episodes here.

Prof. Kuhlmann at Leopoldina: “Evaluate first? Ten years of legislative evaluation"

At the symposium “10 years of policy evaluation in the federal government - where do we stand today?”, Prof. Kuhlmann spoke on the topic of “Evaluate first” and “Evaluating the future”.

Employee Paula Gnielinski wins 1st place in the DKKV sponsorship award in master's degree category

The study “Governance Capacity in Public Crisis Management: Extreme Weather and its Challenges for the Administration” analyzes the role of local administration during the 2021 flood disaster.

New open access publication: How digitalization is changing administrative work

In Information Polity, Gräfe, Kuhlmann, Marienfeldt and Wehmeier show how digital technologies are creating invisible additional tasks, demanding new skills and changing traditional job profiles.

Prof. Kuhlmann on Deutschlandfunk radio

In the interview “Why is it so difficult to reduce bureaucracy?”, Prof. Kuhlmann discusses the factors behind Germany's excessive bureaucracy and what is needed to simplify it.

Discussion with the Federal President on the of topic “Bureaucracy reduction and better regulation”.

Prof. Kuhlmann presented the NKR report on social benefits administration “Ways out of the complexity trap".

Employee Liz Wehmeier leads workshop with Dr. Danielle Kasparick at the Dialogue on the Future

The workshop entitled “Local immigration society - shaping integration and participation digitally” took place in Schwerin with Minister of State Alabali-Radovan and others.

Prof Kuhlmann reports on the work of the National Regulatory Control Council in UP-Journal interview

As Deputy Chairwoman of the NKR, she monitors the Federal Government's efforts to reduce bureaucracy, examines the follow-up costs of new laws and promotes the digitization of administration.

Interview with Prof. Kuhlmann, Deputy Chairman of the NKR, on ARD Mittagsmagazin [from 1:04:30]

Prof. Kuhlmann calls for a reduction in bureaucratic burdens, especially for medium-sized companies, and for declaring this a permanent task, with a stronger NKR.

Publication of the final report Model Municipality Digital Migration Management on behalf of the BMI

Challenges and recommendations for action in municipal foreigners authorities in digital transaction processing and data exchange using the Central Register of Foreigners

Employee Wehmeier in an interview with rbb24 on the digitalization of municipalities in Brandenburg

Under the title “Do it online now”, Brandenburg's new state government is promoting the increased use of digital official processes. But how far is Brandenburg on the way to a digital town hall?

Essay in ifo Schnelldienst No. 11: “The cost of bureaucracy - between measurement and reality”

According to Kuhlmann and Gerls, the instruments for measuring and reducing bureaucracy have limits that require readjustment through qualitative approaches (e.g. digital check, evaluation, etc.)

NKR Chairman Prof. Kuhlmann in NZZ interview: Trend reversal in bureaucracy reduction not in sight

With billions of euros in annual compliance costs for citizens, business and administration, the bureaucratic burden in Germany remains blatantly high, according to Prof. Kuhlmann in an interview.

We congratulate our former employee Tomás Vellani for his successful disputation!

The dissertation “Pioneers or laggards? Digitalization of smaller medium-sized municipalities in Germany” was supervised by Prof. Kuhlmann and funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Chair organizes two-day Lund-Göteborg-Potsdam workshop

With 20 participants from Germany, Sweden and the UK, an intensive exchange on research projects in the field of local governance was realized during the workshop.

Prof. Kuhlmann as Deputy Chairwoman of the NRCC at the Federal Press Co

The National Regulatory Control Council presented its annual report for the first time at the Federal Press Conference and took stock of the current status of bureaucracy reduction.

NKR hands over annual report to Federal Minister of Justice Buschmann as part of its mid-term review

Following the handover of the annual report on bureaucracy reduction, a specialist conference was held on the topic of bureaucracy reduction, at which Prof. Kuhlmann gave a presentation.

Panel of International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS) at the IIAS/DARPG India Conference

As part of the conference, Prof. Kuhlmann, Prof. Gomes, Prof. Bolívar and Prof. Troupin will organize a panel on “Next Generation Administrative Reforms: from Crisis to Resilience?”.

Potsdam delegation visits Mongolia: Prof. Kuhlmann gives keynote speech on 100th anniversary of NAG

During the conference, 25 years of cooperation between the UP and the National Academy of Governance were also honored and a memorandum of understanding on future joint projects was signed.

Chair team at the EGPA Conference 2024 in Athens

The team was able to show its presence at the conference and present current research. Prof. Kuhlmann was also represented as Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of Administrative Sciences.

Prof. Kuhlmann at the “Meet the Editors Panel” at the EGPA Conference 2024 in Athens

The participants Massey, Kuhlmann, Elliott, Rinfret, Meijer, Yu, Lotta, George discussed “Trends in Public Administration”, publication processes and interaction between research and practice

Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann is a member of the jury for the DGG's “Prize for Good Legislation 2024/2025”

The aim of the competition is to recognize high-quality laws, ordinances, statutes and innovative legislative procedures. The prize is awarded by Federal Minister of Justice Buschmann.

New Open Access publication by Kuhlmann, Franzke, Peters and Dumas in “Policy Design and Practice”

Under the title: “European governments facing the polycrisis”, the article analyzes the institutional design variants of local crisis governance responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article in the blog of the German Political Science Association

The blog post summarizes key findings from our research on the slow pace of digitalization in municipalities and the federal challenges in the DACH countries.

New publication: “New perspectives on intergovernmental relations” [Open Access]

The book edited by Prof. Kuhlmann et al. analyzes the consequences of economic and political crises for interstate relations in Europe on the basis of various fields of action.

Hans Boeckler Foundation Working Paper: "Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Deutschland"

The paper examines the effects of digitalization and automation on administrative practice, burdens and service provision. It identifies challenges and makes recommendations for action.

International workshop “Local governance in times of conflict”

The workshop was organized by the PVO Chair and KWI. Central were the paper presentations by Mr. Franzke and Mr. Brenner (Hebrew Uni Jerusalem) and Naomi Adiv (University of Toronto)

Interview with Prof. Kuhlmann at Jung & Naiv

In the Grimme Award-winning format, Thilo Jung spoke with Prof. Kuhlmann about administrative science, bureaucracy and careers in science. Previous guests have included Robert Habeck and Alena Buyx.

First publication of the Digilog project published in “Der moderne Staat” (Open Access).

Marienfeldt, Kuhlmann, Kühler and Proeller compare the organization of administrative digitization in the multi-level system, as well as municipal innovation priorities in the DACH region.

New publication by Prof. Kuhlmann on the Neo-Weberian State in the “Journal of Policy Studies”

Under the title: “Back to Bureaucracy? The Advent of the Neo-Weberian State in Germany” the article Open Access is available.

Prof. Kuhlmann as a guest on the ZEIT Online business podcast "Ist das eine Blase?"

Prof. Kuhlmann discussed the challenges of bureaucracy with moderators Zacharias Zacharakis and Jens Tönnesmann

KoCoGo project contribution in the KWI anniversary volume

In the KWI's 30th anniversary volume, the project team published an article on the final results of the study of crisis governance in a European comparison.

Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann on the future stage at the EuroMinds 2024 business summit in Hamburg

Prof Kuhlmann discussed the topic of “Reducing bureaucracy through digitalization: best practices and success stories from the field” with representatives from business and administration on the panel

Justine Marienfeldt at the 5th Street-Level Bureaucracy Conference in Copenhagen

At Aalborg University, she presented co-authored research on role identities in German employment services and discussed adverse effects of digitalized service delivery in street-level organizations.

New publication “Top-down or bottom-up digital transformation?” in Public Money & Management

Justine Marienfeldt, Liz Wehmeier and Sabine Kuhlmann compare the types of institutional change and their effects based on two major digitization projects. Read Open Access now.

Appointment of Prof. Kuhlmann to the Scientific Advisory Board of the BBK

Due to Prof. Kuhlmann's appointment to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, the presentation of the certificate took place in Bonn.

New publication in the "Handbuch Lokale Integrationspolitik"

The chapter compares Germany, Sweden and France with regard to Administrative interdependencies in refugee integration (Sabine Kuhlmann, Franziska Oehlert and Marie Catherine Reusch)

RSB Conference with Commission Vice-President Šefčovič in Brussels

Prof. Kuhlmann outlined the core topics of the NKR's activities and made references to the impact assessment of the EU Commission, which was documented in the recently published annual report of RSB

Niklas Peters at the IPPA Summer School at UC Berkeley

In addition to participating in Prof. Christopher Ansell's course, Niklas Peters was able to present his dissertation project "Expertise in Crisis".

Céline Honegger presents PhD project "Blame Deflection during the COVID-19 Crisis" at the Chair

Her research examines the behavior of politicians in relation to blame deflection. In addition, insights into the research process were provided and followed by a lively debate.

Prof. Kuhlmann in the WDR5 radio interview "Redezeit: Herausforderung Bürokratie"

In the interview, Prof. Kuhlmann explains the need to reduce bureaucracy and discusses the activities of the NKR. A fixed bureaucracy reduction target of 25% is also discussed.

[Flyer] Digitization of administration in Germany: Between aspiration and reality

This special volume examines digitization practice in the advanced administrative areas of vehicle registration, building supervision, tax administration and parental benefits. (Nomos Publishing)

Research assistant Niklas Peters receives prize for excellent teaching from the WiSo Faculty

The prize awarded by the Dean of Studies for the course "Brückenbauer: Theorie und Praxis der wiss. Politikberatung im Kontext einer krisenfesten Verwaltung" is endowed with a prize of €3,000.

Prof. Kuhlmann in Handelsblatt on the topic of reducing bureaucracy at EU level

Prof. Kuhlmann, Deputy Chairwoman of the NKR, recommends the use of EU regulatory impact assessment instruments in Germany, such as systematic benefit analyses of regulations.

New publication by Sabine Kuhlmann and Liz Wehmeier: Digitization of administration in Germany

Despite ambitious programs, Germany is only making slow progress in the digitization of public administration. This special volume analyzes practice and challenges in advanced administrative areas.

New article published in the journal "Policy Design and Practice"

In the context of the "KoCoGo" project, Prof. Kuhlmann, Prof. Franzke, Niklas Peters and Benoît Dumas are investigating crisis governance in a European comparison.

New publication by Justine Marienfeldt: Digitalization and automation in processing

The chapter on the effects of digitalization and automation on work and employees in public administration is published in the "Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung“

Publication by Sabine Kuhlmann and Tomás Vellani

"Vorreiter oder Nachzügler? Die digitale Transformation der Verwaltung in der Mittelstadt" is available in "Transformation von Mittelstädten" n.d. (ed. by Bosch Graduate School)

Presentation by Prof. Kuhlmann at the Trans-European Dialogue (TED) Conference 2024 in Dubrovnik

Prof. Kuhlmann presented the results of the DIGILOG project in the context of the conference: "A comparison of administrative digitization in Germany, Austria and Switzerland"

Prof. Kuhlmann in the DLF podcast "Zeitfragen. Feature" [from min. 02:00]

The issue provides insights into the nature of bureaucracy. The Federal Minister of Justice and the Federal Minister of Economics also have their say.

Podcast of the Ministry of Finance Baden-Württemberg "Cäshflow - with Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann"

In der neusten Ausgabe wird Prof. Kuhlmann vom Finanzminister des Lande BaWü, Danyal Bayaz, dazu befragt, wie der Bürokratieabbau gelingen kann und warum Bürokratie auch gute Seiten hat.

Prof. Kuhlmann in an interview with BR24: "Possoch erklärt" [from min. 3:50]

In the issue "Bureaucracy madness: Is Germany abolishing itself?", Prof. Kuhlmann is asked about the comparison of German bureaucracy with other countries, among other things.

Reading tip: "Wie der Sozialstaat zum Bürokratie Monster wurde"

The FAZ article reports on "Ways out of the complexity trap" using the example of a single father's visits to the authorities.

New publication: " Transformation von Mittelstädten Über neue Kulturen des Stadtmachens"

Medium-sized cities are of particular relevance for the development of spatial structures in Germany. The articles show how urban research and mid-sized city practice interact for the transformation.

Prof. Kuhlmann on 27.03.2024 in ARD story: ""Die Brötchen-Bürokratie"

In the documentary, Prof. Kuhlmann, among others, is interviewed as an expert: Why is bureaucracy reduction not working? And how could it work?

Research visit by Justine Marienfeldt to the University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

In addition to the presentation of her doctoral thesis, topics of the digitalization of bureaucracy, algorithmic decision-making tools, digital exclusion and representative bureaucracy were discussed.

Prof. Kuhlmann in an interview with WELT: "Is Germany suffocating in bureaucracy?"

Prof. Kuhlmann explains the obstacles to reducing bureaucracy and what should still be done.

Publication by Prof. Kuhlmann and Moritz Heuberger at number 1 of Downloads 2023 at P.M.M.

The article "Digital transformation going local" reached number 1 in downloads (over 4,000) in the journal Public Money and Management in 2023. It is available Open Access.

Article by Prof. Kuhlmann et al. most cited

The article "Tracing divergence in crisis governance", from the Covid-19 - Special Issue has reached number 1 of the most cited articles in IRAS in 2022.

Prof. Kuhlmann at the Seoul National University

Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann gave a lecture at the symposium "Neo Weberian State" on the topic: "Back to Bureaucracy? The Advent of the Neo-Weberian State in Germany"

"RegWatchEurope" Board Meeting in Stockholm

In December, the European Network of Independent Councils for Better Regulation met in Stockholm. Prof. Kuhlmann represented Germany at the Board Meeting.

Launch of the DIGILOG project website

The project website provides an overview of the research area, the methods and the results. In addition, the latest developments can be followed via the blog.

Prof. Kuhlmann in RTL documentary "Peter Kloeppel durchleuchtet: Was läuft schief in Deutschland?"

The documentary reports on the current challenges in the areas of digitalization, administration and skills shortages. Prof. Kuhlmann is interviewed about this as an expert, among other things.

New publication by Justine Marienfeldt on the effects of digitalization on administrative action

The article: "Does digital government hollow out the essence of street-level bureaucracy?" was published in the journal Social Policy & Administration (Open Access)

NKR trip to Brussels - recommendations for more effective bureaucracy reduction at EU level

In October 2023, the NKR discussed ideas for less bureaucratic legislation with stakeholders in Brussels and developed recommendations for the German government.

Prof. Kuhlmann on the DATEV podcast on the reform of the Online Access Amendment Act (OZG 2.0)

In the interview, Prof. Kuhlmann explains the problems and positive aspects of the reform. The NKR emphasizes the importance of transparent monitoring and adherence to deadlines

Desy Hariyati Daryono elected as new doctoral student representative 2023/24.

We congratulate Desy Hariyati Daryono, who is a doctoral candidate at the Chair, on her election as doctoral candidate representative. We wish her every success and good luck in tackling new challenge

New publication by Prof. Kuhlmann and Dr. Patrick Eckner in the Journal for Economic Policy

Bureaucracy reduction in practice: The National Regulatory Control Council as a driving force for better regulation, procedural acceleration and digital-friendly law

New #Deutschlandgeschwindigkeit: meeting of the Standards Control Councils and clearing houses

The Federal and State Regulatory Control Councils and Clearing Houses will work together with the Federal Statistical Office in future to identify proposals for speeding up procedures.

"Less, simpler, more digital. Reduce bureaucracy. Making Germany fit for the future."

National Regulatory Control Council with Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann hands over annual report to Minister of Justice

Article from the press office - "News from the University of Potsdam"

The National Regulatory Control Council (NKR) presented its 2023 annual report to Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann on 20 November

New publication in: "Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltungsreform"

Prof. Kuhlmann wrote a chapter on the topic: "From Weberian bureaucracy to the digital state? Trajectories of administrative reform in Germany"

Prof. Kuhlmann at #SCCON23

Main topic of the panel discussion: "State modernization & bureaucracy reduction: How digital innovations are changing cooperation between the state and companies" (from min. 28:00)

Reading tip: "How to reduce EU bureaucracy" [FAZ; Max Jacobs]

This article explains some of the mechanisms for reducing bureaucracy at European level and presents new ideas for a better approach by the EU Commission.

Prof. Kuhlmann at alpha nachgehakt: "Bureaucracy reduction is a real cross-sectional task"

The NKR has long been able to measure increased compliance costs and higher bureaucracy costs. However, Prof. Kuhlmann also points out measures such as the one-in-one-out principle. (from min. 19:10)

Prof. Kuhlmann on ZDF-heute: Significant increase in compliance costs due to new regulations

In the interview, Prof. Kuhlmann discusses the increase in compliance costs by +60% and its causes. (From min. 7:11)

Prof. Kuhlmann in ZDF WISO (from min. 8:20)

Prof. Kuhlmann emphasizes that the NKR's position papers must be given more influence. It depends on the body's ability to assert itself in ministries in order to manage the reduction of bureaucracy.

Workshop in Gothenburg: "Strategies for Local Government in Times of Crisis and Transition".

Prof. Kuhlmann presented a paper on "Institutional Designs of Crisis Governance." She was accompanied by Jakob Kühler and Liz Wehmeier, who presented excerpts from their dissertations.

Prof. Kuhlmann at the AWV network event "Digitization of spatial approval processes"

Process digitization can speed up planning and approval procedures. Prof. Kuhlmann presented the NKR position paper on accelerating planning and approval procedures

Prof. Kuhlmann in the WDR 5 Business Magazine

Reducing bureaucracy is still a challenge for the German government. Sabine Kuhlmann identifies bureaucracy drivers in Germany and suggests setting targets for bureaucratic relief.

Higher Seminar on Crisis Governance in the Multi-level System at the University of Gothenburg

At a joint workshop, Prof. Kuhlmann addressed migration management in Germany and emphasized the role of the local administrative level for coordinated crisis management

Info Session for new MANIA students, 11th of October 14:00

You will learn the ins-and-outs of Campus Griebnitzsee, where of most of your classes will take place, and the structure of your degree program from a 4th semester MANIA student.

EGPA Conference 2023 in Zagreb

The chair was again represented at the EGPA conference. Under the heading "Steering European Union through poly-crises storms" transformation processes in public administration were discussed.

Prof. Kuhlmann in a radio interview with hR-iNFO

What does case-by-case justice mean and why is administrative culture important for the modernization of administration in Germany? Prof. Kuhlmann explains this in an interview with Werner Schlierike

NRCC welcomes key points on "Digital Check" - visualization must become standard

The Federal Cabinet has approved the key points on the Digital Check presented by the BMI. This strengthens the binding nature of the procedure and helps the NRCC in its role as an auditing body.

Germany as a bureaucratic nation? Prof. Kuhlmann in an interview with the rbb podcast "Die Profis"

In the rbb podcast "Die Profis" Prof. Kuhlmann discusses the current challenges associated with bureaucratization in Germany and explains options for reform.

Prof. Kuhlmann in the Nordkurier: "Without pressure from outside, we cannot reduce bureaucracy".

In an interview, Sabine Kuhlmann points out causes and possible ways out of the bureaucratic overload in Germany.


Panel discussion: 50 years of territorial reform

On June 22, Prof. Kuhlmann joined a panel for the 50th anniversary of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, alongside Prof. Dr. Voßkuhle. District Administrator Dorothea Störr-Ritter moderated.

SR3 Radio Interview on "Bureaucracy Monster" Germany

In an interview with SR3, Prof. Kuhlmann explained why the legalistic administrative culture in Germany is a source of bureaucracy and what levers there are for reducing bureaucracy.

Bild des Lehrstuhlteams

10 years LS Kuhlmann & Team

Sabine Kuhlmann's chair celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.

Bild von Pixabay

Prof. Kuhlmann in the ZDF documentary "Am Puls mit Christian Sievers"

Bureaucracy, federalism and data protection - the docu " Stillstand und Regelwut - verspielt Deutschland die Zukunft?" shows where Germany is slowing itself down and where there is a need for action.

Bild von Pixabay

Sabine Kuhlmann at Recap: „Behörden-Wahnsinn: Warum alles so lange dauert“

Recap is a dialogue format and is provided by MDR Aktuell. It summarises social debates and offers space for discourse. S. Kuhlmann speaks in minute: 4:55, 8:55 and 9:58


DIGILOG project meeting in May at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Sabine Kuhlmann and Justine Marienfeldt met with the research consortium to present the first results of the sub-projects (webcrawling, survey, case studies) and the PhD projects.

Buch Cover: Lokales Integrationsmanagement in Deutschland, Schweden und Frankreich

Volume "Local Integration Management in Germany, Sweden and France" published.

The volume published in the Sigma series (co-authors include Kuhlmann, Oehlert, Reusch) examines administration and coordination in the multi-level system after the refugee crisis in 2015/16.

Tomás Vellani

Tomás Agustín Vellani receives DAAD Prize and Liz Wehmeier honoured as best of the year for MANIA

The DAAD Prize, which was awarded to Tomás Agustín Vellani on 29 June 2023, honours international students for outstanding achievements in their studies at the University of Potsdam.

Von links nach rechts: Liz Wehmeier, Nicolas Drathschmidt, Justine Marienfeldt, Sabine Kuhlmann, Jakob Kühler

Representatives of the chair at IRSPM conference in Budapest

At the conference of the Int. Research Society for Public Management, Justine Marienfeldt, Liz Wehmeier, Sabine Kuhlmann presented findings on the digitalization of German regulatory administration.

Report title: "International comparative analysis of Covid-19 responses "

Study by Kuhlmann/Franzke published in "International Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Responses"

The study "Crisis Governance in a Multilevel System: German PA Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic" examines how the German multi-level administration dealt with the pandemic.

Book "Governmental and administrative actions in the Corona crisis" published

The study by Kuhlmann/Franzke/Dumas/Heuberger deals with the German pandemic management and can now be ordered directly via the webshop of the University Publishing House of the University of Potsdam.

Sabine Kuhlmann for 3 years Editorial Board member of the Swiss Political Science Review (SPSR)

For the next three years Sabine Kuhlmann will support the SPSR as Editorial Board Member. The SPSR is a double blind peer reviewed journal in the field of political science Impact Factor: 1.578

New Research Project on Municipal Corona Governance (KoCoGo) led by Prof. Kuhlmann.

The BMBF-funded project investigates multilevel crisis governance in the corona pandemic in five European countries. Special focus is on the so far neglected role of municipalities.

Visit of the DIGILOG project team to the Bergisch Gladbach city administration

The researchers Justine Marienfeldt and Jakob Kühler participated in appointments around the topic of digitization and conducted interviews. The data will be used for the DIGILOG project.

Study on "Governmental and Administrative Action in the Corona Crisis" published

The authors identify weaknesses in German pandemic management and thus provide a contribution to the evaluation of intergovernmental crisis management

Administrative Scientists from Haifa visit Campus Griebnitzsee

Besides presenting research projects of the chair, students from Potsdam and Haifa joined round tables discussions. The exchange makes a vital contribution to internationalization at UP.

Gruppenfoto Mit dem Justizminister Buschmann

Handover of the NKR Annual Report 2022 to Federal Minister of Justice Buschmann.

The report titled “Reducing bureaucracy at historical turning point” calls for a new start in reducing bureaucracy and digitalizing administration.

Article in Edward Elgar "Handbook for Local and Regional Governance" (Kuhlmann/Marienfeldt)

The authors compare local governance systems and reforms in Europe and argue that Digital Era Governance (after NPM) represents another int. mega-trend in administrative reform.

Interview with Prof. Kuhlmann in the ARD podcast "Energy crisis and now?" - From minute 20:00

Prof. Kuhlmann talks about the German regulatory and administrative culture and its effects on current relief legislation and ventures an outlook into the future of lawmaking in Germany.

Prof. Kuhlmann at Schöneberger Forum: Symposium for public service employees

The 300 participants from trade unions, practice and science discussed current developments in the public service. Prof. Kuhlmann was part of the panel discussion in the plenum.

Teilnehmer der Diskussion

Digitilization "below" dinosaurs? Event report on panel discussion

Among others, Prof. Kuhlmann, Prof. Proeller from UP, Prof. Steiner from ZHAW Zurich and the former mayor of Berlin Müller discussed the state of digitalization in Germany and Switzerland.

Prof. Kuhlmann at expert discussion at the University of Potsdam on science in crisis mode

"The art is to perpetuate ideas and solution approaches outside the crisis and to actually put them into practice" Prof Kuhlmann summed up on the influence of science on politics.

Representatives of the University of Potsdam at "Zürich Meets Berlin" at the Berlin Science Week

Prof. Kuhlmann speaks on "Digitization of Public Administrations." Prof. Proeller moderates the discussion with guests from politics/administration. More info here and registration is available here.

Essay by Prof. Kuhlmann published in "Handbook of the Politics of Public Administration"

In her contribution to the Handbook, published by Edward Elgar, she examines the influence of political-administrative actors on the design of administrative reforms.

Vorsitzende der NKR

Regulatory Control Councils see a special duty to reduce bureaucracy in times of crisis

As NKR-member, Prof. Kuhlmann took part in the first joint meeting of the National Regulatory Control Councils. A joint statement makes five demands for better regulation and bureaucracy reduction.

"Policy Advice is working at borders": Interview with Prof. Kuhlmann in "News from the UP".

Prof. Kuhlmann talks about her work in the National Regulatory Control Council and explains how she deals with the challenges of scientific policy advice.

Presentation of current research results at the EGPA Conference 2022 in Lisbon

In addition to Prof Kuhlmann, all PhD students of the chair participated and presented research results on topics such as administrative digitilization, migration management and climate governance.

New monograph published "The Capacity of Local Governments in Europe" (Kuhlmann/Dumas/Heuberger)

The book analyzes the capacity of local governments in European countries (France, Italy, UK, Sweden, Hungary, Poland) and compares competencies, autonomy, reform trends and financing.

Article by Kuhlmann/Hellström/Ramberg/Reiter belongs to most cited IRAS articles in the last 3 years

The article is part of the International Review of Administrative Science Special Issue on a cross-country comparison of Covid Governance ed. by Kuhlmann, Bouckaert, Galli, Reiter and Van Hecke 2021.

Statement by Prof. Kuhlmann at the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg

Kuhlmann explains administrative challenges of the Berlin-Brandenburg area in climate protection. It is part of an int. comp. study by Kuhlmann/Schuppert on climate strategies in metropolitan areas.

Tomás Vellani at Morgenstadt Data Conference 2022 in Lemgo on May 19

At the conference organized by Fraunhofer IOSB-INA and IAO, Mr. Vellani spoke about "Successful organizational governance for digital transformation: lessons from three medium-sized cities".

Chair team says goodbye to long-time research associate Moritz Heuberger

Moritz assisted research & teaching since 2017. After completing his PhD, he is moving to Interior Ministry to advance digital administration. We wish him all the best personally and professionally.

New Project on the Digital Transformation at the Local Tier of Government in Europe (DIGILOG)

The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the DFG with €1.1 million and will run until 2025. Prof. Kuhlmann and Justine Marienfeldt are responsible at the Chair.

Ms Kuhlmann at Israel Political Science Association Annual Conference at the University of Haifa

Prof. Kuhlmann gives the key note on "Germany's Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis Governance in the Multilevel System" at the conference. Listen to her presentation here (from min. 30)

Prof. Kuhlmann appointed to the city of Potsdam's Digitization Council

The members appointed to the city of Potsdam's Digitization Council met for their first meeting with mayor Mike Schubert on April 8. The council will advise the city on its digital strategy.

Federal Cabinet confirms third NKR mandate for Sabine Kuhlmann

Ms. Kuhlmann will once again serve as member of the National Regulatory Control Council (NKR) for another 5 years, advising federal government on better regulation and effective bureaucracy reduction.

Foto mit Schriftzug Verwaltungsmodernisierung

Ms. Kuhlmann as guest in the 10th episode of Stadtrederei "Raus aus dem Silodenken". From min. 11:30

The podcast, which is a project of the Institute for Urban Development and Housing with Christine Grüger and Fee Thissen, focuses in the 10th episode on how the administration should change.

Sabine Kuhlmann on March 25, 2022 as panel discussant at LMUDigiTax conference.

Prof. Kuhlmann participated as a panelist at a conference of the Zentrum für Digitalisierung des Steuerrechts at LMU. You can view the program by clicking here.

Nutzer am Laptop und Smartphone

Sabine Kuhlmann on Nov. 11 in the Podcast NDR Info Hintergrund

Topic of episode is „Die digitale Stadt – Wie sich die Verwaltung transformiert“. In her contribution, Sabine Kuhlmann criticizes the lack of standards in administrative digitalization. From Min. 15

Ms. Kuhlmann participates in panel discussion at 63rd dbb annual conference on Jan. 10 in Berlin.

In a panel on the modern state, Sabine Kuhlmann, in her capacity as acting chair of the NKR, discusses with Dr. Gerd Landsberg (chief executive of the DStGB) and Ulrich Silberbach (dbb), among others.

Beispielansicht Berlin

Article on problem pressure in Berlin's administration published - interviews Sabine Kuhlmann

In the article published on Oct. 25, the professor explains the reasons for the excessive pressures that Berlin's administration faces.

Beispielbild Digitalisierung

New project with University of Bochum on the digitalization of the administration

The project looks at the transformations in the public administration as a result of digitalization and automation and analyzes the effects on employees and administrative processes.

Sample foto of a mid-size city

Sabine Kuhlmann & Tomás Vellani in an interview by UP magazine Portal Wissen, issue 2/2021, page 34

The interview introduces the Bosch Stiftung-funded graduate college "Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt". Mr. Vellani is working on the digital transformation of medium-sized cities.

Sample picture: Network of figures

Viewpoint in Public Governance Magazine "Corona: Stress Test for the State", Issue Summer 2021 p. 12

In the viewpoint article, the Advisory Board of the Institute for the Public Sector, on which Sabine Kuhlmann serves, takes a position on federal administrative management in the COVID-19 crisis.

sample picture: E-Government

Publication by Justine Marienfeldt published in International Journal of Public Sector Management

This study aims to explore under which institutional and organizational conditions the national e-government reform efforts of EU member states lead to very high availability of e-services.

Beispielbild Hängeregister

Sabine Kuhlmann gives Handelsblatt interview about digitalization of the administration on Aug. 10

In the interview Ms. Kuhlmann expresses doubts about the timetable for implementing the Online Access Act and argues in favor of the creation of an agile digitization agency based on the Danish model.

Sabine Kuhlmann im Erfurter Landtag

Prof. Kuhlmann at conference in Thuringian state parliament to mark 20th anniversary of Ombudsperson

On July 13, the Ombudsman Dr. Herzberg invited to a symposium on occasion of the anniversary. Ms. Kuhlmann emphasized importance of ombudsperson as intermediary between administration and citizens.

Person writing thesis

Please note: form for thesis registration online

If you are interested in having your thesis supervised by a member of the chair, you can register now by filling out a form on the homepage (including a thesis proposal).

Tomás Vellani auf 7. Hochschultag

Sabine Kuhlmann & Tomás Vellani at 7. Hochschultag der Nationalen Stadtentwicklungspolitik in Berlin

The topic of the event was "planning for future - shaping transformation". It took place on June 4/5 and was organized by the BMI and the Deutschen Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V.

College "Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt"

Tomás Vellani at college „Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt“ in Aachen from July 6-9, 2021

The PhD students of the interdisciplinary college „Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt“ met for another retreat in Aachen. For further information, go to the project’s website.

Sabine Kuhlmann bei virtueller Fachtagung von UN DESA und KRILA

Prof Kuhlmann at conference of UN DESA and Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA)

Sabine Kuhlmann spoke about "Strengthening Public Governance of Local Government: Lessons from the Covid-19-Crisis". Well-known experts, such as Past President of IIAS, Pan Suk Kim, participated.

Beispielbild Daten

Expert opinion on behalf of the BMBF: Data as basis for scientific policy consulting

Prof. Kuhlmann and colleagues conducted an empirical study on the role of data as basis for scientific policy consulting using the example of the COVID-19 crisis and presented an expert opinion.

IRAS Book cover

Congratulations! Record high impact factor for International Review of Administrative Science

The journal, where Sabine Kuhlmann is Deputy Editor, achieved its highest ever impact factor of 3.094 and is now ranked 18 out of 47 in the Public Administration category.

Deutscher Personalräte Preis 2021

Sabine Kuhlmann participates in jury for nomination for the Deutscher Personalräte Preis 2021

Out of nearly 40 applications, 9 staff council committees were nominated for the prize, which is awarded by the Bund-Verlag. The awards ceremony takes place on Nov. 3 in Berlin at Schöneberger Forum.

Sabine Kuhlmann at panel discussion with Christian Lindner

Ms Kuhlmann at panel with FDP leader Lindner on "Deutschland Beschleuniger Moderner Staat" June, 23

Topics of the panel, where Lindner and NRW digital minister Pinkwarth participated, were state and administrative reform and necessary acceleration in digital transformation.

Digitalization of the administration

Article by Sabine Kuhlmann and Moritz Heuberger in the journal "Public Money and Management"

In the article, the authors address the reasons for the poor implementation of administrative digitalization at the municipal level in Germany and focus in particular on employees and citizens.


"Da koordiniert man sich zu Tode": Interview with Sabine Kuhlmann published on ZDFheute on May 7

In the interview, Sabine Kuhlmann talks about deficits in the digitalization of German administrations, excessive bureaucracy in the pandemic, and lacking but necessary administrative pragmatism.


Sabine Kuhlmann guest in the podcast Ein neuer Tag by Berliner Rundfunk presenter Simone Panteleit

In the episode from May 19 on the topic of Germany’s digital deficiencies, Sabine Kuhlmann talks about the hurdles in cutting red tape, slow digitalization and why she remains confident nonetheless.


Article on schools in the Covid-19 crisis published – ZDFheute interviews Sabine Kuhlmann

In a ZDFheute article published May 5, Prof. Kuhlmann emphasizes the urgent need to reduce bureaucracy in application and approval procedures so that investments in schools are approved more quickly.

SDG 16 conference

Prof. Kuhlmann as guest at the SDG 16 conference of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

On April 28, Sabine Kuhlmann participated in a panel discussion where she discussed with experts the preliminary lessons learned from the response of public institutions to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bürokratie Beispielsbild

Sabine Kuhlmann as guest on Deutschlandfunk Kultur

On 9.4. Sabine Kuhlmann gave an interview regarding the role of bureaucracy and the reduction of bureaucracy, specifically using the example of planning and approval procedures.


Website of the project "Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt" online

In the graduate college, which is funded by the Bosch Foundation, scientists conduct research on transformations in medium-sized cities. Tomás Vellani's project focuses on digital transformation.

IRAS cover

“Opportunity management of the COVID-19 pandemic” published in IRAS

The IRAS article (Kuhlmann/Bouckaert/Galli/Reiter/Van Hecke) examines the COVID-19 pandemic as a window of opportunity for policy and management in a global perspective.

example image covid19-virus

Article by Sabine Kuhlmann published in Local Government Studies

The article appeared "Multi-level responses to COVID-19: crisis coordination in Germany from an intergovernmental perspective" in Local Government Studies.

The Future of Local Self-Government

"The Future of Local Self-Government" available to members of the University of Potsdam.

Members of the University of Potsdam can now download the book "The Future of Local Self-Government" (ed. Bergström, Franzke, Kuhlmann, and Wayenberg) as an eBook via the library's website.

Local Integration of Migrants Policy

"Local Integration of Migrants Policy" available for members of the University of Potsdam.

Members of the University of Potsdam will soon be able to download the book "Local Integration of Migrants Policy" (ed. Franzke, Ruano de la Fuente) as an eBook via the library's website

Cover: Managing the Covid-19-Crisis

Potsdam's Contribution to the Evaluation of the Danish COVID-19 Strategy

For the evaluation of the Danish COVID-19 strategy initiated by the Danish parliament, Sabine Kuhlmann and Jochen Franzke contributed an analysis of the German Covid-19 governance.

Cover Prefects, Governors and Commissioners

New volume on prefects and territorial executives in Europe published

Jörg Bogumil and Sabine Kuhlmann contributed a chapter on executive actors and leadership structures of territorial administration at the state and local levels in Germany to this volume.

Cover: Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration

"Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy" published

In their contribution on "Comparative methods in PA - the value of looking around" Sabine Kuhlmann and Markus Seyfried present analytical concepts and methods of comparative administrative research.

Book cover "The Future of Local Self-Government"

"The Future of Local Self-Government" published

The book (eds. Bergström/Franzke/Kuhlmann/Wayenberg; Palgrave) presents new research findings on the challenges of local government in various European countries.

Cover of the newly published book: Good Public Governance in a Global Pandemic

"Good Public Governance in a Global Pandemic" published

At the IIAS Annual Conference, Sabine Kuhlmann presented a paper on "Between Unity and Variety: Germany's Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic" from the newly published book.

Study "Local Governments"

Study "Local Governments’ Capacity to Act: A European Comparison" published

In the study commissioned by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-,Stadt und Raumforschung (BBSR) Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann, Benoît Dumas and Moritz Heuberger compare the local self-government in Europe.

Public Administration in Germany

"Public Administration in Germany" published

The book (eds. Kuhlmann/Proeller/Schimanke/Ziekow; Palgrave) provides the international audience with a comprehensive overview of basic institutions and reforms of the German administration.

Conference on Better Regulation

Conference on Better Regulation under the German Presidency of the Council

On 3 November, Federal Minister of Economics Altmaier opened the virtual conference on Better Regulation at EU level organized by the BMWi. Prof. Kuhlmann also spoke at this conference (1:05:00).

Handing over of the NKR Annual Report 2020

NKR Annual Report 2020 published

On 21 October, the National Regulatory Control Council, whose deputy chairperson is Sabine Kuhlmann, presented Chancellor Angela Merkel with its annual report 2020 "The Crisis as a Wake-Up Call".

A. Schurig Bessere Rechtsetzung

Successful doctorate by Antonia Schurig (Magna cum laude)

Congratulations to Antonia Schurig on completing her doctorate! The dissertation, supervised by Prof. Kuhlmann & Prof. Veit (University of Kassel), examines Better Regulation in a European comparison.

Logo of Lund University

2 October 2020: Sabine Kuhlmann gives lecture in Helsingborg

As part of her Hedda Andersson guest professorship, Sabine Kuhlmann gave a lecture on "The Digitalization of Local Public Services: Evidence from Germany".

Public Administration Review

European Coronationalism? A Hot Spot Governing a Pandemic Crisis

In the Public Administration Review S. Kuhlmann, G. Bouckaert, D. Galli, R. Reiter and S. van Hecke analyze the governance and administrative management of the COVID-19 crisis in a country comparison.

Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann Portrait

In Digital Insight Sabine Kuhlmann talks about digitalization and bureaucracy reduction

In an interview for Digital Insight, Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann discusses the question of how compatible the German administrative tradition is with digitalization.

Logo Kommune21

Local one-stop shops and administrative digitalization

The journal for digital administrative modernization, Kommune21, reports on the study on progress in the digitalization of local one-stop shops.

DAAD-Preisträger 2020 Juan Ceballos

DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of international students goes to Juan Ceballos (MA NIA)

Sabine Kuhlmann nominated the committed Colombian, who studies the English programme National and International Administration and Policy, for the award.


The long and arduous road to the digital citizen's office

In a blog post published by the ÖFIT, Sabine Kuhlmann, Jörg Bogumil and Moritz Heuberger shed light on progress and obstacles to the digitalization of German local one-stop shops.


Digitalization of administration in times of Corona

In the Potsdam university magazine “Portal”, Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann speaks about changes in the digitalization of public administration in Germany induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sabine Kuhlmann

Sabine Kuhlmann talks about devolution and decentralization in the podcast "Reasons to be Cheerful"

In a podcast by former Labour leader Ed Miliband and British radio presenter Geoff Lloyd, Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann spoke about her assessment of devolution and decentralization reforms.


Author's workshop: Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: From Design to Impact

On March 12, 2020, a workshop of our chair took place at the University of Potsdam for potential authors of the dms-Special Issue on the digital transformation of public administration.

Sabine Kuhlmann

Sabine Kuhlmann discusses the topic of bureaucracy in Germany on SWR2

Is the flood of regulations endangering Germany as a business location? How can democratic principles be reconciled with the interests of economy? Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann discussed these issues on SWR2.

Sabine Kuhlmann

Sabine Kuhlmann appointed to "Local Government Studies" Editorial Board

Local Governt Studies is one of the leading journals for the study of local politics, policy, public administration and governance. Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann was appointed in 2020 to the editorial board.

Sabine Kuhlmann being inducted as a National Academy of Public Administration Fellow.

Sabine Kuhlmann appointed as a NAPA-Fellow

At the 7. November 2019 Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann was appointed as the only European public administration scientist as a National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Fellow.

Graduiertenkolleg Mittelstadt

Post-graduate Programme: Medium-sized Cities: Modernization and Participation

Call for tender for medium-sized cities and postgraduates: On behalf of the Robert Bosch Foundation apply now!


NKR annual report and expert opinion published

On 23 October 2019, the National Regulatory Control Council (NKR), whose Vice-Chairman is Prof. Kuhlmann, presented its 2019 Annual Report to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Logo dms

Call for Proposals - Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: From Design to Impact

Potential authors are invited to submit proposals for an interdisciplinary special issue on digital transformation in the public sector by 31 October 2019.

Universität Lund

Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann has been appointed guest professor in Lund

The University of Lund in Sweden has appointed Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann as "Holder of the Hedda Andersson Chair"


Study „Digitalization of local one-stop shops in Germany” will be published by Nomos soon

The Hans Böckler Foundation study "Digitalization of local one-stop shops in Germany", written by Sabine Kuhlmann, Christian Schwab, Jörg Bogumil and Sascha Gerber will soon be released by Nomos.

Creative Bureaucrecy Festival

Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann acted as speaker at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2019

At this year's Creative Bureaucracy Festival, organized by the German newspaper Tagesspiegel, Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann was a guest speaker on the topics of digitalization and the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann was elected NAPA Fellow

Together with 50 renowned scientists and top managers of public administration in the USA, Prof. Kuhlmann was elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).


EGPA Conference 2019 in Belfast

EGPA Vice-President Prof. Kuhlmann and the staff of the Chair participated again this year in the conference of the European Group for Public Administration.

Please note older news in our archive.

Sabine Kuhlmann in der Paneldiskussion zur Verwaltung der Zukunft

Sabine Kuhlmann speaks about administration of the future at the congress "Digitaler Staat online"

On July 7, Sabine Kuhlmann was invited as a guest speaker to the online congress “Digitaler Staat” organized by Behörden Spiegel and dealing with the “Administration of the Future” (from min. 1:00:00)

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